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重庆市2021年中考英语试题(A卷)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1Taking the train is _ good way to see the world.AaBanCtheD/2The Tianwen-1 Probe landed on Mars _ May 15th, 2021.AatBinCtoDon3There are many _ teachers in this primary school.AwomanBwomansCwomenDwomens4Listen! Our science teacher _ the use of the robot.AexplainsBexplainedCis explainingDhas explained5Ann has got a letter from her best friend. It makes _ quite excited.AsheBherChersDherself6The villagers plan _ a new bridge over the river.AbuildBbuildingCto buildDbuilt7We should take the rest of the food home _ we cant finish what we order.AifBsoCunlessDuntil8A lot of trees _ in our city in spring every year.Aare plantedBwere plantedCplantDplanted9Protecting ourselves is one of _ things we must do.AimportantBmore importantCmost importantDthe most important10Do you know _?Yes. Next week. Im preparing for it.Awhen will we have the singing competitionBwhen we will have the singing competitionCwhere will we have the singing competitionDwhere we will have the singing competition二、完型填空 It was December 30th. Anna and Alex were helping Mom make banana cakes. They cut up the 11 put the eggs and sugar in the flour(面粉), poured the milk in and mixed them all up.When they were almost done, Anna asked, “Mom, why are we making so many cakes?” “I want to take some over to Mrs. Brown 12 the street,” said Mom. “Her husband died of a serious illness a few days ago. She only has her dog Wangwang in the house.”Mom put the cakes in the oven(烤箱)and the children helped 13 the mess. The cakes were finally done. They all waited 14 until the cakes cooled down. Then they put some on a plate and headed to the opposite house. When Mrs. Brown opened the door, Anna said, “Mrs. Brown, we have brought you some banana cakes.” “Thank you. 15 smell delicious,” Mrs. Brown said, “Wangwang and I are feeling a little 16 these days. Its kind of you to come.” “Would you like to 17 us tomorrow for New Years dinner?” asked Mom. “Take Wangwang, too.” “Well Im not sure,” said Mrs. Brown. “Please say yes,” said Alex. “Come to our house, 18 it will be great fun,” said Anna. Anna was 19 . They never had such a pleasant dinner. Mrs. Brown thanked them for inviting Wangwang and her, saying she felt better. 20 was doubled when shared.11AbananasBapplesCorangesDstrawberries12AbesideBbehindCacrossDaround13Alook forBgive awayChand outDclean up14AstronglyBbravelyCquicklyDpatiently15AIBWeCYouDThey16AlonelyBangryCexcitedDrelaxed17AinviteBjoinCaskDcall18AthoughBbutCandDor19AwrongBrightCquietDstrict20AKindnessBHappinessCillnessDSadness三、阅读单选A map is a drawing of a place. The title tells you what place it is. The symbols of the map key stand for different places. A map shows the four directions. The letters N, S, E and W stand for north, south, east and west. Look! Walk west on the road, then turn left, and you can find the school.21The picture above is a map of _.Aa countryBa cityCa townDa park22On the map, you can find the following places EXCEPT _.Aa hotelBa schoolCa bankDa hospital23If you want to go to the zoo, you can _.Awalk east on the roadBwalk west on the roadCwalk south on the roadDwalk north on the roadBuild for yourself a strong box.Build each part with care;When it strong as your hand can make it,Put all your troubles there.Hide there all thought of your failures.And each pain that you take;Lock all your heartaches in it,Then sit on the lid(盖子)and laughTell no one else whats inside,Never share its secrets;When youve dropped in your care and worry,Keep them for ever there.Hide them from sight(视野)so completelyThat the world will never dream half;Cover the strong box safely,Then sit on the lid and laugh.24The material above is probably _.Aa storyBa playCa poemDa letter25What does the writer advise us to put in the box?AHappy things.BSad things.CInteresting things.DBoring things.26According to the writer, wed better keep these things in the box _.Afor everBfor a yearCfor a monthDfor a week27After covering the box with the lid, we can sit on it and _.AcryBshareCdreamDlaugh Liu Xiuxiang was born in a poor family. When he was 4, his father died. His mother developed mental(精神的) health problems. When he was 10, his elder brother and sisters left and never returned. To make a living, Liu collected rubbish, and in high school he worked 18 hours a day during summer vacations. However difficult it was, he never gave up h
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