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1a-2e,Starter Unit 1 Good morning!,人教版 英语 七年级上册,Learning goals,1. Curriculum words: good, morning, hi, hello, HB, CD, BBC,4. Sentences: Hi, Bob! Hello, Frank! Good morning, Helen! Good morning, Alice!,2. Letters: 准确规范地读写Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh,3. Functions: 能问候他人或对他人的问候作出应答,Warming up,Self-introduction:,Whats your name? How old are you? Where are you from? .,Pre-listening,Lets meet some new students. Look at the picture. How many students are there?,Pre-listening,1a,Write down the names in the picture.,Boys names _ Girls names _ _,Bob,Cindy,Grace,Frank,Dale,Alice,Eric,Helen,Grace,Helen,Cindy,Eric,Dale,Alice,Frank,Bob,Pre-listening,Can you say his/her name? Whos he/she?,Bob,Cindy,Grace,Frank,Dale,Alice,Eric,Helen,While-listening,1b,1. Bob: Good morning, Helen! Helen: Hi, Bob!,Listen and repeat.,2. Cindy: Good morning, Alice! Alice: Good morning, Cindy!,3. Dale: Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric! Frank/Eric: Good morning, Dale!,Post-listening,Practice the conversations in the picture. Then greet your partner.,Good morning, Jim!,Good morning, Tom!,1c,Post-listening,Language points,1. Good morning!(教材PS1 1b),Good morning!是人们早晨或上午见面时的问候语,其答语通常还是Good morning! 问候他人时,称呼语通常放在问候语后,而且用逗号隔开。,Good morning, Ben! 早上好,本! Good morning, Jack! 早上好,杰克!,Point1,Good morning! 早上好!,Post-listening,Language points,good是形容词,在句中作定语修饰名词,或者用在连系动词(be动词是连系动词的一种)后面作表语。,I have a good friend. 我有一个好朋友。(good作定语),Point2,good adj. 好的,His writing is very good. 他文笔很好。(good作表语),1. Good morning!(教材PS1 1b),Post-listening,Language points,2. Hi!/Hello! (教材PS1 1b),Hi!/Hello!用于熟人之间非正式场合下的问候,可单独使用,也可加称呼使用。hi和hello可互换,但hi比hello更随意、亲切一些。,Hi/Hello, Cindy! 嗨, 辛迪! Hi/Hello, Kate! 你好,凯特!,Point,Hi! 嗨; 喂! Hello! 你好; 喂!,Bob,Cindy,Grace,Frank,Dale,Alice,Eric,Helen,Pre-listening,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,Lets place the names in alphabetical order.,Grace,Helen,Cindy,Eric,Dale,Alice,Frank,Bob,Pre-listening,Try to find the letters “A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H”.,While-listening,Listen and repeat.,A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h,2a,/e/,/bi/,/si/,/di/,/i/,/ef/,/di/,/ et /,While-listening,Listen and number the letters you hear 1-8.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,2b,While-listening,快速读出你看到的字母,并说出其前后邻居。,G g,Dd,Bb,H h,E e,Cc,F f,A a,Post-listening,Look and copy.,2c,Post-listening,Post-listening,Language points,Point,字母Aa-Hh (教材PS2 2a),字母Aa-Hh,1) 大写字母均占上两格。 2) 小写字母a, c, e占;b, d, h占上两格;g占下两格;f占三格。 3) 大写字母一笔写完的有C, G;两笔写完的有B, D;三笔写完的有A, E, F, H。 4) 小写字母一笔写完的有a, b, c, e, g, h;两笔写完的有d, f。 5) 在8个字母中,Aa和Ee是元音字母,其余是辅音字母。,Post-listening,Write the missing big letter or small letter for each pair.,2d,Post-listening,Talk about what these letters mean.,(铅笔芯)硬黑,光盘、激光唱片,广播公司,2e,_ _,Hard Black,(You see this on a pencil.),_ _ _ _,Compact Disc.,(You see this on a CD.),_ _,British Broadcasting Corporation,(You see this on the television. It shows which station you are watching.),Post-listening,Language points,Point,HB, CD, BBC (教材PS2 2e),缩略词,HB(铅笔芯)硬黑;CD光盘、激光唱片;BBC英国广播公司 这三个词是缩略词。英语中有一些名称由几个词组成,但为了使用方便,将每个单词的第一个字母大写,放在一起表示这个名称。,CBA 中国男子篮球职业联赛 APEC 亚太经合组织 UK 英国,Exercises,一、写出下列字母的大写和小写,_,_,_,_,A a,D d,E e,H h,1. 右边图片的应答语是:_ A. Thank you! B. Im OK. C. Good morning! 2. Hello, Helen! _ A. How are you? B. Im fine, thank you. C. Hello, Linda!,Exercises,二、单项选择,C,C,Exercises,三. 将图片与对应的缩略词相连,BBC,HB,CD,Summary,Good morning!,Key words,Letters,hi, hello, good, morning, HB, CD, BBC,Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh,Hi, Bob!,Good morning, Helen!,Hello, Frank!,Sentences,Good morning, Alice!,Homework,1. 在四线三格中默写Aa-Hh。 2. 用英语简单地和你周围的同学打招呼。,THANKS,谢谢聆听!,
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