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电子商务专业英语(1-5),郝晓玲 2009.9,专题2 科技英语阅读难点与翻译技巧,B.2复杂定语(从句)的译法,例如: 例1. A stack is a data type whose major attributes are determined by the rules governing the insertion and deletion of its elements. 译文:栈是主要性质由支配其元素的插入与删除的规则来决定的一种数据类型。 译文中,动宾之间所含内容过多,形成“大肚子”句,行文不畅。 改译:栈是这样一种数据类型,其主要性质由支配其元素的插入与删除的规则来决定。,例2. A fast and accurate symbol manipulating system that is organized to accept, store, and process data and produce output results under the direction of a stored program of instruction is a computer. 原译:一种能够接收、存储、和处理数据,并能在存储指令程序控制下产生输出结果的快速而准确地处理符号的系统叫做计算机。 由于译文主语较长,所以句子显得有点“头重脚轻”,读起来感到不够顺畅。 改译:一种快速而准确地处理符号的系统叫做计算机,它能够接收、存储、和处理数据,并能在存储指令程序控制下产生输出结果。,一、先提后述法,此译法适用于结构复杂的并列长定语(从句)。翻译时,首先用“这样(的)”、“这样一些”、“下列(的)”等词语概括所有修饰成分,然后分别叙述各个修饰内容。用这种方法翻译的译文,重点突出、条理清楚。在许多情况下,这是一种翻译并列长定语(从句)行之有效的方法。,例如: 例1. A computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions, or program, and then carry out this program by performing calculations on numerical data or by compiling and correlating other forms of information. 译文:计算机是一种电子装置,它能接受一套指令或程序,并通过数据运算,或收集和联系其他形式的信息来执行该程序。 (比较:计算机是一种能接受一套指令或程序,并通过数据运算,或收集和联系其他形式的信息来执行该程序的电子装置),例2. A sound card is a printed circuit board that can translate digital information into sound and back, that plug into a slot on the motherboard (the main circuit board of a computer) and is usually connected to a pair of speakers. 译文:声卡是一块印刷电路板,它能把数字信息译为声音,也能把声音变为数字信息,它插在母板(计算机主电路板)上的槽内,而且通常连接一对喇叭。 (比较:声卡是一块能把数字信息译为声音,也能把声音变为数字信息,插在母板(计算机主电路板)上的槽内,而且通常连接一对喇叭的印刷电路板。),例4. The World Wide Web is one of the Internets most popular services, providing access to over one billion Web pages, which are documents created in a programming language called HTML and which can contain text, graphics, audio, video, and other objects, as well as hyperlinks that permit a user to jump easily from one page to another. 万维网是因特网最流行的服务之一,提供对超过10亿网页的访问,这些网页是由一种叫做HTML(超文本链接标示语言)的编程语言生成的文件,它们可以包含本文、图形、声频、视频和其他的对象、以及允许用户容易地跳跃到其他网页的“超链接”。,二、先述后提法,此译法是“先提后述法”的倒置。也就是先叙述中心词(组)的修饰内容,最后用“这样的”、“这一切”、“这种”、“这些”等词语予以呼应。对于科技英语文献,这往往也是一种翻译长定语或定语从句的有效方法。例如:,例1. The fact that the Government may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data is not to be regarded by implication 译文:政府可能已经系统地阐述、提供或以某种方式供应了上述图纸、规范或其他资料,但这样的事实并非暗示 (比较:政府可能已经系统地阐述、提供或以某种方式供应了上述图纸、规范或其他资料的这一事实,并非暗示是),例2. The way in which a number of processor units are employed in a single computer system to increase the performance of the system in its application environment above the performance of single processor is an organizational technique. 译文:将许多处理器组成单一的计算机系统,从而提高该系统在其运行环境中的性能,使其超过单个处理器的性能,这种方法称为组织技术。 (比较:将许多处理器组成单一的计算机系统,从而提高该系统在其运行环境中的性能,使其超过单个处理器的性能的方法称为组织技术。),例4. Each publication maintains its own editorial policy but, by and large, articles that report research results from a practical viewpoint or describe application of new technology or procedures to existing problem merit publication. 译文:每种出版物都有各自的编辑原则,但一般来说,从实用观点报道研究成果,或描述新技术的应用,或描述存在问题的过程,这样的文章都是值得出版的。 (比较:每种出版物都有各自的编辑原则,但一般来说,文章从实用观点报道研究成果,或描述新技术的应用,或描述存在问题的过程是值得出版的。),Chapter three new words,abstract,In This chapter, will talk about retailing in EC. We will study the definition of e-tailing; the basic models of e-tailing; the strategy principles of traditional retailers; know more about the online travel operation, online employment market, online real estate, online insurance, online stock market, online banking and online personal finance.and also we will study a new word “on-demand delivery” ;,Secondly, we will talk about the delivery of digital product and online entertainment; the different e-tail consumer aids . in the end, we will identify the critical success factors for direct marketing and e-tailing.,From this chapter, we will be able to :,1)Know more about the king of e-tailing -A ; and the definition of e-tailing 2)Define the basic business models of e-tailing : 3)Identify the principles of “click-and mortar” strategies for traditional retailers 4)Know more about the online travel operation, online employment market, online real estate, online insurance, online stock market, online banking and online personal finance.,From this chapter, we will be able to :,Understand the meaning of on-demand delivery Know what is included in e-tail consumer aids What is the critical success factors for direct marketing and e-tailing. Can give examples for reintermediation, channel conflicts, and personalization in e-tailing,Chapter three 3.13.3difficult words,TEXT-Difficulties Explanations,P95-The statistics for the volume of . P97-the internet offers an open . P98-The term is used to refer to . P103-Therefore, many experts suggest P106-Travel authorization software P106-One online service that is trying to .,questions,What product characteristics decide higher sales volume? Which classification have the e-tailing ? Give examples to explain three models,What services can not be provided by traditional agencies? Please explain what is “last minute trips” What kind
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