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Unit 2 Topic 1,Zhenan Junior High School Liu Ying,Section B,I have a small nose,Studying Aims,Knowledge aims: 1. Learn some new words: favorite, actor, Chinese, does,arm ,hand, leg, foot, short. 2. Go on learning the usage of “do” and “does”. 3. Learn two ways of expressing ones appearance. Skill aims: Be able to describe peoples appearance. Emotional aims: Try to work together with others and take an active part in class activities.,Whats the music about?,A,B,C,D,H,arm,hand,leg,foot,F,G,E,Look at the girl and write down the name of each part.,(hair),(ear),(eye),(nose),(neck),(mouth),(face),(head),I,J,K,L,He has long arms.,His arms are long.,=,long,arm 胳膊,hand 手,Her hands are big.,She has big hands.,=,big,leg 腿,It has short legs.,Its legs are short.,=,short,foot 脚,He has big .,His feet are big.,复数,feet,=,big,He is from China,and he is Chinese.,Look! He is my favorite baby.,Does he have long hair? _,Yes, he does.,He is an actor , he is my favorite actor.,1) Who is Michaels favorite actor? 2) Does he have long hair? 3) Does he have a wide mouth?,Step1:Listen and answer.,Jackie Chan.,Yes, he does.,No, he doesnt.,Jackie Chan,Step2:Listen again and fill.,Jackie Chan is Michaels favorite actor. He is from _.He has a _ nose and his hair is not _. He has a _ mouth. His Chinese name is _.,China,big,long,wide,Cheng Long,Step3:Work in groups.,Task 1:Read 1a ,then find out the key words and sentences.,Task 2:Practice the conversation,and act it.,Listen and check ( ) who is Mr. Wang.,Use the key words to talk about your favorit people,then guess who he/she is. hand arm leg foot big long hair You can like this: He is my friend.He has big eyes Does he have? Who is he?,Play games,1. New words hand arm leg foot favorite actor Chinese,2. Grammar He/She/It has. Does he/she/it have. Yes, he/she does. /No, he/she/it doesnt.,Summary,This is Bruce. He _ a big head. A. has B. have C. is D. are 2. Mr. Lee has _ short hair, _ small nose and _ wide mouth. A. a, a, a B. a, the, / C. /, a, a D. a, /, / 3. _ he have long hair? Yes, he _. A. Are, are B. Do, does C. Do, do D. Does, does 4. _ they have a car? Yes, they _. A. Are, are B. Do, does C. Do, do D. Does, do 5.Does she have big eyes? _. She has small eyes. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. No, she does. D. Yes,she do.,A,C,D,B,Exercise,C,actor,Chinese,He is my favorite actor. ,He is Chinese.,You can introduce like this:,Homework,Thank you!,
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