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,When was it invented ?,Section A (1a-2c),Unit 6,light bulb,Edison,The light bulb was invented by Edison.,Edison invented the light bulb.,Talk about the history of inventions.,The passive voice.,Language Goals:,Grammar Focus:,A: When was the telephone invented? B: Well, I think it was invented in .,Guess,1885 1876 1927 1971,A: When was the car invented? B: Well, I think it was invented in .,Guess,1885 1876 1927 1971,The car was invented after the telephone.,The telephone was invented before the car.,Look at the things. In what order do you think they were invented? Number them 【1-5】,Listen and match the inventions with the dates.,a,b,e,d,c,1876_ 1885_ 1927_ 1971_ 1976_,d,a,b,e,c,找朋友,1876,1885,1927,1971,1976,A: When was the car invented? B: It was invented in 1885.,Pairwork,battery-operated slippers,heated ice cream scoop,shoes with adjustable heels,What are they?,shoes with adjustable heels,heated ice cream scoop,battery-operated slippers,new inventions,Names,Listen and number the inventions in the order that you hear. Number them 【1-3】,3,1,2,Match the inventions with their inventors and uses.,Invention shoes with adjustable heels battery-operated slippers heated ice cream scoop,Who was it/ were they invented by? Chelsea Lanmon Jayce Coziar and Jamie Ellsworth Julie Thompson,What is it/ are they used for? scooping really cold ice cream seeing in the dark changing the style of the shoes,找朋友,A: What is it/are they used for? B: It is/They are used for A: Who was it/were they invented by? B:It was/They were invented by ,PAIRWORK,The battery-operated slippers are used _ seeing in the dark. They were _ _ Julie Thompson. The heated ice cream scoop _ used for scooping out really cold ice cream. It _ invented by Chelsa Lanmon.,拓展提高,Fill in the blanks:,was,for,invented by,is,将下列句子变被动语态,1.Edison invented the light bulb . The light bulb _ _ _ Edison. 2. Students like their teacher. Their teacher _ _ by students.,was,invented,by,is,liked,Exercise,1. Its useful for_ really cold ice cream. A. scooping B. scooped C. scoop D. scoops 2. Anna is _ to choose her own clothes. A. allowed B. allows C. allowing D. allow 3.They wont be back until the work_. A. is done B. do C. does D. will do 4.The task can _ next week. A. do B. did C. be done D. be do,A,A,C,A,To find the history of potato chips with your partners.,Homework,GoodBye!,Thanks for your listening!,
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