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高中英语词汇教学中微课的运用研究 目 录摘 要Abstract第一章 引 言第二章 文献综述一、微课的相关研究(一)国外的相关研究(二)国内的相关研究二、词汇教学的相关研究(一)国外的相关研究(二)国内的相关研究三、微课应用于词汇教学的相关研究(一)国外的相关研究(二)国内的相关研究第三章 理论基础一、建构主义理论二、视听教育理论三、学习动机理论第四章 微课在高中词汇教学中的应用一、现常用词汇教学模式(一)语音教学模式(二)词形教学模式二、微课在高中词汇教学中的应用的可行性三、基于微课的词汇教学呈现方式研究(一)配有字幕的微课词汇教学(二)无字幕的微课词汇教学第五章 实验过程与方法一、研究对象二、研究假设三、研究工具四、实验实施(一)实验准备(二)课堂实验过程五、实验结果与分析(一)微课词汇教学与传统词汇教学效果对比(二)配有字幕的微课与无字幕微课教学效果对比(三)微课教学调查问卷总结参考文献致谢摘 要信息时代为众多领域带来了积极影响,特别是教育领域。人们逐步开始善于利用碎片化时间进行知识、技能的学习,因此微课教学与学习模式随之应运而生,成为一种短小、知识点突出,教学效率得到提升的一种较新颖的教学方式进入课堂。本文根据建构主义、视听教育理论、学习动机理论等理论基础支撑,结合微课及高中英语词汇教学的特点,探究微课在高中英语词汇教学中的应用研究。本文主要对国内外文献进行综合梳理,对微课的概念、特点及国内外研究现状进行分析,结合问卷调查、学习者需求分析及教学大纲教学设计原则,设计了具体的微课案例并将其应用于教学中,对其实施效果进行了评价。本文主要包括以下几个方面:第一部分为引言,主要阐述了微课的发展背景;第二部分是文献综述,将微课概念及不同时期微课的发展变化归纳;第三部分是理论基础,支撑微课发展变化及微课设计研究;第四部分是针对高中英语词汇微课前期分析与设计,对学校学生、教师存在的不同问题的分析,列举出具体微课实例;第五部分进行微课的实施与评价,并对微课应用效果进行评述;最后为研究总结,归纳阐述微课对英语词汇教学的启示。关键词:微课,微课教学,高中词汇教学AbstractThe information age has brought a positive impact on many fields, especially in thefield of education. People gradually began to be adept at utilizing the fragmentation oftime to learn knowledge and skills, so micro teaching and learning pattern emerged andbecome a short, outstanding and innovative teaching method getting into the classroom.Based on the theory of constructivism, the theory of audio-visual education,learning motivation theory and other theories, the thesis would explore the applicationof micro class used in English Vocabulary Teaching in senior high school with thecombination with the characteristics of micro class and English Vocabulary Teaching,.In this paper, the concept, the characteristics and the research status of the micro lessonare summarized through the comprehensive analysis of the literature at home andabroad. Under the integration with the questionnaire survey, the demanding analysis oflearners and the design principles of the teaching syllabus, the paper design the specificmicro lesson cases evaluate the effect of implementation.This paper mainly includes the following aspects: the first part is the introduction,which mainly elaborates on the background of the development of the micro lesson. Thesecond part is the literature review, which summarizes the concept of the micro lesson,the development and the changes of the micro lesson in different periods. The third partis the theoretical basis to support the development and change of the micro lessondesign research. The fourth part is about the analysis and design of the high schoolEnglish vocabulary in the early period, also the analysis of the different problems ofschool students and teachers. The fifth part is not only the implementation andevaluation of the micro lesson, but the evaluation of the application effect on the microlesson. The last is the conclusion of the study and the enlightenment of the research onthe teaching.Key words: Micro lesson, micro lesson teaching, high school vocabulary teaching返回本篇论文导航-全文完-
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