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- 1 -2020 年全国医学博士英语统一考试试题试卷一 (Paper One)Part I Listening Comprehension (30%)略Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirections: In this section, all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D are given beneath each of them.You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence, then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31. Gradually he lost his and wasted away till he was nothing but skin and bones.A. willingB. appetiteC. interestD. enthusiasm32. There are many ways to purify water, among which distillation is the best process for water because the water does not contain other impurities.A. purityB. clearingC. cleansingD. purification33. They came to the monument to pay tribute to the martyrs on such a special day, full of the for their contribution in that history.A. altitudeB. multitudeC. gratitudeD. magnitude34. A of more than 1,000 philosophers, teachers and students by the authoritative Philosophers Magazine placed Charles Darwins The Origin of Species as the third most important work.A. researchB. surveyC. listD. writing35. It is because the truth will turn out and dangerous because secrecy delays the necessary remedial action.A. exaggeratingB. futileC. figurativeD. fugitive36. This ensures that concurrent updates to an item do not result in data loss.A. incidentalB. constantC. accidentalD. instant37. Hospitals , clinic and other infrastructure of health systems in many countries are to disasters.A. weak.B. destroyableC. vulnerableD. subject38. All information reported to or obtained by the commission is considered confidential.A. directlyB. indirectlyC. likewiseD. clockwise39. Some measures of the hospital can better serve the patient; , the feedback valuation of the patients can also improve the medical qualify of the hospital.A. in turnB. neverthelessC. howeverD. whereas40. Armed with this tooling, analysts no longer diagrams for knowledge in the same way.A. turn fromB. turn toC. turn outD. turn down15 / 15- 2 -Section BDirections: Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the word or phrase which can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.41. The wars impact on the population of the country was catastrophic.A. influentialB. disastrousC. apparentD. critical42. Different congenial deformity fetuses have different effects in the development of fetuss colon.A. malformationB. malnutritionalC. degradedD. reformed43. Attempts to restrict parking in the city center have further aggravated the problems of traffic congestion.A. amelioratedB. deterioratedC. duplicatedD. increased44. I tripped over on the pavement and my ankle was swollen. I had to soak in the ice water.A. immerseB. immenseC. emergeD. merge45. The three branches of governmentthe legislative, the executive, and the judicialcurb and stabilize one another through their separated functions.A. relateB. remedyC. associateD. govern46. With the rapid development of aerial technology, aircraft security and reliability are ever increasing. However, insecure events related to aircraft up-keeping by people are on the rise.A. maintenanceB. retainingC. pertainingD. entertaining47. If you pick the high-fat fries and shake,you may feel sluggish and blow that test.A. worriedB. inactiveC. hurriedD. anxious48. Reading from a monotonous technical brief for hours on end, he would stray into difficult territory.A. difficultB. tediousC. sophisticatedD. mountainous49. Now that Tony was no longer present, there was a distinct change in her attitude.A. definiteB. outstandingC. apparentD. different50. It will be never be too slim for women, so variety of diet pills are often over-marketed.A. slenderB. longC. skinnyD. thinPart Cloze(10%)Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D on the right side.Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Historically, humans get serious about avoiding disasters only after one has just struck them. On that logic, 2006 should have been a breakthrough year for rational behavior. With the memory of 9/11 still 51 in their minds, Americans watched hurricane Katrina, the most expensive disaster inU.S. history, on live TV. Anyone who didnt know it before should have learned that bad things can happen. And they are made 52 worse by our willful blindness to risk as much as our reluctance to- 3 -work together before everything goes to hell.Granted, some amount of delusion is probably part of the 53 condition. In A. D. 63, Pompeii was seriously damaged by an earthquake, and the locals immediate
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