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外研版(2019)必修一 unit 1 starting out and understanding ideas学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、填空题1.The letter wasnt addressed to me but I opened it out of_ (curious).2.They were having an _(argue) about whose turn it was to do the cooking.3.My first _(impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.4.Every time I fail my exam and begin to lose heart, the sight of my motto inspires me with much_ (confident).5.The end of the project is almost _sight, so we need to work harder to complete it as soon as possible.6.Cat slaves refer _people who adore their cats in cat culture among young people.7.To her _ ( embarrassed),she couldnt remember his name.8.Mr Smith is senior _ me. though he is younger.9.After school, the students went out of the classroom one_ one.10.An_(explore) is someone who travels to unknown places in order to discover what is there.11.It was such a challenging job that no one would like to apply _ it.12.They _(explore) the Amazon jungle at the moment.13.Eric came running into the room, out of_ (breathe).二、语法填空Going to a British high school for one year was _ unforgettable experience for me. Upon arrival, I was _ (satisfy) to learn the school hours were much shorter and that the school had much _ (little) homework. But later I understood that as it was still hard to achieve high grades, it only _ (mean) studying more efficiently. Therefore, I learnt all the_ (subject) with great efforts though I found fitting in with the all-English environment quite_ (challenge) at first. Luckily, with my English teachers_ (encourage) and help, I made great progress in a short period of time. Thanks _ all the classmates and teachers, I enjoyed my life fully there. The only thing _ seemed to be missing was Chinese food as I was not quite into sweet food in Britain. All in all, I highly recommend that you go there to experience this different way of life if you _ (give) the chance.三、阅读理解 Whats your feeling when you step into senior high school? It is a completely new experience, but you shouldnt worry. Weve got some tips to help you. Youre not alone. Remember that everybody else in your grade is in the same boat. You may not notice it, but theyre just as nervous as you are. Moving up to senior high school is an opportunity, not a problem. Things are different, and all you need to do is to be polite and learn the new rules. The teachers will help you. If you dont know what to do or are worried about something, then ask for help. Teachers are probably the best people to turn to because they have experience in helping new students. Pay attention to what your teachers say. Everybody changes. There are lots of differences between junior high school and senior high school. You will have your lessons with different teachers in different schools. You will have homework for different subjects on different days, so make sure you get organised. Other points. If youve got an elder brother or sister at senior high school, then ask them for hints. Be careful! It sounds simple, but things will become much better if you just act naturally. Going to bed early makes a difference. Youll also find it easier to get up in the morning!1.The author says Youre not alone. because other students _.A.are polite and friendlyB.will help you if possibleC.will learn the new rules with youD.feel the same as you do2.What does the author think of moving up to senior high school?A.It is a difficult problem.B.It sounds simple.C.Its a good chance.D.Its worrying.3.Which of the following does the author advise students to do?A.Dont be shy.B.Just act naturally.C.Change yourself.D.Pay attention to what your classmates say.4.The main purpose of the passage is to _.A.tell students about a new experienceB.tell students how to make full use of timeC.help students that are going to senior high schoolD.tell students that teachers are the best helpers参考答案一 填空题1.答案:curiosity解析:句意为:那封信不是寄给我的,但我出于好奇把它拆开了。设空处作out of的宾语,应用名词;out of curiosity意为出于好奇。2.答案:argument解析:句意为:他们为该轮到谁做饭而争吵不休。设空处需要填名词,作were having的宾语,且前有不定冠词修饰,故填argument。3.答案:impression解析:句意为:我对他的第一印象是他是一位善良、体贴的年轻人。设空处需要填名词,作主句的主语,故填impression。4.答案:confidence解析:句意为:每次我考试不及格,开始失去信心,看到我的座右铭会激励我充满信心。设空处作介词with的宾语,其前有much修饰,应用名词。故填confidence。5.答案:in解析:句意为:该项目完成在即,所以我们需要更加努力地工作,以尽快完成它。in sight 是常用短语,意为看得见;在望;在即,故填in。.6.答案:to解析:refer to意为指的是;与有关;涉及,为固定短语。故填to。7.答案:embarrassment解析:提示:固定短语 to ones embarrassment,意为令某人感到尴尬的是。8.答案:to解析:提示:固定短语beseniorto意为比年长;比职位高。句意:史密斯先生比我职位高,尽管他更年轻。9.答案:by解析:提示:固定短语one by one意为一个接一个地。句意:放学后,学生们一个接一个地走出了教室。10.答案:explorer解析:提示:根据someone可知,该句主语应
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