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,Quality Clinic Process Charts, Relentless Root Cause Analysis, and Mistake Proofing Marketing zero defects must be designed into a process using Mistake Proofing methods要达到零缺陷,仅靠检验是不够的,必须要把错误预防设计到流程中. Recognize that people, machines, and processes make errors认识到人,机器,和过程会犯错误. Respect the intelligence of workers by removing the judgment from repetitive tasks or actions where errors are likely to occur尊重工人对消除可能重复产生错误行为作出判断 Use simple, creative and cost effective mistake proofing ideas to overcome human and mechanical errors运用简单的、创造性的、有效成本的错误预防思想来克服人与机器的错误 Refuse to accept “human error” as an excuse for root cause of a problem不能接受把人为错误作为问题根源,Three Levels of Mistake Proofing,Level 1: Prevent an error from occurring at the source (Photo machine sensor that reads size of paper) 1级:在源头防止问题的发生. Level 2: Detect the error as it is being made (If delete key is hit, it asks, “Are you sure?”) 2级:当错误产生时可以检测到. Level 3: Prevent the defect from reaching the next operation OR worst - THE CUSTOMER 3级:防止缺陷流入下一道工序或顾客,NO ESCAPES!,Successful Mistake Proofing Devices,You should be able to answer yes to all of these ? 你应该对所有这些回答是的 Prevents reoccurrence?防止再发生吗? Inexpensive?不昂贵吗? Simple to use?使用简单吗? Easy to implement?易于执行吗? Gives prompt feedback?给予准时的反馈吗? Reliable?可靠吗? Has the right peoples input?人工输入正确吗?,Employee Participation,Requirement for Success,Management MUST create an environment that 管理层必须建立的环境是. Recognizes that people WANT to do quality work (They DO NOT come to work to make bad parts) 认识到人们是想去做好工作的 Promotes involvement and creativity鼓励参与和创造 Provides time and support resources to solve problems提供时间和资源解决问题. Strives for continual improvement争取持续的改进 “to err is human” - its letting errors turn into defects that is the problem错误在人(让错误变成缺陷)是一个问题,Qualifying Criteria合格级标准,ACE element awareness training ACE要素意识培训,Where Do We Start?我们从哪里开始?,As the true cause of problems are identified (using Relentless Root Cause Analysis), apply mistake proofing ideas to permanently correct the problem. 当问题真正的原因被确认后,运用错误预防的思想彻底改正问题,Questions? 问题?,演讲完毕,谢谢观看!,
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