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a,b,n,k,h,j,l,p,m,s,g,r,c,t,d,f,w,z,Can you read them?(你能读这些单词吗?),mat,crab,hand,sad,dad,nap,lap,pad,cat,rab,bag,crab,r,legs,ten,red,pen,c,b,a,leg,pen,ten,red,你能找出这些单词有哪个相同点吗?,leg,pen,ten,red,四人小组读一读这些单词吧!,Lets chant,Pen, pen , a red pen. Leg, leg, ten legs. A red pen has ten legs.,绿色圃中小学教育网lspjy,e,b,n,k,h,j,l,p,m,s,g,r,c,t,d,f,w,z,Tips:同学们,你能用e的发音规则读出这些新单词吗?发挥你们的聪明才智来挑战吧!,Challenge(挑战题),web met beg Ted get peg let mess,1. Read the new words.(朗读新单词),2. Listen to the words and find the letters.(听单词发音,找字母),t, h, s, e, b,k, t, w, e,b, f, e, d,wet,Challenge(挑战题),bed,best,Tips:竖起小耳朵喽,你们将会听到几个新单词,迅速找出是由哪几个字母组成的。,g, j, e, k,t, p, e, l,e, k, n, y,ken,keg,pet,Challenge(挑战题),3.Tongue twister(绕口令),Good, better, best, never let it rest. Till good is better, and better, best.,Challenge(挑战题),3.Tongue twister(绕口令),1.Ten red pens.,2.Ten red pens in bed.,3.Ten red pens in pet bed.,e,e,e,a,a,Challenge(挑战题),4.Listen and circle.(听单词,辨音,圈字母。),Little knowledge(小知识),知道吗?字母e除了今天学的发音外,还有很多别的发音哦,让我们来瞧瞧吧!,he she we me,pen bed pet egg,你能区别e的不同发音吗?来读读这些单词吧!,he she we me,Read, choose and write.(读一读,选一选,写一写。),1. How old are you? Im years old.,2. Look at me. This is my .,3. Whats that? Its a .,4. My bag is .,leg pen teacher red boy ten,Homework(回家作业),Copy the four-skill words four times. (抄写四个单词,每个抄遍。 ) 2. Read the sentences to your parents. (把纸上的四个对话读给爸爸妈妈听。),
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