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,Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends,Watch a video,What animals will you see at the zoo?,giraffe panda seal camel tiger duck lion,Animals at the zoo,长颈鹿 熊猫 海豹 骆驼 老虎 鸭子 狮子,bmbu,Pandas live in China.,People feed bamboo to pandas.,mainly,menl adv.主要地,bamboo,Pandas feed on .(以为食),The animal is friendly. It has long legs. It likes eating grass and leaves. Its the tallest animal on land. It has a long neck.,Play a guessing game,giraffe,dangerdangerous,n. adj.,We shouldnt throw anything at the animals. We shouldnt climb zoo fences. We shouldnt take photos. We shouldnt feed the animals.,Rules we should obey at the zoo,Lesson 15 The Zoo Is Open,Entrance,go the entrance,through,(穿过),Listen and tick the correct answers.,1.What day is today? 2.Where do they go? 3.What time is it when they arrive? 4.What do they see at the entrance? 5.What animals do they see?,Its Saturday.,The zoo.,Its a quarter to eleven.,A sign.,A bear and some giraffes.,Reading,Task 1: Read and underline,go through point to take photos feed to Pandas live mainly in China. instead of,穿过 指向 照相 把 喂给 熊猫主要分布在中国。 代替;而不是,Task 2: Read again and fill in the blanks,Jenny, Danny and Brain had no classes on _ (星期六).They _ (去动物园). They _ (穿过) the entrance and saw a sign. It said that they couldnt _ (照相) or _(喂养) the animals. They saw a bear and some _ (长颈鹿). Danny wanted to feed pandas with grass _(代替;而不是) bamboo. But pandas lives _ (主要地)in China.,Saturday,went to the zoo,went through,take photos,feed,giraffes,instead of,mainly,Task 3: Explanations,open danger No photos!,dangerous,Work in groups. Summarize the usage of the following points,Task 3: Explanations,小结:open 动词,意为_,其反义词_ 形容词,意为_,其反义词为_ danger 名词,意为_,其反义词为_; 固定短语 in danger表示_,out of danger 意为_ dangerous形容词,意为_,其反义词为_,开,打开,close,开放,开着的,closed,危险,safety,safe,危险的,处于危险中,脱离危险,Task 3: Explanations,No photos! 小结:_句 No+_ No+_表示警告或禁止,常用于 标语中。,祈使,n.,n.+ing,Pandas might go extinct!,Scientists say that seventy-four different kinds of living things go extinct(灭绝) every day !,anda(熊猫),The top ten animals which will go extinct in the future in China,Chinese tiger(华南虎),Yangtze River Dolphin(白鳍豚),Browned-eared Pheasant(褐马鸡),Crested-ibis(朱鹮),Golden Monkey(金丝猴),Chinese Alligator(扬子鳄),Black-necked Crane(黑颈鹤),Davids deer(麋鹿),Tibetan antelope(藏羚羊),Animals can help us keep the balance(平衡) of nature. We live on the same earth with them. Animals are our friends, we cant live without them. So we must try our best to protect animals.,Animals Are Our Friends,Give them blue sky.,Give them vast grasslands.,Give them clear water.,Give them beautifulforests.,Give them beautifulforests.,Homework,Imagine you paid a visit to the zoo. Write a story about your trip to the zoo.,P.S. Write about 60-70 words.,Talk about these questions:,When did you go to the zoo? Who went to the zoo with you? What animals did you see? What animals did you like best? Why? Did you feed any animals? Are zoos good for animals? Why or why not?,Tips of the composition,Past indefinite tense (一般过去时),I,Last summer,I went on a trip to Beijing Zoo.,We enjoyed ourselves at the zoo.,Vocabulary 1. But fear is also a _ (危险). 2. Pandas live _ (主要地) in China. 3. The _ (竹子) grows in the south of China. 4. We saw a big g_ in the zoo last week. 5. Did he f_ the bird? It is hungry.,danger,mainly,bamboo,iraffe,eed,EXERCISES,New words,1. 危险;风险 n. danger 2.危险的 adj. dangerous 3.主要地;首要地 adv. mainly 4. 竹子 n. bamboo 5. 长颈鹿 n. giraffe,
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