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四年级英语下册期末试卷二 听力部分(40) 一、听辨单词,将听到的单词字母编号写在左边的括号里,每题读两遍。(5) ( )1. A. shirt B. skirt( )2. A. shoes B. shorts ( )3. A. potato B. tomato ( )4. A. twelve B. twenty ( )5.A. cold B. Cool 二、看图听录音,给图编上序号,用阿拉伯数字表示,每题读两遍。(5)三、听音,选图,每题读两遍。(5)Xkb1.com四、听录音,在相关的内容的框格里打,每题读两遍。(5) twelvethirteenfifteenseventeentwentycow sheep goat horse hen 五、听录音,判断下列每个句子是否与录音内容一致,如一致写T,不一致写F每题读两遍。(5)新课 标第 一 网( )1. There are fifteen goats on the farm. ( )2. I have a green jacket and a red T-shirt. ( )3. Its warm in Beijing. ( )4. The canteen is on the first floor. ( )5. Its 6:30. Its time to get up. 六、听问句,选答句,每题读两遍。(5) ( ) 1. A.Its 5:30 B.Im 5. C.Yes,it is.( ) 2. A.I like this ruler. B.Its blue. C.Yes, she is.( ) 3. A.Im from UK. B.Its rainy in Beijing. C.Its time to go.( ) 4. A.Im sorry. B.Yes, I like it. C.Its ninety-nine yuan.( ) 5. A.Yes, I want a shirt. B.No, its not. C.I can see one.七、听对话,排序读两遍。(5)( ) Yes. I want a pair of boots for my daughter.( ) Can I help you? ( ) OK. Well take them.( ) Theyre thirty-seven yuan.( ) How much are they?八、听录音,按录音内容完成句子,每题读两遍。(5) 1. The dress is _. 2. There are eleven _ on the farm. 3. Put on your _. 4.Its time for _ class.5. There are _ chairs in the room. 笔试部分(60)一、Write down the words.看图写词。(5)xk b1.c om 1.5.二、给下列单词分类,将单词序号填在横线上。(5)jacket nine banana math shirt orange three P.E. sunny cloudyFruit(水果):_ Numbers(数字):_Clothes(衣服):_Weather(天气):_ Class(课程):_3、 想一想,找出错误单词并改正。(5)1、 janes pants 2、thitteen three 3、small bige4、watermelon banenen 5、blue yollew 四、按正确的顺序排列下列句子。(5)( )Yes , it is.( )Look this is my school.( )Great!Is this your library?( )No,it isnt.The TV room is on the third floor.( )Is that the TV room?五、选择正确的答案,将其序号填在题前的括号里。(5)( )1.Do you have a library? A.Yes, it is. B.Yes,I do. C.Yes ,it isnt.( )2.Its 10 oclock. Its time _ go to school. A.to B.for C.of( )3.Its 9:45. Its time _ music class. A.to B.for C.of( )4.Its cold _ Beijing. A.on B.in C.is( )5.Can I wear my T-shirt?_ A. No, you cant. B.Yes, you cant. C.No, you can.六、读一读,选出划线部分字母的发音不同的单词。(5) ( ) 1、A canteen B fan C apple D grape ( ) 2、A slippers B rice C time D white ( ) 3、A socks B no C home D go ( ) 4、A yes B seven C she D yellow ( ) 5、A much B computer C student D music七、根据要求完成句子。(5)1、 Look at my (语文)book.2、 This farm is so .(大的)3、 That is my . (图画)4、 You can wear your .(牛仔裤)5、 I want five s .(苹果)八、连词成句。(5)1、 is, it, colour, What (?) 2、 time, it, What, is, now (?) 3、 it, much, How, is (?) 4、 many, are, How,ducks,there(?) 5、 your,is, computer, That(.) I like this red sweater.九、读一读,然后选择正确的译文。(5) ( ) 1、A 我喜欢这件红色的连衣裙。 B我喜欢这件红色的毛衣。How much is this horse?( ) 2、A这匹马多少钱? B有多少匹马?Put on your skirt.( ) 3、A穿上你的衬衫。 B穿上你的裙子。Where are the cucumbers?( ) 4、A黄瓜在哪里? B你有几个黄瓜?It is rainy in London.L( )5、A伦敦今天下雨。 B今天伦敦多云。十、在B栏里找出A栏的正确答句,把字母编号写在题前的括号里。(5)x kb1.c om A B( )1.Are they monkeys? A. Size 6.( )2.What size? B. Yes, they are .( )3.Is this the library? C. Its cool.( )4.Whats the weather like today? D. Its ten oclock. ( )5.Whats time is it now? E. Yes, it is.十一、挑选句子填入对话。(5)Mr.Black: Nice to meet you.John: Nice to meet you,too! Mr.Black:I am fine.Where are you going?John: I am going to school.Mr.Black:Oh,good its near your home.John:Right. We have a big playground and five small gardens.Mr.Black:Cool! John:Sure.But we dont have many books.Mr.Black:Oh,I have many English story-books.Your library can have some from me.John: Great! Mr.Black.Mr.Black:My please.A.How are you? B.Thank you so much . C.Is
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