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中学生精神家园英语演讲稿中同学精神家园英语演讲稿HOME AWAY FROM HOMESometime ago, I was touched by a short quotation. A boy playing in his garden saw an aero plane glide over and thought: How lucky those people in the aero plane are! They can go to remote wonderlands! Meanwhile, a passenger in the aero plane looked down at the house, and thought: If only I could be home down there!Yes! It is in a dilemma that youre deeply missing your home on the journey, but you want to explore the world outside. My experience inspired me on this issue.When I was small, my parents sent me to a boarding school. Away from my home and my friends, I felt so homesick that I cried all the time. I was isolated and lonely. At the end, I failed to continue studying there and went back home.Time flew by; I was in secondary school and got popular among my classmates. Once, our school organized a two-week stay in the countryside. Again, I was away from home, without mum fussing around me, without yummy food, even without a hot shower. However, this time, I felt so happy. Every day was enjoyable, everybody was caring; everything made me feel at home. When the trip was over, my parents told me: “Youve grown up!”Ive grown up!I understand that missing home is not only missing our physical home, but looking for our identity, for our sense of belonging, and for our spiritual home.Ive grown up!I know Ill be far away from home and go after my dreams, but home away from home will always remain in my heart.精神家园不久前,我被一则短文打动了。一个在后花园玩耍的小孩望着空中拂过的飞机,想:飞机上的乘客去了遥远的地方,多幸运啊!这时,飞机上的乘客俯视着地上的民居,想:真愿那是我的家!是啊!旅途中浓浓的乡愁和去探究外面世界的冲动真是两相难全。我的经受恰好让我感悟了这个冲突的很多。小时候,父母将我送到一家寄宿学校。离开了暖和的家,离开了熟识的伴侣,恋家使我终日泪流不止,备感孤独。最终,我无法在那儿连续下去,只好回家。光阴似箭,我读学校了,并且与同学相处甚欢。后来,学校组织我们到农村去生活两周。再一次,我离开了家,没有母亲的唠叨,没有可口的饭菜,甚至连洗澡的热水都没有。可是,这一次,我却欢乐无比。每天都过得那么快乐。大家相互团结,一切都使我有家的感觉。活动结束了。父母对我说:“你长大了!”我长大了!我还会为了抱负而远离家。但精神家园永久留在我心中。我长大了!我明白了我们要思念的不仅仅是物质上的家,更是追寻我们的根,我们的精神家园。
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