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Lesson 25教学目标与要求知识目标: 复习句型“Do you like.?”能够听说读写单词bread、cake,能够听说读单词picnic、sausage.学会使用句子“What would you like ?”、“Id like some bread and a sausage.”能力目标:学生能够利用所学句型,询问他人喜好的事物。情感目标:学生能够体会到中西方饮食文化的不同。教学重、难点重点:”What would you like?” “Id like .?”句型的运用,。 难点:区分可数名词与不可数名词。Some +可数名词(复数);a/an+可数名词(单数);some+不可数名词课前准备教师准备课件、图片、磁扣、表格、电脑、卡片。将学生分小组。教与学方式 Task-based approach, TPR教学过程: Situational Language TeachingStep 1 : Lead in1. T: Hows the weather today ? S: Its sunny. T: Shall we have a picnic ? ( Learn the word “picnic”) S: OK, Lets go !Step 2: 2. T: Before we have a picnic, lets count how many things do we have . Show the pictures of food (they have learned before) and ask students ”How many . do you have ?”, Students answer “We have .”(To review the sentence “How many . do you have ? ”We have .”)3. Students ask and answer by themselves.4. T: Do you think these are enough for our picnic ? S: No! T: So, what should we do now? (Show them the picture) S: Lets go shopping!5. Image in the supermarket T: Wow, there are so many things here. (Take out the pictures ,and ask students )Whats this/that?(Then paste the pictures on one the basket in the blackboard )(Learn the new word s“bread”cake”sausage”)6. A question for students “Why I paste “bread” “cake” “coffee”.in the first basket, but paste “sausage” “cucumber” “orange”in the second basket ? Can you tell the difference of these two baskets ? S: Because the words on the first basket are uncountable nouns, while the words on the second basket are countable nouns.(Or in Chinese.) T: Yes , thats right. Some +可数名词(复数);a/an+可数名词(单数);some+不可数名词For example “some bread ”some coffee”a mango”an orange”some hamburgers ”.7. T: OK, now , lets go shopping ! What would you like ? Give an exampleId like some bananas. How about you ? What would you like ?(Show the pictures)S1: Id like some oranges/sausages/cucumbers.S2: Id like some water/ coffee/ rice. (Give pictures to students who answer right.)8. T: Good job! Now ,I would like to give you a more difficult question. “Id like sth. and sth.”Look at the first group What would you like? S: Id like some cake and some coffee. T: Thats great ! But you used two “some”just now, they are too many, we can just use one. Like “ Id like some cake and coffee.”9. Let students ask and answer in pairs.10. T: Yang Ming and Mary are my friends. They would like to have a picnic with us. So I asked them “What would you like ?”and they tell me the food they like. Look! But can you tell which ones does Yang Ming would like, and which ones does Mary would like. S: Yang Ming might would like ., while Mary would like . T: Give the right answer But why does Yang Ming like ., while Mary like.? S1: Because Yang Ming is a boy while Mary is a girl. T: Emm. Maybe. S2: Because Yang Ming is a Chinese, but Mary is an American. T: Yes, I also think so.Because Yang Ming is a Chinese, so he prefer Chinese food,. But Mary is an American, so maybe she would like more western food, like coffee,bread,and sandwich.11. T: I heard that Lisa will have a picnic with her parents, so lets see what happened. Listen to the video, and answer two questions “ What would Lisa like ? ” “ What would Lisas mother like ? ”Play the video twice. Students answer the questions.12. Read the dialogue.Step 3 Practice13. Lets paste! Students can paste the cards on the paper, and ask each other “What would you like ?” “Id like .”GroupxxLisa14. Volunteers show the class how can they make the form with the sentence “What would you like ?” “Id like .”作业设计:1. Select the healthy food and unhealthy food.2. Do the exercise of Lesson 25.板书设计:Lesson 25Picnic bread cake sausageWhat would you like ?Id like some bread and sausages.教学反思: 在这节课上,带领学生们复习了三四年级学过的所有食物单词,以及句型“Hows the weather today ? Its sunny. ”, “Do you like .? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. ”学生的熟练回答反映出对旧有知识掌握的熟练程度。先引导学生回答 “Id like .”,再回答难度稍高的句型 “Id like . and .”, 难度递增,使学生更好地接受。通过故事的讲述,将学生带入情境中,增强学生学习英语、学习本课词汇与句型的趣味性,更加集中注意力。卡片的发放,一方面鼓励学生思考问题、回答问题,另一方面为最后的Lets paste ! 环节做准备,作为课堂评价的有力工具。图片的展示,色彩的运用,能够很好地吸引学生的注意力。引导性发问,提出问题,请学生思考答案,而非直接公布结果。 例如 ”为什么将图片放入两个篮子当中,是以什么标准划分的呢?”“为什么杨明和Lisa 选择的食物会有不同? ”鼓励学生积极寻找规律、大胆提出猜想。同时作为教师,不轻易否定学生的答案,营造开放轻松的讨论氛围。以上为本节课比较有借鉴意义的点,写出来供自己参考,以后继续改进。另外,本节课也有遗憾点,比如1.“sandwich”单词的发音不准确,这是由于前期准备工作不严谨,没有查词典以确认发音;2. 教师话语太多,学生表达较少;3. 中文占比例稍多,英文表达不够,其实不用太考虑学生能否听懂,四年级的学生有能力根据平时的积累、教师的肢体动作、上下环节的衔接等推测出教师话语的意思,多听多练,反而可以提高学生的语言适应能力,拓宽学生的听力范围等等。
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