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Unit 6Healthy diet,Module 3Leisure time,上册,课后作业,一、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词 1. You can write a book r after you read this book. 2. He needs to be taken to the hospital and get m_ treatment right now. 3. It is n to get well prepared before the final exam. 4. We need to do a r for the report. 5. C can buy lots of things in this shop.,eview,edical,ecessary,esearch,第1课时Vocabulary,ustomers,6. This hotel can provide the best _ (服务). 7. We can buy some _ (产品)of France from this shop. 8. You can _ (买) yourself to some new clothes. 9. We have _ (大量) of books to read. 10. The doctor _ (陈述) that he needs to have a good rest.,service,products,treat,plenty,states,二、词汇测试 i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项。 ( )1. We should review our books before the test. OK. Lets go to the library and study together. A. talk aboutB. go overC. read ( )2. Do you have any suggestions for losing weight? You need to avoid junk food if you want to lose weight. A. stay away from B. get close toC. eat more,B,A,( )3. Its necessary to work hard for our study. Yes. No pains, no gains. A. usefulB. unimportantC. needed ( )4. We have plenty of time to get ready for the match. First, we should warm up. A. a large amount of B. a littleC. a few ( )5. You can treat yourself to some toys. No, I want to save money. A. sellB. buyC. offer,C,A,B,( )6. He decided to go abroad. I think it is a wise decision. A. wanted B. would likeC. made up his mind ( )7. We should do a research if we want to know the reason. I agree with you. A. studyB. jobC. plan ( )8. It is usual to see such kind of thing in this place. Really? I am new here. A. impossible B. usefulC. common,C,A,C,ii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。 ( )9. A _ is somebody who buys goods or service, especially from a shop. A. ownerB. keeperC. customer ( )10. If something is _, it is very bad or of very poor quality. A. surprisingB. terribleC. beautiful,C,B,( )11. It is important to stay away from _. Yes, I want to live a healthy life. A. fried foodB. dairy productsC. grain products ( )12. Every _ from your factory is good. Thats because we have serious checking methods. A. customerB. productC. preference ( )13. What do people think of it _? They believe it is a symbol of good luck. A. in troubleB. in generalC. in a way,A,B,B,( )14. He got to school earlier than _ today. Because they are going to have the Sports Day. A. usualB. medicalC. necessary ( )15. Would you like something to drink? _. Im thirsty. A. Yes, I can B. No, thanks C. Yes, please,A,C,三、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. He _ (preference)coffee to tea. 2. He is a book _ (review)and he writes for the newspaper. 3. France _ (product)lots of good wines. 4. The doctor asks him to take some _ (medical) twice a day. 5. His _ (state)lets us know the truth.,prefers,reviewer,produces,medicine,statement,6. It is _ (usual)to dress like this. People would laugh at you. 7. We can provide the best _ (serve)for our customers. 8. Our speech will begin. Please be _ (seat). 9. They are prepared _ (take)part in the contest. 10. The more fried food you eat, the _ (fat) you will be.,unusual,service,seated,to take,fatter,四、完形填空 A good breakfast is the best thing to start your day. There are different 1 of breakfast around the world. “Eat breakfast like a king,lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper(乞丐).” 2 the old saying tells us, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It 3 us energy after a long night without food. If people dont have breakfast in the morning,they will feel 4 and get angry easily. Breakfast helps children stay more focused at school.,A study 5 that children who eat breakfast regularly score higher in most subjects. Breakfast is also 6 for weight loss. If you have a balanced breakfast,you will eat less throughout the day. A healthy and 7 breakfast should include some proteins like eggs,milk or a little meat,and it 8 you energetic all day long. Carbohydrates (碳水化合物) like rice or bread can keep you 9 . Vegetables and fruit have the vitamins that humans need.,Although Western culture has influenced China a lot,most people still 10 the traditional Chinese breakfast. They think that porridge and noodles are not only easily digested(消化),but also can provide enough energy in the morning.,( )1. A. rulesB. kindsC. ways ( )2. A. AsB. ThoughC. So ( )3. A. offersB. suggestsC. seems ( )4. A. pleasedB. excitedC. tired ( )5. A. showsB. sharesC. supposes ( )6. A. luckyB. amazingC. important ( )7. A. differentB. balancedC. experienced ( )8. A. hopesB. tellsC. makes ( )9. A. activeB. helpfulC. useful ( )10. A. preferB. knowC. dislike,B,A,A,C,A,C,B,C,A,A,一、 根据教材P83的课文内容及首字母提示,补全下面短文,每空一词 Doris and Samuel are having dinner in a restaurant. After 1. o food, they talk about what is a 2. b diet. Doris tells Samuel 3. r shows that each day one should have 4. p of fruit, vegetables and grain 5. p such as noodles and bread. In 6. g one should have fewer dairy products and eggs, and less meat. That is a balanced diet.,rdering,alanced,esearch,第2课时Reading,lenty,roducts,eneral,Samuel
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