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Module 1-5 Review 教学设计科目版本小学英语(三年级起点) 外研版 五年级下册章节Module 1-5 Review课名Module 1-5 Review学习目标1. 能够听懂并说出以下词汇或词组: interviewer, television, change, telephone, language, dancer, foreign, hard, breakfast, lunch, sandwich, fish and chips, traditional, library, heavy, information, project, light, hard, department store. 2.能够听懂、运用以下句型描述过去与现在:There was/were There is/arenow.3. 能够听懂、运用以下句型描述某人过去到现在的变化: She learnt English. Hes learning English now. Mr Li was ateacher. Now Mr Li doesnt work.4. 能够听懂、运用以下句型谈论一日三餐:What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? She had eggs and sausages.Sam ate four hamburgers.5. 能够听懂、运用以下句型提出建议并做出适当的反应:Lets make a home library. These are all books about science.We can find information from books and CDs.6. 能够听懂、运用以下句型谈论事物的特性:This black bag is nice. Its big and light. Its too big for you.教学环节/步骤学生活动教师活动设计意图复习旧知1. Look and say.看图片,说说不同之处。2. Check the answers.1. Hello, everyone. Welcome back to our class. Have you ever read the story, The Boy and the Apple Tree? Now, look at the two pictures. How are they different? Lets compare and say.同学们,你们读过小男孩和苹果树的故事吗?这两张图片有什么不同?请说一说吧。2. Now, lets check. Herere some sentences for your练习句型,复习所学的知识语言点。核对答案,强化记忆。核对答案。3. Look and say.看表格,说说都发生了哪些改变。4. Check the answers.核对答案。reference. This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parent. When we were young, we loved to play with mom and dad. When we grow up, we only come to them when we need something. The world is changing very fast, but dont change the love for your parents.上面的句子供你参考。其实苹果树就是我们的父母。当我们小的时候,我们喜欢和父母一起玩儿。但当我们长大了,我们只有在有需要的时候才会想到他们。这个世界变化很快,但请不要改变对父母的爱。3. Sams life has changed a lot in the past years. Please look and say.Sam 过去和现在的生活发生了很大变化,请看表格说一说都发生了哪些改变吧。复习描述过去与现在的知识语言点。4. Herere some sentences for your reference.Many years ago, Sam was a student. But now he is a doctor.Many years ago, he lived in a small village. But now he lives in a big city.There werent any supermarkets many years ago, but now therere many supermarkets.There were no cars many years ago, but now therere lots of cars.There werent any televisions many years ago, but now Sam can watch TV with his family every day.核对答案,强化记忆。5. Look, read and match.将图片与对应的语句连线, 再补全句子。6. Check the answers.核对答案。7. Make a survey.两个同学一组来做调查。8. Make a report.根据调查结果写出调查报告,并在班里读一读。上面的句子供你参考。5. Please match the pictures with the sentences and then try to complete the sentences.先将图片与对应的语句连线,再补全句子。6. Lets check. Have you got the right answers? Picture 1: The family are dancing now. Picture 2: Theyre learning English now. Picture 3: He taught Maths many years ago.Picture 4: The children took the bus to school yesterday.Picture 5: Shes walking to school now.同学们,请核对答案吧。7. What did you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? Please work in pairs and make a survey.请两个同学一组来做调查吧。8. Have you finished? Please write your survey result and report it in class. Heres a sentence pattern for your reference.复习描述某人过去到现 在的变化的知识语言点。核对答案,强化记忆。复习关于一日三餐的知识语言点。朗读调查报告。9. Ask and answer.请和小伙伴一起看图练习问答。10. Look and write.根据示例仿写句子。11. Check the answers.核对答案。 had for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday.For breakfast/lunch/dinner, had请根据调查结果写出调查报告,并在班里读一读吧。上面的句型结构供你参考使用。9. Where are the things? Please ask and answer with your partner. Heres an example for your reference. 我们可以在哪儿找到不同的商品?请和小伙伴一起看图练习问答吧。10. Please look at the first picture and read the two sentences. Then write sentences for the other three pictures.请根据示例仿写句子。11. Now, lets check the answers.同学们,你们都写对了吗?复习描述物品所在位置的语言知识点。复习谈论事物的特性的语言知识点。核对答案,强化记忆。尝试应用1. Read and circle.阅读判断正误。1. Lets read the passage and circle True or False.阅读文章并且做出判断。阅读判断正误。2. Check the answers.核对答案。2. Please check the answers. Are you right?请核对答案,你判断对了吗?核对答案。作业布置写一写你现在生活的变化。课堂内容小结进步标志1. 能够听懂并说出以下词汇或词组: interviewer, television, change, telephone, language, dancer, foreign, hard, breakfast, lunch, sandwich, fish and chips, traditional, library, heavy, information, project, light, hard, department store.2. 能够听懂、运用以下句型描述过去与现在:There was/were There is/arenow.3. 能够听懂、运用以下句型描述某人过去到现在的变化: She learnt English. Hes learning English now. Mr Li was a teacher. Now Mr Li doesnt work.4. 能够听懂、运用以下句型谈论一日三餐:What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? She had eggs and sausages. Sam ate four hamburgers.5. 能够听懂、运用以下句型提出建议并做出适当的反应:Lets make a home library. These are all books about science. We can find information from books and CDs.6. 能够听懂、运用以下句型谈论事物的特性:This black bag is nice. Its big and light. Its too big for you.
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