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Unit 4,How do you get to school?,Period 2,常见交通方式表达,Revision,A ( ) 1. I walk to school. ( ) 2. I take the bus to school. ( ) 3. I ride the bike to school. ( ) 4. I take the boat to school. ( ) 5. I take the train to school. ( ) 6. I take the subway to school. ( ) 7. I fly to New York.,B I go to New York by plane. b. I go to school by subway. c. I go to school by train. d. I go to school by boat. e. I go to school by bike. f. I go to school by bus. g. I go to school on foot.,Read & Say,take a train,walk,take a bus,take a subway,A :How does Bob get to school ? B :He takes the train to school. He gets to school by train. .,Revision,Have a competition,32,44,55,63,94,108,115,216,345,454,999,How many months are there in a year?,How many days are there in a month?,How many hours are there in a day?,How many seconds are there in a minute?,How many minutes are there in an hour?,Answer the questions:,46,72,33,105,99,61,58,84,leave home,get to school,How long does it take?,It takes about 30 minutes.,A: How do you get to school? B: I walk.,minutes,25,A: How long does it take? B: It takes twenty-five minutes.,兴华路中学,take在此句中的意思是“花费”,40,30,55,20,35,A: -How do you get to school? B: - A: -How long does it take(花费)? B: -It takes about/around minutes.,Pratice,2c Listen and check ( )the kind of transportation that you hear.,_1.f _2._ _ 3._ _4._ _5._,a,e,c,Listen again.Match the time with the kind of transportation.,a. 10 minutes b. 15 minutes c. 25 minutes d. 30 minutes e. 35 minutes f. 40 minutes g. 50 minutes h. 55 minutes,It + takes sb. +时间 + to do = Sb + spend +时间/金钱 (in) doing /on sth.,做某事花了某人多少时间,如:做作业花了我半天时间,It took me half a day to do my homework= I spend half a day in doing my homework= I spend half a day on my homework,指点迷津,三.重点句型,1.询问如何到达某地,How do you get to school ? I get to school by bike,How does he /she go to work? He /she takes the subway to work,2.询问到达某地花多长时间,How long does it take ? It takes about 25 minutes to .,Grammar Focus,How do you get to school?,How does she get to school?,How do they get to school?,How long does it take ?,I ride my bike .,He walks to school.,They take the train.,It takes about forty minutes,Lin Feis home is about 10 kilometers from school. He gets up at six oclock every day, showers and has a quick breakfast. Then he leaves for school at around six-thirty. First, he rides his bicycle to the bus station. That takes about ten minutes. Then the early bus takes him to school. The bus ride usually takes about 25minutes.,How does he get to school? How long does it take? 3. How far is it from his home to school?,First, he rides his bike. Then he takes the bus.,It takes about 35 minutes.,Its about 10 kilometers.,30 minutes/2miles,20 minutes/5miles,15 minutes/2miles,Pairwork,A:How do you get to school? B: I walk to school. A: How far is it (from your home to school ) ? B: Its 5 miles. A: How long does it take (you to get from home to school )? B: It take 30 minutes.,3b 补全对话,A: How do you _ _school? B: I _ ride my bike, but sometimes I _ the train. A: _ _ does it take? B: It _ about forty-five minutes to ride the bike and fifteen minutes by train.,take,How,takes,usually,get,to,long,要细心哟,勤学苦练 出口成章,Pairwork,6 miles,20 minutes,subway,Report: Marias home is about kilometers from school. She gets to school by bus. It takes him about 20 minutes.,.根据答语,完成问题. 1.-_ hours do most students sleep every night ? -About nine hours. 2.-_ does it take ? -About half an hour. 3.-_ does Miss Hill go to work ? -She usually walks to her company. 4.-_ does Anna go to school on foot ? -Hardly ever. 5. -_ is it from the city ? -Only two kilometers. 6.-_ are your shoes? -One hundred yuan.,How many,How long,How,How often,How far,How much,课堂达标检测,完成句子 1.你怎样去上学? _ do you _? 2.你住的离学校有多远? _do you live _? 3.每天去上学花你多长时间? _does it _ you to get to school? 4.我通常骑自行车去上学,有时乘出租。 I usually _ my bike to school but sometimes I _ a taxi. 5.你认为你们镇上的交通怎么样? What do you _ the transportation in your town?,How,get to school,How far,from school,How long,take,ride,take,think of,课堂达标检测,1. Remember the numbers from 30-100. 2. Recite 3b. 3. Ask your classmates. Fill in the blanks.,Homework,
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