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Unit5 What does she do?,B Lets talk,Chong Mingdao road primary school Guo Yuan,What does he do?,salesperson,an engineer,She is a doctor. She works in hospital. She goes to work by bus.,My mother,1.What does she do? 2.Where does she work? 3.How does she go to work ?,My mother,A:What does your mother do? B: She is a/an A: Where does she work? B: She works in A: How does she go to work? B: She goes to work ,Q1: What does Mikes mother do?,She goes to work by bus.,Q2: Where does she work? Q3: How does she go to work?,She works in a car company.,She is an accountant.,A:What does your mother do? B: She is a/an A: Where does she work? B: She works in A: How does she go to work? B: She goes to work ,P64 Task time.,Thank you!,
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