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Module 1 Unit 1 Shes a nice teacher.教学设计科目版本小学英语(三年级起点) 外研版 四年级下册章 节Module 1课 名Module 1, Unit 1 Shes a nice teacher.学习目标1. 能听懂、会说 nice, clever, naughty, a bit, shy. Shes very nice. But shes a bit shy.2. 能运用已学形容词和句型来描述他人的性格特征。教学环节/步骤学生活动教师活动设计意图1.看第一部分视频动画, 回答 Its an elephant.1. Hello everyone, welcome to our class. Today the children are seeing the circus. Now please watch the video and find out what animal is performing?同学们好,欢迎来到我们的英语课。今天孩子从学生们熟悉的动物入手,引出 clever 和naughty 两个性格单词, 为他们学习更多描述性格的词语做铺垫。热身导入们来到了马戏团,请看视频,现在是什么动物正在2.回答 Its drawing.表演呢?2. Look at Picture 1, whats the elephant doing?请看第一幅图,这只大象在做什么?Yes ,you are right! The elephant is drawing. It is3.回答 Its spraying water.very clever, right?大象在画画,它很聪明吧。3. Look at Picture 2, whats the elephant doing now?请看第二幅图,大象又在做什么?Haha, it is spraying water to Daming. It is naughty.大象向大明喷水呢。它很淘气吧?4. 跟老师读生词 clever, naught. 与同桌两人一组练读第一部分的句子。4. Please repeat the words with me and read the sentences with your partner.接下来,请跟我读生词并和你的同桌练习两个句子。新知呈现1. 学生观看 Part 2 的动画, 观察 Panpan 的新朋友都是谁。1. Next, we have another animal friend here, he is Panpan! Pan pan has got some new friends too, and lets see who they are.接下来,又有一位动物朋友要出场了,它就是Panpan。Panpan 最近也交了一些新朋友,我们看看都是谁吧。通过情景展现,学生学 说 a bit shy, a nice teacher, a clever pupil, naughty 等更多的性格词汇,并一一理解识记。2. 回答 Maomao, Ms Smart, Xiaoyong and Parrot.2. OK boys and girls, can you tell me who Panpans new friends are?孩子们,你们能告诉我,Panpan 的新朋友都是谁吗?3. Very good! This time, can you find out what these new friends are like? Use a few words for each friend.非常好!这一次,请你们分别用几个单词,告诉我这些新朋友都是什么样的人。(在呈现具体性格词汇的时候,进行有必要的讲解。)4. Great! Now lets repeat the sentences together.很棒!现在我们来跟读一下这些句子吧!3. 逐句听原音,找出新朋友对应的性格特点,分别是:Maomao: very nice, a bit shy. Ms Smart: a nice teacher.Xiaoyong: a clever pupil. Parrot: very naughty, but not a bad bird.4. 跟读句子。分步训练1. 学生根据能够提示人物性格的图片,使用老师提供的词卡组句子描述上文出现1. Do you remember, how does Panpan introduces his new friends? He uses, She is . and He is. Now can you make sentences with these words?先为学生梳理句型结构,在此基础上由图片信息提示对应的性格单词,的人物,并带读造出的句子。Look, who is this? Why is she hiding behind the woman?你们还记得 Panpan 是怎么介绍他的新朋友们的吗?他用了 She is. 和 He is.开头的句子来描述他们的性格。你能用这些刚刚学过的词语造句吗?巩固训练之后再提升到识记应用。循序渐进,为学生排除学习中的障碍。我来举个例子,看,这个女孩是谁?她为什么躲在大人的后面呢?2. 学生仅根据四个人物的头像,说出描述他们性格特点的句子。Ms Smart: This is Ms Smart, shes a nice teacher.Xiaoyong: This is Xiaoyong, hes a clever pupil.Parrot: This is Parrot, hesvery naughty, but hes not a bad bird.2. Now please introduce Panpans new friends by yourself. First, lets me introduce Maomao: This is Maomao, she is very nice, but she is a bit shy.现在,就请你自己来介绍一下 Panpan 的新朋友们吧(教师示范介绍 Maomao)。尝试应用1. 回 答 : nice, a bit shy, clever, naughty, bad.2. 用 Hes. Shes 加上描述性格的词语,简要介绍孙悟空的性格。3. 两两一组,把自己的搭档介绍给班里的其他同学。1. Today we have learned how to introduce peoples personalities. Do you remember the words?同学们,今天我们学习了如何介绍别人的性格特点。还记得我们都学了那些描述性格的词语吗?2. Thats right! Now lets introduce some other people. Look, here they are.说的没错。现在咱们来试着介绍一些其他的人物吧。看,他们来了。3. Good jobeveryone! Canyouintroduceyour classmates? Please have a try.非常棒!那么,你能试着用我们学过的词语和句子,介绍一下你的同学吗?能在实际情境中运用所学的句型。作业布置今天我们学习了如何简单地介绍他人的性格特点。大家都学会了吗?课后请你介绍三位自己的家人,把他们的性格描述一下吧!课堂内容巩固提高。进步标志1. 能说出描述性格的词汇:nice, shy, clever 等。2. 能够运用 Shes. Hes.介绍他人的性格特点。
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