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一、用What或How填空,完成感叹句。 1_How_ nice the pictures are!2._How_ cold it is today! 3_What_ heavy snow it is! 4._What_ an interesting story it is! 5_What_ a clever girl she is! 6._What_ a tall building! 7_How_ high the bird is flying! 8._What_ a beautiful girl! 9_What_ delicious food! 10._How_ happy they are!,二、单项选择。 (B)1._ clever you are! AWhat aBHowCWhatDHow a (D)2._film! AHow interestingBHow an interesting CWhat interesting DWhat an interesting (A)3._ cold it was yesterday! AHowBHow aCWhat (C)4._ fast the boy is running! AWhat BWhat a CHow,(C)5.(2015上海)_interesting story! AWhat a BHow CWhat an,三、句型转换。 1My father is tall.(用How改为感叹句) _How_ _tall_ my father is! 2The story is very interesting.(用How改为感叹句) _How_ _interesting_ the story is! 3How beautiful the Nature Park is!(改为陈述句) The _Nature_ _Park_ is _beautiful_ 4It is a useful book.(用What改为感叹句) _What_ a _useful_ book it is! 5The woman is very old.(用How改为感叹句) _How_ _old_ the woman is!,四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1这本书真有趣! _What_ _an_ interesting book! 2她英语说得真好! _How_ _well_ she speaks English! 3这些图片多漂亮啊! _What_ _beautiful_ pictures they are! 4多么好吃的面包啊! _What_ delicious bread _it_ _is_! 5她舞跳得多好啊! _How_ well she _dances_!,五、情景配对。 (E)1.生日宴会上,玛丽穿了一件漂亮的裙子, 这时你应说:_ (B)2.星期天你和父母一起去花园赏花,你可以说:_ (A)3.假如你父亲给你买了一块漂亮的手表, 你应说:_ (C)4.假如你在街上碰到一个英俊的小伙子, 你可以说:_ (D)5.你姐姐歌唱得非常好,你赞扬说:_ AWhat a nice watch it is! BHow beautiful the flowers are! CWhat a handsome boy he is! DHow well you sing! EWhat a beautiful dress it is!,六、知错就改。(每题一处) 1HowA loveB theC girl is! (B)_lovely_ 2HowA fineB weather itC is! (A)_What_ 3Look atA theseB pictures.WhatC beautiful! (C)_How_ 4HowA aB prettyC bird it is! (A)_What_ 5WhatA niceB the foodC is! (A)_How_,
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