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Purchasing,Supplier Rating System 供应商评分体系,Supplier Rating System (SRS),SRS SCORECARD SRS 记分卡 Key Performance Measurables 可测量的关键绩效: RPPM百万不合格品率25 Points Written Complaints 记录下的报怨15 Points Delivery交付20 Points Service服务10 Points Competitiveness竞争力30 Points TOTAL总分100 Points Tool for Rapid Communication - Monthly 快 速 交 流 的 工 具 每 月 Senior Management Awareness at Supplier 帮 助 高 级 管 理 层 了 解 供 应 商 状 况,Supplier Rating System (SRS),SRS SCORECARD LEVELS SRS 记分卡等级 Corporate 集团 级 Suppliers overall performance 供应商全部的业绩 Specific supplier locations overall performance 特定供应商地点的全部业绩 Division (available by request only) 分支机构(只在有要求时适用) Suppliers overall performance at a Lear Division 在一个李尔分支机构中,供应商的全部业绩 Specific supplier locations overall performance at a Lear Division 在一个李尔分支机构中,特定供应商地点的全部业绩 Location Suppliers performance at a single Lear facility 在单独一个李尔工厂中,供应商的业绩 Specific supplier locations performance at a single Lear facility 在单独一个李尔工厂中,特定供应商地点部业绩,Supplier Rating System (SRS),SRS SCORECARD DISTRIBUTION SRS 记分卡的发布 Approximately 2nd week of each month 大约每月第二周 Computer auto-fax, from Lear Corporation or Lear Division 计算机自动传送, 从李尔集团或李尔分支机构。 Presidents Level 总裁级 A corporate scorecard 集团级的记分卡 Plant Level Scorecards 工厂级的记分卡,Supplier Rating System (SRS),Scoring Criteria - Rejected Parts Per Million (RPPM): 评分标准 百万不合格品率 ( RPPM) The RPPM category accounts for 25 points of the overall scorecard rating. RPPM的分数占整个记分卡总分的25分 Supplier RPPM is calculated on the basis of the amount of non-conforming materials vs. the total amount of materials received in a given fiscal month. 供应商的RPPM值是在一个财务月份中,不合格品数量与收到所有材料的比值 This calculation is then normalized to reflect a constant basis of one million units received. 这个公式被规范化用以反映收到的每一百万件的一致性。,Supplier Rating System (SRS),Scoring Criteria - Rejected Parts Per Million (RPPM): 评分标准 百万不合格品率 Example 例如: A supplier ships 100,000 parts to a plant. Of those parts, ten are found to be non-conforming. 一家供应商发运了十万件到工厂里,在那些零件中发现有十件不合格。 The RPPM will be calculated as 那 RPPM 的计算应为: (10/100,000) x 1,000,000 = 100 RPPM The suppliers score for this example will be 22 points 此例中,供应商的分数为22分,Supplier Rating System (SRS),The following table outlines parts per million ranges and their respective scores下列表格是对PPM范围与他们所对应分数的略述: RPPM Rating Score RPPM RatingScore 0 2525 351 - 37511 26 - 5024 376 - 40010 51 - 7523 401 - 4509 76 - 10022 451 - 5008 101 12521 501 5507 126 15020 551 - 6006 151 17519 601 6505 176 20018 651 - 7004 201 22517 701 - 7503 226 25016 751 - 8002 251 27515 801 - 8501 276 30014 851 or greater0 301 32513 326 35012,Supplier Rating System (SRS),Scoring Criteria - Quality Notices / Written Complaints 评分标准 质量通知/记录下来的抱怨 The Quality Notices / Written Complaint category accounts for 15 points of the overall scorecard. 质量通知/记录下来的抱怨项目占总记分卡的15分 The system rates Suppliers on the number of formal rejection notices or written complaints and the severity of each complaint with the following formula 供应商评分系统中,正式拒收通知或记录下来抱怨的数量与每种抱怨的严重程度遵循以下公式: (The number of occurrences per classification code) x (severity index) 每种等级所出现的次数 X 严重度指数,Supplier Rating System (SRS),Level 0Engineering Issues0.00 points per occurrence 工程问题0.00 分/次 Level 1Minor Issues0.10 points per occurrence 小问题0.10 分/次 Level 2Repeat Minor Issues0.25 points per occurrence 重复出现的小问题0.25 分/次 Level 3Major Issues0.50 points per occurrence 主要问题0.50 分/次 Level 4Severe Issues1.00 points per occurrence 严重问题1.00 分/次,Supplier Rating System (SRS),Scoring Criteria - Quality Notices / Written Complaints 评分标准 质量通知/记录下来的抱怨 Example 例如: A supplier receives one written complaint in Level 1 and two written complaints in Level 2. 一个供应商收到1个Level 1和 2个 Level 2的抱怨 The total number of points will be calculated as所得分数为: (1 x 0.10) + (2 x 0.25) = 0.60 total The suppliers score in this example will be 9 points 此例供应商所得分数为9分,Supplier Rating System (SRS),The following table outlines the Quality Notice Rating ranges and their respective scores: 下列表格是对质量通知评分范围与他们所对应分数的略述 Quality Notice Quality Notice Rating PointsSCORERating PointsSCORE 0.00-0.09150.80-0.897 0.10-0.19140.90-0.996 0.20-0.29131.00-1.095 0.30-0.39121.10-1.194 0.40-0.49111.20-1.293 0.50-0.59101.30-1.392 0.60-0.69 91.40-1.491 0.70-0.79 81.5 or greater0,Supplier Rating System (SRS),SCORING CRITERIA - Delivery 评分标准 - 交货 The Delivery Category accounts for 20 points of the overall Scorecard 交货项目得分占总得分卡的20分 Delivery Ratings are calculated on the basis of the number of shipments in a given fiscal month 交货的评分是以在一个指定的财务月份发运次数为基础来计算的 This information is then calculated into a percentage 这类信息要计算成百分数,Supplier Rating System (SRS),SCORING CRITERIA - Delivery 评分标准 - 交货 Delivery ratings are determined by the occurrence of the following criteria when it is determined to be the Suppliers responsibility: 交贷分级与下列情况的出现相关,而且已确认是供应商的责任 Late Deliveries 交货晚了 Premium Freight Occurrences 额外运费的出现 Damaged Parts 零件损坏 Over Shipment of the Quantity Ordered 超出定货数量的发运 Early Deliveries 提早交货 Short Shipment of the Quantity Ordered 少于定货数量的发运 The potential for more than one o
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