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高考英语作文续写优秀句子1、她买了很多水果,回来分给了宿舍里的同学,但是唯独没给我!She bought a lot of fruit, back to the students in the dormitory, but not to me!2、她仗着自己长得漂亮,就歧视和欺负其他同学。She discriminated against and bullied other students because she was beautiful.3、听说他们两个人的关系不一般,好像是男女朋友关系。Its said that their relationship is unusual. It seems that they are lovers.4、听说那个美女刚交了男朋友,好像是他们学校的留学生。Its said that the beautiful student has just made a boyfriend. It seems that he is a foreign student in his school. 5、他喜欢吃水果,但是我更喜欢吃干果。He likes fruit, but I prefer dry fruit.6、我要去办公室找老师,去请教一个很难理解的问题。Im going to the office to ask the teacher a difficult question.7、我参加了学校组织的英语俱乐部,专门练习英语口语。I joined the English club organized by the school, specializing in oral English.8、他的英语写的实在太漂亮了,大家看过以后赞叹不已!His English is so beautiful that everyone will be amazed after reading it!9、我喜欢吃香蕉,但是不喜欢吃苹果和桃子。I like bananas, but I dont like apples and peaches.10、每天吃柿子一定要适量,不然很容易得结石。Every day to eat persimmon must be appropriate, otherwise it is easy to get stones.11、今天早上起床起晚了,所以没有吃早饭就来学校上课了。I got up late this morning, so I came to school without breakfast.12、她喜欢卖弄小聪明,所以大家都不喜欢和她交朋友!She likes to show off her cleverness, so everyone doesnt like to make friends with her!13、虽然他做错了事,但是他非常顽固,永远都不会认错!Although he did something wrong, he is very stubborn and will never admit it!14、他虽然对人态度很蛮横,但却是一个热心肠的人!Although he is very rude to people, he is a warm-hearted person!15、他在宿舍里养了一只小狗,引起了大家的反感!He raised a dog in the dormitory, which aroused everyones disgust!16、他因为和同学打架,被学校开除了!He was expelled from school for fighting with his classmates!17、他的钱包在学校丢失了,于是他贴了寻物启事!He lost his wallet at school, so he put up a search notice!18、他们都去做志愿者了,我由于家中有事没有去!They all went to volunteer, I didnt go because of something at home!19、宿舍有个同学喜欢说梦话,害得大家晚上睡不着觉!There is a classmate in the dormitory who likes to talk in his sleep, which makes everyone unable to sleep at night!20、她今天过生日,我们给她准备了精致的生日礼物!Shes having her birthday today. Weve prepared exquisite birthday gifts for her!21、她把衣服穿反了,结果在学校被人嘲笑了!She put on her clothes upside down and was ridiculed at school!22、虽然她个子比我高,但智商未必比我高!Although she is taller than me, her IQ may not be higher than me!23、今天下特大暴雨,出门时一定要带上雨具,做好防范!Its raining heavily today. When you go out, you must take rain gear and take precautions!24、教室里面没有安装空调,同学们热的受不了,很多人都中暑了!There is no air conditioner in the classroom, the students cant stand the heat, many people are suffering from heatstroke!25、高中毕业以后,是进入大学学习,还是进入社会工作,我还没有考虑好!After graduating from high school, I havent considered whether to enter the university or social work!26、我参加了英语演讲比赛,结果成功拿到了第一名!I took part in the English speech contest and got the first prize successfully!27、他自以为学习很厉害,其实他的成绩连中等都算不上!He thinks he studies very well, but in fact, his grades are not even average!28、听说他去过很多地方旅游,还去过拉丁美洲!Its said that he has been to many places to travel and Latin America!29、在公共场所不可大声喧哗,也不可乱丢垃圾,一定要讲公德!Dont make noise or litter in public places. Be sure to talk about social morality!30、他好几门功课都没及格,估计很难拿到毕业证了!He failed in several subjects, so its hard to get his diploma!
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