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Lets chant.,is-was am-was are-were have-had has-had come-came learn-learnt see-saw write-wrote live-lived go-went make-made draw-drew bring-brought,a cap,a cup,not,/ /,/,Why do you have cups on your heads ?,plan pln,planned plnd,过去式,计划,学习新单词,baseball besb:l,more m:,更强烈的,smile smal,mistake mstek 错误,make mistakes 犯错误,with w 与.有关,say se,said sed,说,(同学们大声朗读。),(四人一个小组,大声朗读。),(四人一个小组,大声朗读。),(两人一个小组,大声朗读。),Answer the question,Why do you have cups on your heads?,Because we make a mistake with cups and caps.,Read again then answer the questions.,1、Who did Sam see in the classroom?,2、What was on their heads?,3、What did they plan to do ?,4、What did Amy ask Lingling to bring for the game?,He saw some friends.,They were cups on their heads.,They planned to play a baseball game.,Amy asked Lingling to bring some caps.,crying,Im sad.,Why are you shouting?,Because Im angry.,Why are you eating?,Because Im hungry.,Homework (1) Read the text(课文)with your friends.,Homework(2):根据以下问题提示,写一段话。 1、Is today Sunday? 2、Are you happy? 3、Why are you happy? 4、What did you do? 5、Who did you go with?,Today is Sunday.,Im very happy.,Because my mother buy me a new baseball.,Yesterday I went to the playgroud. I play baseball with my friends. I had a good time.,
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