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执法用语,2018年河北师范大学暑期冬傲崇礼实践队,1,稻谷书屋,1.A Traffic Stop 拦车检查,2,稻谷书屋,1.1 拦车检查常用语,把车开到路边,pull over,降下车窗,roll down your window,3,稻谷书屋,1.1 拦车检查常用语,驾照,driving license,护照,passport,4,稻谷书屋,检查后备箱,check the trunk,警察有权依法检查任何物品,The police have the right to check anything by law.,1.1 拦车检查常用语,5,稻谷书屋,1.1 拦车检查常用语,我们在执行公务,Were on duty.,谢谢您的配合,Thank you for your cooperation.,6,稻谷书屋,A Traffic Stop拦车检查 P: Pull over, please. Roll down your window. 请靠边停车,打开车窗 F: Whats the matter ? 发生什么事了? P: This is a routine check. 这是例行路检。 F: Oh, I see. 好的我知道了。,7,稻谷书屋,A Traffic Stop拦车检查 P: Your driving license, please. 请出示驾驶证。 F: Here you are. 给你 P: May I see your passport? 我可以看你的护照吗? F: Here it is. 给你,8,稻谷书屋,P: For safety reasons, we need to check your trunk. 为了安全起见,我们需要检查你的后备箱。 F: OK. 好的 P: In China, the police have the right to check anything by law. 在中国,依据法律警察有权检查任何物品 This is our duty, please cooperate. 这是我们的职责,请配合。,9,稻谷书屋,娱乐环节 字字如珠(传递句子): 分两组,一组五人 第一个人见PPT上显示的句子,在一分钟进行记忆,一分钟结束将进行耳语传递给下一个人确保只能一个人听到(30秒),10,稻谷书屋,娱乐环节 传递完毕,最后一个人前往话筒处进行复述,两组中复述句子与原句相似度最高者获胜。,11,稻谷书屋,2.Routing Traffic Stop 例行路检,12,稻谷书屋,Pattern Drills 句型操练,句型1. Please,dont be afraid. dont be alarmed. cooperate with us.,Please,不要害怕 不要惊慌 配合我们,请,13,稻谷书屋,句型2. Your, please.,driving license, vehicle license,驾驶证。 行车证。,请出示你的,Please,Your,14,稻谷书屋,句型3. Please move your car,a little forward. a little backward. to the parking area.,往前开一开 往后倒一倒 停到停车区,请把你的车,Please move your car,15,稻谷书屋,Whats your occupation? 您是做什么工作的? Why do you come here? 您来这里是做什么的?,16,稻谷书屋,Routing Traffic Stop 例行路检 P:Pull over. F:Whats the matter? P:This is a routine stop. F:OK. P:Show me your driving license, please. F:here you are.,17,稻谷书屋,Routing Traffic Stop 例行路检 P:Did you drink? 你喝酒了吗? F:Are you kidding? I never touch alcohol. 你在开玩笑吗?我从没接触酒精。 P:We will give you a breathalyzer test. Please cooperate with us. 我们将会酒精检查,请配合我们。,18,稻谷书屋,总结句型: Pull over and switch off your engine. 请靠边停车,熄火 This is a routine stop. 我们要例行检查 Show me your driving license, please. 请出示驾驶证,19,稻谷书屋,总结短语: No Entry 禁止入内 No Parking 禁止停车 No Horn 禁止鸣笛 No Littering 禁止乱丢垃圾,20,稻谷书屋,维持秩序,03.Orders,21,稻谷书屋,秩序维持,1、Order, Order please!、 请注意秩序! 2、Stop pushing! 请别拥挤 3、Please line up and have your ticket ready. 请排好队,持门票入场。 4、Please stand behind the yellow line. 请站到黄色警戒线外,22,稻谷书屋,秩序维持,5、Your ticket please, Sir. 先生你的票。 6、No ticket, no entrance. 没有票不得入内。 7、I can understand your inconvenience, but this is the rule. 我能理解你的难处,但这是规定。 8、Would you come with me in this way? 请随我到一边来。,23,稻谷书屋,游戏环节 “纸中见智”,24,稻谷书屋,Theres a girl but I let her get away 曾经心爱的女孩 我却让她擦肩而过 Its all my fault cause pride got in the way 自尊心作祟 一切都是我的错 And Id be lying if I said I was ok 若说无事 其实只是谎言未戳破 About that girl the one I let get away 那个女孩 我们曾擦肩而过 I keep saying no 我一直否认 This cant be the way were supposed to be 这不该是我们的结果 I keep saying no 我一直否认 You gotta 一定还可以 Theres gotta be a way to get you close to me 一定还有办法让我们重新来过 Now I know you gotta 到现在我才明白 Speak up if you want somebody 要对所爱之人大声诉说 Cant let him get away, oh no 别让他错过 You dont wanna end up sorry 你不愿后悔无措 The way that Im feeling everyday 不要像我这样 终日在悔恨中度过 (Dont you know) (你是否知晓) No no no no 不要像我这样 Theres no home for the broken heart 破碎的心 无家可归 No no no no 不要像我这样 (Dont you know) (你是否知晓) Theres no home for the broken 破碎的心 无家可归 Theres a girl but I let her get away 曾经心爱的女孩 我却让她擦肩而过 Its my fault cause I said I needed space 全都因为我说需要空间 都是我的错 Ive been torturing myself night and day 我不断折磨着自己 日出日落 About that girl, the one I let get away 那个女孩 我们曾擦肩而过 I keep saying no 我一直否认 This cant be the way it was supposed to be 这不该是我们的结果 I keep saying no 我一直否认 Theres gotta be a way to get you 应该还有办法 Theres gotta be a way to get you 一定还有办法 Close to me 让我们重新来过 Speak up if you want somebody 要对所爱之人大声诉说 Cant let him get away, oh no 别让他错过 You dont wanna end up sorry 你不愿后悔无措 The way that Im feeling everyday 不要像我 终日在悔恨中度过 (Dont you know) (你是否知晓) No no no no 不要像我这样 Theres no home for the broken heart 破碎的心 无家可归 (Dont you know) (你是否知晓) No no no no 不要像我这样 Theres no home for the broken 破碎的心 无家可归 No home for me 无处可去 No home cause Im broken 无家可归 失魂落魄 No room to breathe 无法呼吸 And I got no one to bla-ame 一切只能怪我自己 No home for me 无处可去 No home cause Im broken 无家可归 失魂落魄 About that girl 那个女孩 The one I let get away 我们曾擦肩而过 So you better 你最好 Speak up if you want somebody 对所爱之人大声诉说 You cant let him get away oh no 别让他错过 You dont wanna end up sorry 你不愿后悔无措 The way that Im feeling everyday 不要像我 终日在悔恨中度过 (Dont you know) (你是否知晓) No no no no 不要像我这样 Theres no home for the broken heart 破碎的心 无家可归 (Dont you know) (你是否知晓) No no no no 不要像我这样 Theres no home for the broken 破碎的心 无家可归 Oh 哦 You dont wanna lose at love 不想失去所爱之人 Its only gonna hurt too much I唯有伤痛愈来愈深 Im telling you 告诉你 You dont wanna lose at love 不想失去所爱之人 Its only gonna hurt too much I唯有伤痛愈来愈深 Im telling you 告诉你 You dont wanna lose at love 不想失去所爱之人 Cause Theres no home for the broken heart 心碎之人 无家可归 About that girl 那个女孩 The one I let get away 我们曾擦肩而过,That Gril,25,稻谷书屋,I keep saying no 我一直否认 This cant be the way were supposed to be 这不该是我们的结果 I keep saying no 我一直否认 Y
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