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,Unit 1 How tall are you?,PEP 六年级下册,课时 5,Read and writeLets wrap it up,一、选出下面每组单词中不同类的一项。 ()1. A. younger B. stronger C. singer ()2. A. hand B. than C. arm ()3. A. feet B. leg C. wear ()4. A. OK B. metre C. kilogram ()5. A. deer B. giraffe C. dear,C,C,A,C,B,二、单项选择。 ()1. Mu Lan _taller than Amy. 【口诀记忆法】 A. am B. is C. are,B,方法点拨:,此题用口诀记忆法 解答,口诀:我用am,你用are,is 用于他、她、它。其他人称复数都用are。,()2. How _is your mother? A. taller B. big C. tall ()3. Im taller than_. A. your B. you C. yours ()4. She is 1. 70 _ tall. A. cm B. metres C. km,B,B,C,()5. The tiger is _ than the cat. A. biger B. large C. bigger ()6. My legs are longer than_. A. you B. yours C. your ()7. Tim and his family _ going on a trip to the countryside. A.is B. / C. are,B,C,C,()8. You are _ than me. A. happy B. happyer C. happier ()9. Which is _, the elephant or the deer? The elephant. A. tall B. taller C. tallest,C,B,三、看情景,选答案。 1. 你如何问小丽鞋子的大小呢?_ A. What big are your shoes? B. What size are your shoes? C. Are your shoes big or small?,B,2. 你和同学在操场上玩,你想知道树有多高时,应该这样问:_ A. How tall is the tree? B. How large is the tree? C. How heavy is the tree?0,A,3. 同学们总喜欢多交朋友,当你想告诉别人陈洁比你大时,应该这样说:_ A. Chen Jie is younger than I. B. Chen Jie is older than me. C. Chen Jie is old.,B,4. 当别人问你喜欢哪件裙子时,你想说你喜欢长些的那件时,你应该说:_ A. I dont like the short one. B. I like the longer one. C. I like the short one.,B,5. 在你和小菲一起玩英语对话游戏时,你想告诉她:你比她重3公斤,你应该这样说:_ A. Im 3 kilograms heavier than you. B. Im 3 kilograms heavier than yours. C. Im 3 kilograms heavy than you.,A,四、看图补全所缺单词。 1. The giraffe is about 1. 50 m. It is _ than the lion. 2. The lion is about 0. 9 m. It is _than the giraffe, but _than the monkey.,taller,shorter,taller,3. The rabbit is_ _the monkey. 4. The monkey is about 0. 6 m. It is_ than the lion, and it is about 0. 9 m _ than the giraffe. 5. The lion is about 0. 6 m _ than the rabbit.,than,taller,shorter,shorter,shorter,五、补全对话。 Sarah: Hello, Mike. 1. _ Mike: There are four. Sarah: 2. _ Mike: They are my father, my mother, my brother and me. Sarah: 3. _,F,E,D,A. Who is heavier? B. Is your father older than your mother? C. Is your mother taller than your father? D. What do your parents do? E. Who are they? F. How many people are there in your family?,Mike: My father is a bus driver, and my mother is a waitress. Sarah: 4. _ Mike: No. My father is taller. Sarah: 5. _ Mike: Yes. Hes older. Sarah: 6. _ Mike: My father. Because he likes to eat meat but never does sports.,A,C,B,A. Who is heavier? B. Is your father older than your mother? C. Is your mother taller than your father? D. What do your parents do? E. Who are they? F. How many people are there in your family?,六、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Hello, I am a Beijing boy. My name is Wu Yifan. Now, I am happy to have a pen pal. Her name is Sarah. She is from America. She is 14. And she is younger than me. I am 1. 56 m tall. And Sarah is 1. 65 m tall. So she is taller than me. She likes going hiking, swimming and flying kites. I like taking pictures, swimming and reading. We are in different countries. But we are good friends.,()1. Wu Yifan is from China. ()2. Sarah is older than Wu Yifan. ()3. Sarah is taller than Wu Yifan. ()4. They both like swimming. ()5. Sarah is 0. 09m taller than Wu Yifan.,T,T,F,T,T,七、书面表达。 根据图表内容,用比较级写几句话。不少于50词。,_ _ _ _ _,Tom and Tina are my friends. Tom is 12 years old and 1. 57m tall. He is 42kg. Tina is one year younger than Tom. She is shorter than Tom. She is only 1. 51m. And she is 41kg. Tom is quiet. He likes watching TV. Tina likes swimming. They are very friendly. Do you like them?,Thank you!,
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