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Unit 10 集中识词,一 本单元的语法重点: 现在完成时:1) 从过去的某时开始一直持续 到现在的动作或状态,并有 可能继续持续下去。 (谓语动词用延续性动词) 2)与从过去某一时刻开始持续 到现在的一段时间状语连用. 二 本单元的写作话题: 1 写你家乡的变化。 2 写你最喜欢(对你有特殊意义)的东西。,1 yard:,n.院子,在院子里,in the yard,在校园里,in the school yard,杰夫一家正在举行庭院拍卖会。,Jeffs family is having a yard sale.,2 sweet :,family : 1) 作一个整体“家庭”看作单数,动 词用单三。 2) 表示“家庭成员”看作复数,动词 用复数。,on sale for sale,出售,上市 待售,销售,adj. n.,甜蜜的,甜的,含糖的 糖果(可数),sweets /ts/,埃米想保留她的旧东西,因为它们勾起甜蜜的回忆。,Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories .,吃太多糖果对我们的牙齿有害。 Eating too many sweets is bad for our teeth.,3 memory:,n. 记忆,回忆(可数),memories,v.,memorize 记忆,背诵,这本相册给了我许多校园时光的回忆。 The photo album has given many memories of my school days . 她的记忆力很好。 She has a good memory .,4 cent :,n. 分,分币( 可数 ),cents /ts/,mm,raz,你可以花75分买到它。 You can have ( get ) it for 75 cents .,5 toy:,n. 玩具(可数),toys / z /,soft toy toy bear,软体玩具,布绒玩具 玩具熊,埃米自从是个婴儿起,她就拥有了那个玩具熊. Amy has had the toy bear since she was a baby .,6 bear :,n. 熊(可数),bears / z / 区别:,beer,联想记忆:ear- bear dear fear gear( 齿轮)hear - near pear rear(饲养,养育,抚养) sear (烧焦) tear(眼泪) wear- year,7 maker:,n. 生产者,制订者,8 scarf:,埃米的妈妈买了那个旧面包机10多年了。 Amys mom has had the old bread maker for more than 10 years .,n. 围巾, 披巾 ,头巾 (可数),scarfs /s/ / scarves /vz/,9 soft:,adj. 软的,柔软的 ( 反义) 比: 最: adv. 比 / 最:,hard,softer softest softly more / most softly,10 check:,1) n.在对面,2) adj:,对面的, 另一边的,在我的家乡,学校对面有一棵古老的大树。,In my hometown , there was a big old tree opposite the school .,= across from,我们住在马路对面。,We live on the opposite side of the road .,3) adv . 在对面,有一个老人住在对面。,There is an old man living opposite .,4) n. “相反的人或物; 对立面” 常和of 连用,高是矮的反义词.,Tall is the opposite of short .,27especially :,adv. 尤其,特别,格外,在句中作状语,用于列举某个特例或某事物的 特殊性.( adj.),especial,specially 特意,专门地,在我那个时代的大多数孩子都喜欢在那棵大树下一起玩,尤其是在暑假期间。,Most of the children in my time liked to play together under that big tree, especially during the summer holidays .,28 childhood :,n.童年,幼年,那是多么快乐的一个童年啊。 It was such a happy childhood .,29 consider :,1) v.注视,仔细考虑,单三: 现分: 过去式/过去分词:,considers / z / considering considered / d /,他站在那里,注视着那幅画。 He stood there , considering the painting .,2) v.仔细考虑 =,think about 后面 +,名词/代词/动名词/宾从/疑问词+to do 做宾语,我正在考虑换份工作呢。 Im considering changing my job . 他从没考虑如何赚更多的钱。 He has never considered how to make more money .,3) v.认为,把看作,我们把狗看作人类的朋友。 We consider dogs to be humans friends .,30 close to :,1) 几乎,接近 2) 离近 3) 与关系密切,这是因为这个岛离赤道很近。 This is because the island is so close to the equator . 钟伟接近三年没回去了。 Zhong Wei hasnt been back in close to three years .,31 hold :,1) v. 拥有,抓住,单三: 现分: 过去式/过去分词:,holds / dz/ holding held,她手里正拿着一本书。,She is holding a book in her hand .,他们将开会讨论这个问题。 They will hold a meeting to discuss the problem .,2) 举行,主持 = have,现在完成时态(三),一用法:表示过去某时开始,持续到现在的动 作或状态,并有可能继续持续下去。 常和表示“从过去某一时刻持续到现在 的一段时间连用。如: for +一段时间; since +过去的时间; since+一段时间+ago ; since +含过去时 的句子; how long 等。 我住在这里10年了。 I have lived here for 10 years .= I have lived here since 10 years ago.= I have lived here since 2005. I have lived here since I came here .,二 句中动词必须用延续性动词( 否定句除外) . 这本书我买了3年了。 I have bought the book for 3 years . ( ) I have had the book for 3 years . ( ),三 延续性动词与非延续性动词的特点和用法: 延续性动词: 表经历、结果和一段时间连用; 非延续性动词:表行为的结果,不可与一段时 间连用。,自从那时他们就彼此认识了。,你哥哥参军多长时间了? How long has your brother joined the army? How long has your brother been in the army? been a soldier ?,错,对,They have known each other since then . 他已经读完那本名著了。 He has finished reading the classic .,用法:1)非延续性动词与时间点连用。 他三年前入团的. He joined the League 3 years ago . 那个老头20年前死了。 The old man died 20 years ago . 2) 延续性动词和段时间连用。 He has been in the League for 3 years . The old man has been dead for 20 years. The old man has been dead since 20 years ago .,3)关于since 的一个常考固定句型: It is +时间段+since + 过去时态的句子。 我来这里5年了.,1 have gone / left = have been away (from) 2 have come = have been here 3 have bought / = have had 4 have borrowed = have kept 5 have joined =have been a member of = have been in 6 have begun / started = have been on,It is 5 years since I came here .,四 短暂性动词如何转换成延续性动词: 1 直接换成对应的延续性动词: 2 转换成 be+名词/形容词/副词/介词短语,7 have married/(got married)= have been married 8 have put on = have worn 9 have finished( ended) = have been over 10 have fallen asleep = have been asleep have got to sleep 11 have closed = have been closed 12 have died = have been dead 13 have gone to school = have been in school 14 have opened = have been open 15 have come back/ returned = have been back 16 have got to know = have known 17 have gone out = have been off 18 have arrived/got to /reached/moved to = have been in /at,19 have become = have been 20 have caught a cold = have had a cold 21 have joined the army = have been in the army = have been a soldier 22 have joined the Party (League) = have been in the Party (League) = have been a Party (League) member,我父母结婚20年了。 My parents have been married for 20 years. 他离开家3天了。 He has been away from home for 3 days . 电影开始10分钟了。 The movie has been on for 10 minutes .,1.I have borrowed the book for 2 weeks. ( ) 2.The film has begun for 5 minutes.( ),A B C,A B C,B kept,B been
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