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Unit 1 Sports Lesson 2 At the sports store,This is near, That is far. This is my ear, That is a star. I have these, You have those. These are my knees, Those are your toes. This, that, these, those, Near, far, now we know.,Chant,shorts T-shirt soccer,Read them together loudly.,runners basketball ping-pong,New words,see feet meet,need,or,any,short sport for,many,New words,Or: 或者,两者之一 Need:需要 Like:喜欢,Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt?,Do you like these runners or those runners?,Ask and answer,Do you like?,Do you?,询问别人最常用的问句, Do you like this apple? Do you have a hat? Do you want a new bag? Do you?,对Do you 的回答,-Do you want this T-shirt? -Yes, I do. -No, I dont.,Make a dialogue, you can use the phrases as follows: Excuse me Do you have any_? Ill show you. Do you like _or_? I want/I like_. How much_ _? _dollar(s).,this that these those,1.Whats this/that?,这是/那是什么?,Its a / an . 它是,2.Is this/that? 这是/那是吗?,Yes, it is. 是的,它是。,No, it isnt. 不,它不是。,This man is wearing a black jacket.That woman is wearing a yellow dress.,Do you want this pair of trousers or that pair of trousers?,These apples are red. Those oranges are yellow.,What are these?,They are beautiful flowers.,Thank you!,
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