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外研版高中英语一轮复习巩固练习必修二Unit1 Food for thoughtI .单词拼写1. Hearing a child stolen, many parents_(胆敢) not ask their kids to go out.2. At 8:00 am, we_(聚集)at the foot of Daqing Mountain and set off for the top in high spirits.3. Regular exercise combined with balanced_(日常饮食)is the healthy recipe for life.4. We may have different_(看法) in organizing class activities.5. Employers usually decide_(在.之.内)five minutes whether someone is suitable for the job.6. I have learned a lot about robots,especially about their_(功能) and shapes.7. You should observe the local_(风俗)when you go abroad.8. We can_(下载)a movie, old or new, from the Internet within a few minutes.9. Exercise is one of the key components of a healthy_(生活方式).10. Health_( 官员) have tried to raise awareness about AIDS among teenagers.Keys:1 dare 2 gathered 3 diets 4 opinions 5 within6 functions 7 custom 8 download 9 lifestyle 10 officials2.单句语法填空1. When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself_ new manners and customs.2. Seeing the toy, she couldnt resist_(reach) out to touch it.3. The new building is_ construction. It will be completed next month.4. To be honest, he is too stubborn for you_( persuade) him to go with us.5. In his opinion, peoples accents differ_ each other.6.It is said that Linda is_ diet in order to lose weight.7. The newspapers made an attack_ the Prime Ministerbecause of the new law.8. Tom, addicted_ the Internet, failed in the exam.9. Its recommended that the work_(do) at once.10. As we know, some English adjectives function_ adverbs.Keys:1 to 2 reaching 3 under 4 to persuade 5 from6 on 7 on/upon 8 to 9 (should) be done 10 as3.语段填词1. The old man went through a lot of_ in the old days. Whats worse, he _ from heart attack when he was inhis eighties. ( suffer)2.The _cigarette can_ people, so once you are_ to smoking cigarettes, its extremely difficult tofight your_ ( addict )3. From their appearance, we cannot tell the_ betweenthe twins, but the ways they walk are_ . And they alsoin their voices. ( differ )4. The young man was_ as manager of the big companywith the_ letter of his professor . ( recommend )5. The workers are_ the bridge damaged by the flood,and the bridge under_ connects the road with the town. ( construct )6. To the_ of the manager, his_ products could_ the needs of the customers. ( satisfy)7. Its_ for me to see Professor Li at his_ , because his house is near my house. ( convenient)8. Three of his novels have been_ for TV series andthese_ are very popular with people. ( adapt )9. In traditional Chinese culture,_ decisions are oftenmade by parents for their children. However, they got _ without their parents permission. ( marry )10. Nowadays few of us can_ the temptation of smart phones, for the convenience they bring to our life makes anyone trying to be_ to them finally quits his or her_ .( resist )Keys:1 sufferings; suffered2 addictive; addict; addicted; addiction3 differences; different; differ4 recommended; recommendation5 constructing; construction6 satisfaction; satisfying; satisfy7 convenient; convenience8 adapted; adaptations9 marriage; married10 resist; resistant; resistance4.完成句子1._ we can see the whole city.站在山顶上,我们能看见整座城市.2. He_, for he is upset today.他肯定是受到了惩罚,因为他今天很不高兴。3. Though they tried hard, they couldnt_ hermind.尽管他们很努力,但是还是不能使她改变主意。4._ 1 cant help thinking of the days when I was in Australia.每次我听到那首英文歌,我就禁不住想起我在澳大利亚的那些日子。5. While the students found the soldiers idea interesting, the system was _ be of practical use.虽然学生们觉得士兵的想法有趣,但这方法太过复杂,并不实用。Keys:1 Standing on the top of the mountain2 must have been punished3 make her change4 Each time I hear the English song5 too difficult toV.微写作假如你是李华,昨天在街上遇见了老朋友王雷,你们谈论起了臭豆腐,请据此写一篇的短文。 要点如下:1.走在大街上时,我遇见了一-位老朋友王雷。2.我们谈论起了日常饮食。3.他问我是否喜欢吃臭豆腐。4.说实话,我不敢吃这样的东西。5.我一向胆小。6.王雷的饮食习惯与我不同。7在他的鼓励下,我决定这次尝试下,多亏了他,我现在喜欢上臭豆腐了。注意:1.词数80左右;2.尽量使用本单元知识点;3.可适当增加细节。Key: When I was walking in the street, I came across an old friend Wang Lei. We talked about diets. He asked me if I took to eating stinky tofu. To be honest, I dared not eat such things. It was typical of me to be timid. However , Wang Leis eating habits differ from mine. With him encouraging me , this time I decided to have a try. Thanks to him, I fall in love with stinky tofu.6.课文语法填空Im a child with a British father and a 1_( China) mother. I 2_ ( enjoy) food from both countries since I was very small. Mum has sweet 3_( memory) of spicy dishes from her
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