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主备人: 复备人:全体八年级英语教师 审核: 上课人Unit 1 Whats the matter?Section A 1a-2c第1课时【学习目标】1 能听说读写重点单词和词组:matter, sore, have a cold, stomachache, have a stomachache, foot, neck, stomach, throat, fever, lie, lie down, rest, cough, X-ray, toothache, take ones temperature,see a dentist 2句型:学会用Whats the matter? I have a cold. I have a stomachache. I have a sore back. I have a sore throat. 谈论身体情况。 3. 学习用should 给出建议【重点】【难点】能询问并表述身体的种种不适以及对他人身体的种种不适给予适当的建议。【自学指导】1、 自己认读1a单词,与画面中字母匹配,并在自己的身体上指认人体部2、 对照单词表翻译1a画面上的句子,并读熟。【自学检测】1、 把你所知道的身体部位的单词写下来,并写出其相应的中文意思。 eye眼睛_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2、have a cold;“感冒,着凉”为固定词组,have 表示生病,解释下列词组的意思。have a sore throat _ have a sore neck _ have a fever _ have a headache _have a stomachache _ have a toothache _【合作探究】1、Whats the matter?怎么了, (改为同义句)Whats _ with Jim? 2、情态动词should的用法 1)should 常用来表示劝告、建议、认为某人应该做某事。 2)should 必须和动词原形连用。无人称和数的变化,其否定形式为shouldnt. 如:We_ study hard.我们应该努力学习。 You_ play computer games.你不应该玩电脑游戏。He _ lie down and rest. 他应该躺下来休息。【达标检测】一、翻译以下短语:1、感冒 _ 2、背疼 _3、发烧 _ 4、量体温 _5、腹痛 _ 6、嗓子疼 _7、牙疼 _ 8、上点药 _9、去看医生 _ _10、躺下来休息_ 11、头疼 _12、看牙医 _ 13、照X光片_14、喝些加蜂蜜的热茶 _二、完成句子:1、你怎么了? Whats the matter _ you? 2、他怎么了? Whats the matter _ _?3、她昨天感冒了。She _ a cold yesterday.4、Mary咳嗽。Mary _.5、我觉得头很热。My head _ very _.6、你应该回家休息。_.7、她不应该说太多话。_.8、你弟弟应该早点睡觉。_.9、-他应该量体温吗?_?-是的。_,_.10、你看起来不太好。_.【总结反思】_【课后作业】1、熟练说出本课重点短语和重点句型,并一次。2、根据2a、2b 编5组对话,并和同桌练熟。(教师复备栏及学生笔记)Unit 1 Whats the matter?Section A 2d4c第2课时【学习目标】1、重点单词: headache, break, hurt, herself, 2、短语:have a fever, take breaks/take a break in the same way go to a doctor.3、句型:Are you OK? Do you have a fever? Yes, I do. /No, I dont. What should she do? She should take her temperature. Should I put some medicine on it? Yes, you should. /No, you shouldnt. 【重点】使用should, shouldnt 给出合理的建议。【难点】根据不同的病症给出多个合理建议。【自学指导】自读对话2d两次,把握大意,划出不懂之处并自己查字典解决。【自学检测】完成下列句子。1、你还好吗? Are you _? 2、我该怎么办? _ should I _?3、我应该量体温吗? Should I _ _ _?4、我头疼。 I have _ _.5、你周末做什么了? What_ you_ on the _?6、你应该离开电脑休息一下。You need to _ _ _ _the computer. 7、我认为你应该躺下来休息。I think you should _ _ and rest.【合作探究】1、小组成员轮流读对话并翻译,划出疑难准备提问。2、共同划出你们认为重要的短语、句子,写在小黑板上。3、组内熟读Grammar Focus, 并演练对话。4、独立完成4a、4b,小组内互相检查,解决疑难。 hurt oneself What should I do? You should see a doctor and get an X-ray.5、共同划出你们认为重要的短语、句子,写在小黑板上。6、总结各种疾病以及相对应的建议,准备4c的活动。【达标检测】一、短语翻译:1、休息 _ _2、没有移动 _3、以相同的方式 _ 4、听起来像_5、割伤自己 _ 6、让自己受伤_7、在伤口上敷点药_ 8、跌倒_9、伤着自己 10. 给伤口上药_ 11、切到自己_12、 量体温 _ 13. 摔倒 _14. 做个X光检查_二、单项选择。1、( ) I didnt sleep well last night, because I _ a toothache . A. was B. went C. had D. took2、( )Tony, Whats _ matter with you? I have _ toothache. A. a; the B. the; a C. /; the D. the; /3、( ) Mr. Smith eats _ food, so hes _ fat. A .much too; too much B .too many; much too C. too much; too much D. too much ;much too4、( )Why are you so tired these days? Well, I have _ homework to do. A. too much B. too many C . much too D. many too 5、( ) You _ be quiet when you are in the reading room. A. should B. shouldnt C. can D. cant 6、( ) You _ drive your car so fast. Its very dangerous. A. wouldnt B. shouldnt C. couldnt D. mightnt7、( ) David needs _ a good rest. A. has B. to have C. have 8、( ) 30. Id like a cup of black coffee. What about you, Maggie? I prefer coffee _ sugar. A. than B. for
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