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Module 1-5 Review 教学设计科目版本小学英语(三年级起点)外研版 四年级下册章 节Module 1-5 Review课 名Module 1-5 Review学习目标1. 能够听懂并说出以下词汇或词组:nice, clever, naughty, a bit, shy, answer, call ,bad, cool, aunt, uncle, big, little, cute, city, ship, beautiful, whose, close, old, famous, robot, will, everything, one day, housework, learn, our, homework, wont, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, have, next, week, holiday, take, fly, picnic, great, why, because, so, cloudy, weather, was, then, grandparent, were, young, old, hair, so, short, long, wasnt, werent, clean, dirty.2. 能够听懂、运用以下句型描述人物性格:Shes very nice. But shes a bit shy. Hes cool.3. 能够听懂、运用以下句型描述城市、地点或物品:London is a big city. My house is small, but its beautiful. Its very old.4. 能够听懂、运用以下句型描述未来发生的事情、谈论一周中的某天的活动及制定的计划:Robots will do everything. On Monday Ill go swimming.5. 能够听懂、运用以下句型讲述计划、谈论未来的天气:Will you take your kite? Will it be hot in Haikou?6. 能够听懂、运用以下句型谈论过去的事情、将过去与现在进行对比:I was two then. They were young.教学环节/步骤学生活动教师活动设计意图复习旧知1. 看图片,分别说出相应的性格表述词:nice, shy, clever, naughty.1.Hello, everyone. Welcome back to our class. Today we will have a review lesson of the first five modules. First, there are some new friends in the pictures, can you use one word to describe there personalitiesrespectively? There are some words in the word box to2. 用This is. He/ She is .的句型介绍每个人物的名字和性格特点。3. 根据图片,复习介绍城市、地点和物品的词汇及句型。4. 用含有will 的句子说出图片中每个人的行动计划。5. 看图说出表示行为动作的词组。help you.同学们好,今天我们将进行前面五个单元的复习。请看下面的图片,请你用词汇框里的单词描述一下图片中每个人的性格。2. Now please introduce these new friends to everybody. Tell us their names and personalities. There is an examples for your reference.接下来请你介绍一下这几位新朋友,说一说他们的名字和性格。可以参考第一幅图后面的例子。3. Read the following pictures, and fill in the blanks with words given.根据表格中给出的图片,用词汇框中的单词补全短文。4. The children will have a trip to the park tomorrow, read the pictures and tell their plans. Ask and answer with your partner. Here is an example for you.孩子们明天去公园郊游,请看图片,说说他们在公园都会做什么。与搭档合作,参考例句完成问答。5. Look at the pictures. What activities are they? Lets point and say.请看这些图片,它们分别代表什么活动呢?试着指一指,说一说把。建立不同的情境,引导学生回忆旧知,练习应用。6. 用含有will 的句子及星期词说出一周中每天的行动计划。6. Here is a plan for next week. Ask and answer with your partner according to the plan. Here is an example for you.这是一份下周的计划,请和同伴根据这个计划进行问答吧。下面的例子供你们参考。尝试应用1. 对比区分应用 was-is, were-are 及常见形容词。2. 将天气图片和天气符号匹配连线。3. 用含有will 的句子预报未来的天气情况。1. Look at the following pictures, compare the differences between now and then, and complete the sentences accordingly.请看表格左侧的图片,二者的过去和现在有什么不同,然后补全后面的句子。2. Match the following pictures with thecorresponding weather symbols.请将上面的图片与相应的天气符号连线。3. Now please make a sentence according to each picture.接下来请你仿照例子,根据每幅图片说出一个预报天气的句子。通过情景展现,深入复习旧知、练习应用。作业布置请你用学过的词汇和句型,向大家讲述一下你下周的每天都有什么计划和安排。课堂内容小结进步标志1. 能够听懂并说出以下词汇或词组:nice, clever, naughty, a bit, shy, answer, call ,bad, cool, aunt, uncle, big, little, cute, city, ship, beautiful, whose, close, old, famous, robot, will, everything, one day, housework, learn, our, homework, wont, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, have, next, week, holiday, take, fly, picnic, great, why, because, so, cloudy, weather, was, then, grandparent, were, young, old, hair, so, short, long, wasnt, werent, clean,dirty.2. 能够听懂、运用以下句型描述人物性格:Shes very nice. But shes a bit shy. Hes cool.3. 能够听懂、运用以下句型描述城市、地点或物品:London is a big city. My house is small, but its beautiful. Its very old.4. 能够听懂、运用以下句型描述未来发生的事情、谈论一周中的某天的活动及制定的计划:Robots will do everything. On Monday Ill go swimming.5. 能够听懂、运用以下句型讲述计划、谈论未来的天气:Will you take your kite? Will it be hot in Haikou?6. 能够听懂、运用以下句型谈论过去的事情、将过去与现在进行对比:I was two then. They were young.
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