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Unit 7 Art单元同步基础检测+综合提升-Section A【基础检测】【单句语法填空】1.Walking has a good (affect) on our health.2.He was lucky to get out of the (burn) car successfully.3.His boss told him to be present at the (month) meeting.4.Its going to be a tough competition but Im (mental) prepared for it.5.The Empire of Light is a series of paintings Belgian artist Ren Magritte.6.I could see the (人形) of a woman against the window.7.She refused to allow the (展览) of her husbands work.8.The magician performed his tricks with (专业的) skill.9.The pictures were all bright,positive and (令人振奋的).10.Many tourists enjoy feeling the warm sand (在下方) their feet.11.Trust is a vital (组成部分) in any relationship.12.The painting needs more light and (阴影部分).13.The (氛围) over dinner was warm and friendly.14.This was the first time she appeared on the (舞台).15.Mozart early showed a remarkable (天赋) for music.16.He also painted the massive circles of white and yellow (race) across the sky.17.It shows a beautiful house (light) by lights from inside, (surround) by the darkness of night.18.The stars and the moon hang bright in the night sky.Beneath this (amaze) sky,we see a (sleep) village and a dark,lonely tree.【选词填空】A1.fail;failureI in my attempt to persuade her.In a word,his in the final exam did not surprise me.2.perform;performer;performanceThe will begin at 8:00 pm.And then,I wanted to be on stage,and I wanted to be a .Although she had never been interviewed on TV before,she well.3.mystery;mysteriousIt is one of the great unsolved of this century.He was being very about where he was going.4.view;viewerThe programme attracted millions of .People came from all over the world to her work.5.scene;sceneryThe after the accident is terrible.The best part of the trip is the ;it is fantastic.6.react;reactionThey conducted a survey to find out local to the building of a new airport.I honestly dont know how I will the next time I meet a potentially dangerous situation.7.exhibit;exhibitionShe will have an of her pictures.His works in the best galleries in America,Europe and Asia.Bband;shade;drama;figure;massive;costume;comedy;classical;calligraphy;masterpiece1.Hamlet is one of Shakespeares .2.The Elizabethan period was the golden age of English .3.We must make efforts to improve things.4.She has four changes during the play.5.The trees provide for the animals in the summer.6.Beethoven is regarded as one of the masters of music.7.They are a teenage made up of four cool boys.8.I like because they can make people laugh.9.He settled down at his desk to work out the exact .10. is the art of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush or a special pen.【用合适引导词完成句子】1.Before a problem can be solved,it must be obvious the problem itself is.2.It is by no means clearthe president can do to end the strike.3.The Great Wall,the Palace Museum and the friendly people are many foreigners like Beijing.4.I cant imagine excited she was when she received your letter and presents.5.Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale University yesterday?Yeah,but I have no idea he did it;thats one of his favorite universities.6.It is said Peter will have a chance to travel abroad next month.7. he managed to survive in the forest interested everyone present.8. impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses.9.some students are not aware of is difficult life can be if they are not devoted to their study.10. you described in the book made children interested.11.A warm thought suddenly came to me I might use my pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday.12.I have no idea the journalist could have got his information from.13.There still exists some doubt the little girl is suitable to do such heavy work.14.Some people are born with the belief they are masters of their own while others feel they are at the mercy of others.15.Do you have any idea is actually going on in the classroom?【补全句子】1.这些变化将会如何影响我们?How will these changes ?2.这些叶子的顶部有黄点。The leaves have on the top.3.产品处于设计阶段。The product is at .4.他是画街景的画家。He is a painter of.5.他还服用了一种药,能让人看到黄点,就像星夜里的星星一样。He also that can make people see yellow spots,just like the stars in The Starry Night.6.电视广告主要依赖视觉效果。 on TV mainly depend on .7.看到那条蛇,那个女孩发出尖叫声。The girl at the sight of the snake.8.她是一位非常引人注目的年轻女子。She is a very .9.医生记录的死亡原因是心脏衰竭。The doctor recorded as .
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