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PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN AIR QUALITY RULEMAKING AND DECISION-MAKING IN CALIFORNIA公众参与加州空气质量规章制定和重大决策,EDWARD WONG OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY May 2009 加州环保局空气资源委员会监察专员办公室 爱德华王 2009年5月,1,California Air Resources Board (CARB)加州空气资源委员会(加空委),Is the State air pollution control agency and a department of the California Environmental Protection Agency 是加州空气污染控制机构, 也是加州环保局的一个部门 Board composed of 11 appointees 委员会由11名受委任成员组成 Makes and enforces regulations to provide safe, clean air for all Californians 制定并执行规章以为全加州居民提供安全、清洁空气 Oversees 35 local air districts 监督35个地方空气质量管理区,2,California Air Resources Board (CARB) (cont)加州空气资源委员会(加空委)(续),Public participation is a critical part in the development of air pollution policies, plans, and regulations (all of which are “decision making”) 公众参与是研究制定防止空气污染政策、计划和规章等决策过程中的关键一环,3,Office of the Ombudsman监察专员办公室,One definition of “ombudsman” is a person employed by an institution to investigate complaints against it 一种“监察专员”定义是一个机构为调查针对该机构申诉而雇用的个人 Reality is were a friendly advisor to the public, business community, and local air districts 实际上,我们是公众、商界和地方空气质量管理区的友善的顾问,4,Office of the Ombudsman (cont)监察专员办公室(续),What we do: 我们的职能是: Provide guidance on rules and regulations 就规章制度提供指导 Assist small businesses 帮助小企业 Listen and try to help resolve conflicts 倾听并努力帮助解决冲突 Encourage participation in regulatory process 鼓励参与监管进程 Maintain open communication between public, businesses, and CARB staff 维护公众、商界与加空委工作人员之间的沟通,5,Local Air Districts in California加州地方空气质量管理区,California divided into 35 local air districts 加州分为35个地方空气质量管理区 Governed by local elected officials 由地方民选官员管理 Enforce rules and regulations at local level 负责执行地方规章制度 First point of contact for issues or complaints 问题或申诉的第一联络点,6,Channels for Public Participation公众参与的渠道,7,Keeping Public Informed and Getting Public Involved让公众随时得到资讯及使公众积极参与,Local, regional, state, and national newspapers 地方、地区、州以及全国性报纸 TV and radio newscasts and public service announcements 电视、广播的新闻节目及公共服务通知 Email listservs 邮件列表 (LISTSERVs) Business memberships and associations 商会会员及各种协会 Local and State Chambers of Commerce 地方和州的商会 Associations representing affected industries 代表受拟议规定影响行业的协会 Community-based organizations 社区组织 Church groups 教会 Non-government organizations (NGOs) 非政府组织,8,Opportunities for Public Involvement 公众参与的机会,Non-personal contact 非当面接触 Letters 信件 Email 电子邮件 Telephone 电话 Web site with listservs and employee directory 载有邮件列表(LISTSERVs) 和雇员名册的网站 Personal contact 当面接触 Town hall or community meetings 市民或社区恳谈会 Meetings with staff or Board members 与机构工作人员或者委员会成员会晤 Workshops 座谈会 CARB board hearings 加空委听证会 Local air district board hearings 地方空气质量管理区委员会听证会,9,Town Hall or Community Meetings市民或社区恳谈会,Conducted by: 主持者为: CARB staff 加空委工作人员 Several local air districts 数个地方空气质量管理区 Provide open forum for public to ask direct questions to air pollution agencies 为群众提供公开论坛向防止空气污染机构直接提问,10,Town Hall or Community Meetings (cont)市民或社区恳谈会(续),Meeting notices 会议通知方式: Posted at community buildings 在涉区楼宇上张贴 Mailed to people on mailing lists and listservs 向邮寄名单和邮件列表(LISTSERVs)上有名者邮寄或发送 Posted in agency web sites 置于机构的官方网站之中,11,Meetings with Agency Staff 与机构工作人员会晤,To discuss questions or concerns:讨论问题或关切问题: Schedule appointments 约谈 Make direct phone calls 直接通电话 Send direct email 直接发送电子邮件 Staff may incorporate public input into drafts and proposals 工作人员可将公众意见汇拢於草案或建议书中,12,Meetings with Agency Staff (cont) 与机构工作人员会晤(续),This level of contact can be very important 这层面的接触可能是非常重要 No record of these meetings prior to formal comment period, but record IS kept during formal comment period 此类会晤在正式评论前不做记录,但对正式评论开始后须保留会晤记录,13,Rule Development Process规章研究制定程序,14,How Does CARB Establish Air Pollution Rules?加州空气资源委员会如何制定防空气污染规章?,Adopts rules to carry out laws and policies 通过规章以执行下述机关颁布的法规和政策 Enacted by California Legislature 加州议会 Enacted by U.S. Congress 美国国会 Promulgated by U.S. EPA 美国环保总署 CARB Rules 加空委颁布规章以: Clarify and provide more detail to laws 阐明法规,为法规提供更多细节 Make clear who must do what, how, and by when 阐明谁必须做什么、如何做、在何时间之前完成等,15,Open Public Review Process公开公众评论程序,State agencies subject to: 州政府各机构均须遵守: California Administrative Procedure Act (CAPA) 加州行政程序法 Regulations of the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) 行政法办公室的规定 State agencies subject to OAL review to ensure: 州政府各机构均受行政法办公室审核以确保: State regulations clear and consistent 州政府规定清楚并前后一致 Publics comments are addressed 公众意见得到考虑和回应,16,Open Public Review Process (cont)公开公众评论程序(续),State agencies also subject to “California Environmental Justice Policy” of fair treatment to Californians of all races, cultures, and incomes with respect to development, adoption, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and policies 州政府各机构还需执行“加州环境公正政策”,在研究制定、通过、行使和强制执行环境法规政策方面必须公平对待不同种族、文化和收入的加州居民,17,Development of Proposed Rule 拟议规章的研究制定,Generally take 1-1/2 to 2 years to develop and adopt a rule 从研究制定到通过一项规定一般需要一年半至两年时间 Preparatory Stage 筹备阶段 Begin identifying affected i
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