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Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.课时2 Section B(一、根据句意和首字母、汉语或音标提示完成句子1、Im really b_ this week.Lets go to the movies next week. 2、Im f_ now. I have nothing to do.3、My afternoon classes f_ at 3:30.4、Bob watches TV for an h_ every day.5、His trousers look _ (酷的)6、My friend doesnt like math because he thinks it is _ (困难的)7、How many _ (科目) do you study at school?8、I like PE. because its _ (容易的) and fun.9、When are your English_ (课)?【答案】1.busy 2.free 3.finish4hour 5.cool6.difficult7Subjects8.easy9.classes/lessons二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1Sally _ (not have) lunch at school.2_ (be) math and English your favorite subjects?3Ask some students in your class about their favorite _ (subject)4I have four _ (lesson) in the morning.5He_ (finish) his classes at 2:00 pm.6He wants _(have) a drink after the PE. class.7He likes _ (watch) TV with his grandfather in the evening.8The boy watches TV for three _ (hour) every day.9My mother always _(say) history is interesting.【答案】1.doesnt have 2.Are 3.subjects4lessons 5.finishes 6.to have7watching/to 8Hours9.says三、根据汉语提示完成句子1We have _ _ _(一节美术课) on Monday afternoon.2The English party is _ 2 pm. _ 5 pm.(从到)3Our Chinese teacher Mr. Miller is _ _(有意思的人)4I think this dictionary is old _ _(但是有用).5He reads in the library _ _ _(长达一个小时) every afternoon.【答案】1.an art lesson 2.from; to 3.great fun4but useful 5.for an hour四、阅读理解APeter Tabichi is 36 years old. He is from Kenya, Africa. He is a math and science teacher. His school is in a poor area. Its small, but the classes are very bigthere are about 58 students for every teacher. The school has only one computer. But Mr. Tabichi always makes his classes interesting and helps his students study well. He is kind and friendly to his students. His students say he is like a father to them.Mr. Tabichi comes from a family of teachers. He doesnt just work on school days. He also works after school and on weekends to give students extra(额外的) help. He goes to the students homes and gives them more help. He really likes his job(工作).In 2019, Mr. Tabichi got the Varkey Foundation Global Teacher(获得瓦尔基基金会全球教师奖). He gives lots of his money to help his students and other people.1.What subjects does Peter teach?_AEnglish and math.BMath and history.CGeography and science.DScience and math.2.Peters school has only one_Alibrary Bsmall classroom Cteacher Dcomputer 3. What are Peters fathers and mothers jobs?_AWorkers. BTeachers. CFarmers. DDoctors.4.What does Peter do on Sunday?_AHe works at home.BHe goes to his students homes.CHe plays computer games. DHe watches TV at home.5.What does the second paragraph(段落) mainly want to tell us?_APeters students like him very much. BPeters parents are both teachers.CPeter likes working after school DPeter likes being a teacher.【答案】1. D 由文章第一段第三句“He is a math and science teacher.”可知,Peter 教数学和科学。2D由文章第一段中的“The school has only one computer.”可知,Peter 的学校里仅有一台电脑。3B 由第二段的第一句“Mr. Tabichi comes from a family of teachers.”可知,Peter来自教师之家,由此可推断,他的父母都是教师。4B由第二段的最后“He also works after school and on weekends to give studen ts extra help. He goes to the students homes and gives them more help.”可知,Peter周六和周日去他的学生家给以帮助。故选B。5D 由第二段的最后一句“He really likes his job.”可知,Peter喜欢老师这份工作。其余三个选项是本段某方面的信息,不能概括段落的主旨,故选D。BAfter a happy summer holiday, its school time again. Some students may feel nervous and excited about starting middle school. How to be a happy middle school student?Here are some tips.First, make some new friends. At a new school, everything is new around you. We know that two heads are better than one. Its easier to solve problems together with friends.Then, learn some new ways of studying. There are more subjects for you to learn in middle school. Every student needs to find the best way to study.At last. remember that all work and no play makes Jack a dull(呆笨的)boy. Try to join some clubs besides(除之外)studying. Its a good way to meet new friends and learn more about life.6、How may some students feel about starting middle school?_A.Sad.B.Nervous and excited.C.Sorry.D.Angry.7、How many tips can we get from the passage?_A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.8、You need to learn _ subjects in middle school.A.fewerB.lessC.moreD.easier9、Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “easier”?_A.更有趣的B.更方便的C.更快速的D.更容易的10、Which of the following is TRUE?_A.The teachers show their students the best way to study.B.The students dont like middle school life.C.By joining some clubs, students can make more
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