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四年级英语下册四年级英语下册期中素质测评期中素质测评 (人教(人教 PEPPEP 版)版)时间:时间:6060 分钟分钟 . 选出划线部分发音不同的一项,将序号写在括号里。选出划线部分发音不同的一项,将序号写在括号里。(10 分分) () 1.A. nameB. catC. bag () 2.A. carB. waterC. tiger () 3.A. bedB. heC. red () 4.A. fishB. windowC. rice () 5.A. birdB. girlC. sister . .请打请打“”“”“”“”判断翻译对错。判断翻译对错。(10 分)分) 1.go to bed 上床睡觉 ()2.second floor 一楼() 3.next to 在上面()4.English class 英语课() 5.weather 天气 ()6.get up 去上学 () 7.warm暖和的 ()8. just a minute快点 () 9. two oclock 两点整()10. windy and rainy 刮风又下雨 () . 根据图片提示,选出根据图片提示,选出拼写拼写正确的单词。正确的单词。(20 分)分) () 1.A. do sportsB. do homeworkC. read books () 2.A. playgroundB. libraryC. classroom () 3.A. computerB. officeC. light () 4.A. twelve oclock B. ten oclock C. eleven oclock () 5.A. PE classB. music classC. English class () 6.A. rainyB. cloudyC. snowy () 7.A. go homeB. get upC. go to bed () 8.A. windyB. sunnyC. rainy () 9.A. go to schoolB. get upC. do homework () 10.A. art roomB. playgroundC. library .圈出正确的答案。(圈出正确的答案。(10 分)分) 1. Its time ( forto ) go home. 2. Its 28 ( degreedegrees ). 3. My new book is ( inon ) the schoolbag. 4. ( WhereWhat ) is the teachers office? 5. Its nine ( oclockclock ). .选择选择填空填空,将序号填在题前的括号里。,将序号填在题前的括号里。(20 分分) () 1. That is _ classroom. A. meB. myC.I () 2. My classroom is on the _ floor. A. firstB. oneC. two () 3. -Do you have a library?-_. A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, we do.C. No, it isnt. () 4. Its 9:45.Its time _ music class. A.toB. forC. of () 5. Its cold _ Beijing. A. onB. isC. in () 4. -Wow, your school is cool!-_. A. Yes.B. Thank you.C. Youre welcome. () 5. -Whats the weather like today?-_. A. Its near the desk. B. Its cool. C. Its red and yellow. ()6. Its 7 oclock. Its time _ go to school. A. toB. forC. ofw ()7. -What _ is it? -Its 9:00. A. classB. timeC. can ()8. -Can I go outside?-_. A. No, you can.B. Yes, you are.C. No, you cant () 9. Is that the _ office? A. teachersB. teachC. teachers () 10. -Whats the _ like in Xian?-Its cloudy. A. weatherB. timeC. weether .读一读,选择正确答句,并将序号填在括号内读一读,选择正确答句,并将序号填在括号内。(15 分分) () 1. Is it cold?A. Its on the first floor. () 2. Where is your classroom?B. Its 8:00. () 3. Is this the computer room?C. Yes, its 4 degrees. () 4. Its 7oclock.D. No, its the library. () 5. What time is it?E. Its time for breakfast. . . 阅读短文阅读短文,判断句子的正判断句子的正()误误()。 (15 分)分) () 1. This letter(信) is from Sams father. () 2. Sams dad is inAustralia. () 3. Its cold in Sydney now. () 4. Sams dad can swim outside. () 5. Sam is in Sydney, too. Hi, Sam! How are you? Im in Sydney now. Its great here! Its hot and sunny. The weather is warm. I can swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Beijing? Can you fly your kite? I hope you are happy everyday. Love, Dad 四年级四年级英语期中素质测评英语期中素质测评评分标准及参考答案评分标准及参考答案 (人教(人教 PEPPEP 版)版) 每小题每小题 2 分分 ,共共 10 分分 AABCC 每小题每小题 1 分分 ,共共 10 分分 15 610 每小题每小题 2 分分 ,共共 20 分分 15BAACB610CABBC 每小题每小题 2 分分, 共共 10 分分 1. to2. degrees3. in4. Where5. oclock 每小题每小题 3 分分 ,共共 20 分分 15BABBC610ABCCA 每小题每小题 2 分分 ,共共 15 分分 CADEB 每小题每小题 3 分分 ,共共 15 分分
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