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,Unit 8 Whats the best movie theater?,hard-working(勤奋),confident(自信),brave(勇敢),must be,good sound,It has.,What does a good movie theater have?,comfortable seats,big screens,friendly service,new movies,What does a good movie theater have?,It has,cheap tickets,popular,be close to home,What does a good movie theater have?,It is,如果你去电影院,对你来说,下面哪些是重要的,哪些是不重要的,完成表格。,A: Its important to have comfortable seats. B: Its not important to be close to my home.,Pairwork 能说会道,说好一句,可为小组赢得一分,每人一句。,Screen City,Movie World,Town Cinema,Which is the best movie theater?,has a big screen.,Screen City,Movie World,has a bigger screen.,has the biggest screen.,Town Cinema,学习要细心哟,小测试等着你的!,has comfortable seats.,has more comfortable seats.,has the most comfortable seats.,Town Cinema,Screen City,Movie World,学习要细心哟,小测试等着你的!,has good sound.,has better sound.,has the best sound.,good sound,Town Cinema,Screen City,Movie World,学习要细心哟,小测试等着你的!,¥36,¥25,¥20,is cheap.,is cheaper.,is the cheapest.,Town Cinema,Screen City,Movie World,学习要细心哟,小测试等着你的!,is popular.,is more popular.,is the most popular.,Town Cinema,Screen City,Movie World,学习要细心哟,小测试等着你的!,is close to my home.,is closer to my home.,is the closest to my home.,Town Cinema,Screen City,Movie World,500m,My house,400m,200m,学习要细心哟,小测试等着你的!,小测试,1. Town Cinema_ (is / has )the closest to home 2. Movie World_ (is / has )the biggest screens. 3. Screen City_(is / has )the best sound. 4. Town Cinema_(is / has ) the cheapest.,choose “is” or has.,is,has,has,is,小测试,将A栏和B栏的单词或词组进行合理搭配。 A B has the shortest to my home has the friendliest waiting time is the closest screen has the biggest service has the most comfortable seats,总结出形容词最高级的变化 规则的 cheap the cheapest nice the nicest big-the biggest friendlythe friendliest comfortablethe most comfortable,不规则的 good-better-the best bad-worse-the worst .,直接加est,双写再加est,改y为i再加est,多音节词在前面加most,直接加st,cheap- fine - fat- heavy - thin- new- close- easy-,cheaper - cheapest,finer- finest,fatter- fattest,heavier -heaviest,thinner - thinnest,newer- newest,closer - closest,easier - easiest,Tom is the tallest in our class. This apple is the biggest of all.,形容词的最高级 1.用于_者或_者以上的人或事物进行比较。 2.标志词:_ 3.最高级前必须有_,三,in 或of 表范围的短语,the,三,1. It has the _ clothing store in town. A. goodest B. gooddest C. best D. better 2. This clothing store is _ than that one. A. bad B. worse C. the worst D. worst 3. This book is _ of all. A. cheapest B. cheap C. cheaper D. the cheapest,Choose the best answer.,4. This is one of _ films of this year. A. more exciting B. exciting C. the most exciting D. most exciting. 5. This watch is _ than that one. A. much expensive B. expensiver C. more expensiver D. much more expensive,c,B,D,C,D,1b Listen and match. 下列描述符合哪个电影院,把它们的名字写下来。,Movie World,Screen City,Town Cinema,Screen City,Movie World,Movie World Town Cinema Screen City,听力技巧 写单词时可以先写出首字母或部分字母,录音结束后再补充完整。,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,closest,most,quickly,most popular,best,sound,biggest,most comfortable,Talk about the movie theater you know 谈论你知道的电影院,A: Whats the best movie theater? B: Sun Cinema. It is the cheapest. C: But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats. D: ,Groupwork:,小组为单位,依次 勇敢大声说出自己的优点。 Im the friendliest in my group/class/family. Im the most popular in my group Im the most serious/careful/the tallest/quietest.,Everyone has his advantages . We should learn to admire others! 人人皆有优点,我们应该学会欣赏别人!,形容词的最高级 1.变化规则:5条 2.用于三者或三者以上的人或事物进行比较。 3.标志词:in或of 表范围的短语 4.最高级前必须有the 描述电影院的形容词,summary,今天你学到了什么?,You must: Find the most of the world and write at least six sentences. If you like: Make a survey about what is the best movie theater in our town? Why? Please make up a dialogue using the new words.,Homework,Well try to do everything the best, not the worst. (尽力把所有的事情做到最好)。,教师寄语,
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