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Lesson 4,Unit 1 Stay Healthy,1,Unit,Lesson 4:Dont Smoke, Please!,Key words millions of, as a result of, second-hand smoke, take a risk, get into the habit of, stay away from To understand: disease, lung, harm, breathe, cigarette,Key sentences: What should we do?,学习目标,Through the study of the lesson can make the students learn that smoking is harmful to our health and stay away from cigarettes.,Does your father smoke? Do you think smoking is a bad habit?,Lead in,Ten years ago,Now,Smoking is bad for your health.,Smoking is harmful to our health.,It can cause diseases of the heart and lungs .,d zi:z,有害的,疾病,h:mful,l,肺,A,B,Pre-reading,Whenever someone offers you a cigarette, you should always say no. Dont take that risk.,siret,香烟,冒险,rsk,Everyone wants to live in a clean environment and breathe fresh air.,In many countries, smoking in public places is now against the law.,呼吸,公共的,法律,bri:,pblk,l:,Listen to the tape and then answer T or F 1. As a student, you should never smoke. ( ) 2. Every year, thousands of people around the world die as a result of smoking. ( ) 3. Once you get into the habit of smoking, its easy to give it up. ( ),T,F,F,Read the text in a low voice and then choose the right main idea of the text (注:自己快速默读,在文中划出答案),A. Smoking is not harmful. B. We should encourage our family members to stop smoking. C. Stay away from cigarettes and you can live a long, healthy and happy life. D. Eat more fruits and vegetables, do more exercise, and form good habits.,The main idea of the text is_,C,While-reading,Scan and match: (跳读连一连)(注:自己快速阅读,然后连线),Why is smoking harmful?,What should we do?,Smoking is bad for your health .,It can cause diseases of the heart and lungs .,Youre also harming the people around you with your second-hand smoke.,Smoking pollutes the environment.,Never touch cigarettes.,Encourage them to stop smoking .,Eat more fruits and vegetables.,Read the text aloud carefully and then complete the information chart in groups.,health,diseases,pollutes,harmful,touch,topic,Encourage,vegetables,exercise,habits,second-hand smoke,Eating too much,be harmful to 对有害,Use the useful phrases to make a sentence.,Post-reading,get into the habit of 养成的习惯,Washing our hands before the meal,Reading books,stay away from 远离,Cigarettes,Internet bars,Learn to be a reporter in groups.(两个人一组编对话:一个扮演小记者 一个是中学生) A: Excuse me . May I ask you a question? B: OK. A: Why is smoking harmful? B: Because Smoking is bad for your health /Smoking pollutes the environment/ It can cause diseases of the heart and lungs/ / Secondhand smoke is harmful to people who dont smoke.,A:What should we do? B:Never touch cigarettes./ When somebody talks about smoking change the topic./ Encourage your family members to stop smoking. / Eat more fruits and vegetables, do more exercise, and form good habits.,Are you familiar with these sentences? They are from the books we have learned.,1. We should go to the hospital. 2. Whenever someone offers you a cigarette, you should always say no. 3. but you should try explaining how important it is for their health.,Modal Verbshould 情态动词 should,Grammar,Should 的用法:,1.用于第一人称疑问句,表征询意见。如: ShouldIopenthewindow?我可以开窗户吗? 2.should表义务,可用于各种句式,通常指将来。如: Youshoulddowhatyourparentstellyou. 你应该照你父母的话去做事。 Heshoulddosomework,buthedoesntwantto. 他应该做些工作,但是他不想做。 也可指现在。如: Youshouldntfeelsounhappyoversuchtrifles. 对这种小事,你不应该感到这么不高兴。 Youshouldntbesittinginthesun. 你不应该坐在阳光下。,Should 的用法:,3.should表推测,暗含很大的可能。如: Its4:30.TheyshouldbeinNewYorkbynow. 现在是四点半,他们应该到达纽约了。 Threeweeksshouldsuffice. 三个星期应该足够了。,Should 的用法:,4.should可在某些从句中,表虚拟语气。如: Isuggestthatyoushouldstayhereasifnothinghadhappened. 我建议你应该待在这儿,好像什么事也没有发生。 Shewasterrifiedlesttheyshouldgoontalkingabouther. 她感到害怕,唯恐他们再说她的事。 Ifheshoulddropin,givehimmymessage. 他若来访,就将我的消息给他。,Should 的用法:,5.should表感情色彩,常用在以why,how开头的疑问句中。如: Whyshouldntyouinvitehim? 为什么你不邀请他? Idontseewhyweshouldntmakefriends. 我不明白为什么我们竟不能成为朋友。 HowshouldIknow?我怎么知道?,Posters,Make a poster that shows why smoking is bad for people.,No smoking ! Smoking is bad for your lungs and heart. Smoking is bad for your health. Smoking can hurt other people. It can cause cancer. So smoking is a bad habit.,Spitting pollutes the environment.,Littering pollutes the environment.,Some posters:,Love your life and stay away from cigarettes.,Make a poster,Homework,
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