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,六年级 | 上册,Warm-up,六年级 | 上册,free talk,Preview,六年级 | 上册,turn left,left 左边,Preview,六年级 | 上册,turn right,right 右边,Preview,六年级 | 上册,go straight on,straight 直的,Presentation,六年级 | 上册,Listen and answer,1. Howisthedog? The dog is lost. 2. Wheredoesthedoglive? The dog lives in No. 2Park Street. 3. Whereis theNo. 2Park Street? Turn left, go straight on, turn right. Its next to the supermarket. Its beside the cinema.,Presentation,六年级 | 上册,The dogs house,supermarket,next to 邻近,Its next to a supermarket.,Presentation,六年级 | 上册,live at (居住在),I live at No.2 park street.,No.=number,Presentation,六年级 | 上册,Where is the.please?,house,supermarket,Excuse me. Where is the supermarket please?,Practice,六年级 | 上册,school,Excuse me. Do you know how do I get to the post office?,Summary,六年级 | 上册,-Excuse me. How do/can I get to ?,turn left 向左转 turn right向右转 go strsight on 直走,Homework,六年级 | 上册,1、听录音,并复述课文; 2、画一幅图画,上面有许多的建筑物和道路,用英语说一说如何到想去的地方。,
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