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Module 1 Travel,Unit 3 Language in use 2,Task 1,Revision,Look and say,plane/air,boat/ship,bus,car,train,coach,bike,taxi,Can you imagine what the first plane looked like?,Pre-reading,协和式飞机,kk:d,Pre-reading,Do you know the Concorde?,The flight recording The problem of the Concorde The introduction of the Concorde The influence of its invention,Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4,Read the passage and match the heading with the correct paragraph.,P8,While-reading,Read the passage and complete the table.,1. Faster than the speed of sound. 2. Crossed from London or Paris to New York in just over 3 hours.,1. Carried only 100 passengers. 2. Very noisy. 3. Possibly unsafe113 people killed in a crash. 4. Only suited to rich people.,While-reading,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1. How many passengers could Concorde carry? 2. Why do many people think Concorde was one of the greatest planes? 3. How many hours did Concorde take to fly from London or Paris to New York?,Concorde could carry one hundred passengers.,Because it was very fast. It flew faster than the speed of sound.,It took just over three hours to fly from London or Paris to New York.,While-reading,Work in pairs. Talk about your recent travel experience. Say:, how you travelled how long the journey took how you felt about it,Now write a passage about your experience.,Post-reading,I travelled from Beijing to Shanghai by train. The journey was not very long. There were a lot of people on the train. I think the journey took about five hours. I was very excited because it was my first visit to Shanghai.,Post-reading,Sample:,Around the w rld,The first pilot to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean,Post-reading,Read and answer.,Who is the pilot in this picture?,Because he was the first person to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean without stopping.,Why did he become a hero in the USA and France ?,Charles Lindbergh.,Whats the name of the plane? Spirit of St. Louis.,How long did the pilot take from New York to Paris by his plane? About 33 hours.,Post-reading,Task 2,Write a story about a trip you have made. Think about:,who travelled with you when and where you went how you travelled what happened during the trip how the story ended,Pre-writing, the characters, the place and time, the plot,I travelled by plane. I felt dizzy and uncomfortable. I didnt want to eat anything but only wanted to vomit(呕吐). The airhostess(空姐) came to me and gave me a plastic bag, a cup of water and a towel. After I vomited, she took the dirty bag away and asked me to have a good rest.,While-writing,Turn the story into a short play, the place and time (when and where you went),Last summer I went to Shanghai for a holiday., the characters,I and the airhostess, the plot,Post-writing,Act out the play,1. There is _ schoolbag near the window. 2. After watching _ TV, she played _ violin for an hour.,Test I. 用正确的冠词(a/an/the/不填)填空。,a,the,/,Post-writing,II. 根据括号中的汉语提示完成句子。 1. Which is your room? Its _. (601房间) 2. This tall building has _ (12) floors. And Tony lives on the _ (12) floor.,Room 601,twelve,twelfth,Summary,who travelled with you when and where you went how you travelled what happened during the trip how the story ended, the characters, the place and time, the plot,1. Finish some exercises on the workbook. 2. Preview the words and expressions in Module 2.,Homework,Thank you,Goodbye!,
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