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初中英语八年级上册学习资料 - 中学英语试卷测试题 词汇 广东省教育厅教研室 . 用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I was(ill) yesterday, but I feel(well) today. 2. He goes skateboarding(two) a week. 3. Im worried because my mother is(health). 4. My(speak) English doesnt improve, so I need some conversation practice. 5. Its important for you to eat a(balance) diet. . 根据汉语的意思完成句子。 1. The old woman feels疲劳 after a long walk. 2. His son has a头疼. 3. I have a嗓子疼, so I cant speak a word. 4. I brush my牙twice a day. 5. The little boy eats too much. He has a肚子疼. 参考答案 . 1. ill, better2. twice3. unhealthy4. spoken5. balanced . 1. tired2. headache3. sore throat4. teeth5. stomachache单项选择 广东省教育厅教研室 1. Whats the matteryou?A. forB. withC. toD. of 2. Your body temperature is 39. You have a.A. coldB. headacheC. feverD. toothache 3. Tim has a toothache. He should.A. see the dentistB. drink more waterC. lie down and restD. go to bed 4. Eating toois bad for your health.A. manyB. lessC. muchD. fever 5. Bill shouldbecause he is very thirsty.A. go to bedB. eat foodC. drink waterD. have a rest 6. -?- I have a bad cold.A. Where are you goingB. Whats the matterC. How often do you exerciseD. What do you do 7. - Do you have a headache?-.A. Yes, I haveB. No, I have notC. Yes, I doD. Yes, I dont 8. My grandmother doesnt. She is weak.A. feel wellB. feeling goodC. feeling wellD. fells good 9. Davida stomachache, so heeat too much today.A. has, shouldB. has, shouldntC. have, shouldntD. have, should 10. You should drinkwater.A. a lotB. a littleC. a fewD. many 参考答案 1-5 BCACC6-10 BCABB完型填空 广东省教育厅教研室 A man was sitting to the doctors office. He was telling the doctor about his1, “I like football, doctor, he said. “Please help me. My life has2been a good one since I was3in football and it is getting worse and wore越来越糟. I cant even4well at night. When I close my5, Im out there in the football field6after a flying ball. When I wake up, Im more7than I was when I went to bed. What am I going to do? The doctor sat back and said, “First of all, you8to do your best not to dream做梦about football. Before you are falling asleep睡着, try to9about something else. Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several million几百万dollars. “Are you crazy发疯的? the man shouted. “Ill10the ball soon! 1. A. problemB. familyC. sportD journey 2. A. alwaysB. alreadyC. neverD. often 3. A. interestedB. carefulC. deepD. strong 4. A. workB. playC. doD. sleep 5. A. doorsB. windowsC. booksD. eyes 6. A. bookingB. playingC. runningD. waiting 7. A. worriedB. tiredC. surprisedD. pleased 8. A. wantB. hopeC. haveD. decide 9. A. hearB. writeG. talkD. think 10. A. missB. playC. catchD. pass 参考答案 1-5 ACADD6-10 CBCDC阅读理解(A) 广东省教育厅教研室 Li Shizhen was born in 1518. His father was a poor doctor. Li Shizhen often saw people fall sick. He decided决定to study medicine药so that he could help the sick people. Li Shizhen read many books about medicine. He found many of the old medical医药的books full of mistakes. So his wish was to write a new one. He did his best to study medical science. He studied not only the herbs草本植物in his own自己的garden, but also the wild野生的ones. He set out外出many times on long journeys旅行to collect采集herbs and talk with old peasants农民. He learned a lot from the working people. After many years of hard work and study, Li Shizhen finished完成his great book “Ben Cao Gang Mu?本草纲目?. At that time he was sixty. His book is now one of the greatest contributions奉献of the Chinese people to the medical science of the world. 根据短文内容完成句子。 1. Li Shizhens father was. 2. Li Shizhen decided to study medicine because he wanted to. 3. Li Shizhen wanted to write a new medical book because. 4. “Ben Cao Gang Mu is. 5. Li Shizhen collected a lot ofon his long journeys. 参考答案 1. a (poor) doctor 2.help the sick people 3.many old medical books were full of mistakes 4.a medical book 5.herbs阅读理解(B) 广东省教育厅教研室 Many young people like to go to rock concerts摇滚音乐会these days. They like the loud and exciting令人兴奋的sound of the music and they enjoy享受the excitement of a big concert. Rock stars usually have a different不同的style风格.Their music is exciting and different, and the way they dance and dress makes them popular受欢送的with young people. The words of rock songs are usually quite simple, but the music itself本身
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