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第19课时 九年级上册Modules 910,考点一 borrow的用法 【课文原句】 Dad, can I borrow your camera?爸爸, 我能借用你的相机吗? (M9,P72) 【辨析】 borrow, lend与 keep的“借”法有别!,(1)The new version of its online library platform can now help residents to _(借) books from local libraries whenever and wherever they want. (2)Why not go and borrow some money _ her? (3)Could you please _(借) me your dictionary? (4)他借那本杂志多久了? How long has he kept the magazine?,borrow,from,lend,考点二 put up/一般将来时的被动语态 【课文原句】 Theyll be put up on the school website. 它们(照片)将被公布在学校的网站上。(M9,P72),(1)put up在本句中意为“张贴”,(2)一般将来时的被动语态其结构为“willbe动词的过去 分词”。使用一般将来时的被动语态时,应注意以下两点: 在时间、条件状语从句中,应使用一般现在时表示将来。 同样,应使用一般现在时的被动语态表示一般将来时的被 动语态。 使用一般将来时的被动语态时,不要遗漏被动式中的be。,(1)(2018山东临沂中考改编)A primary school in England has _(put into/put off/put on/put up) signs at its three entrances (入口), saying: Greet your child with a smile, not a mobile.,put up,(2)(2018浙江温州中考改编)Alices room is tidy, isnt it? Yes. She always _(looks for/puts away/sweeps away/pays for) her toys after playing with them. (3)(2016江西中考改编)I plan to build an unusual house. It _(build) out of old things.,puts away,will be built,(4)(2016山东威海中考改编)There arent any libraries in our town, are there? No, but it is said one _(build) next year. (5)(2016北京中考改编)A new road _(build) near my school next year.,will be built,will be built,(6)(2018上海中考)We will hold a class meeting to talk about team work next Friday. (改为被动语态) A class meeting will _ _ to talk about team work next Friday.,be,held,考点三 look through的用法 【课文原句】 Every evening, my mother looks through magazines at home.每天晚上,我妈妈都在家浏览杂志。 (M9,P74) look构成的常用短语 (1)“look介词”构成的短语,(2)“look副词”构成的短语,(1)(2018江苏徐州中考改编)What are you doing? Im looking _ (after/at/for/up) the kids. They should be back for dinner now. (2)(2018云南中考改编)We can _(look up/look like/look after/look forward to) some information about this city on the Internet.,for,look up,(3)(2018内蒙古包头中考改编)Terry, _(look up/look around/look down/look out) from your cell phone when your father is talking to you. (4)(2018吉林中考改编)Its a good idea to _(cut up/look up/put up) new words in the dictionary.,look up,look up,(5)(2016河南中考改编)Almost every university now has a website which allows us to _(look at/look after/look around/look through) the information about it. (6)(2016广西南宁中考改编)Whats the meaning of “secretary”? Let me _(look at/look for/look after/look up) the word in the dictionary.,look through,look up,(7)(2016山东德州中考改编)Who _(put on/looked after/gave up/turned off) your pet dogs while you were out for a holiday? My neighbour, a warmhearted woman. (8)(2016广东中考改编) _(Look out/Help yourself/What a pity/Shut up)! Something is falling down from the tall building. Dear me! Its too dangerous.,looked after,Look out,(9)(2016广东广州中考)如果你想知道这个单词的意思, 查一下字典吧。 If you want to know the meaning of this word, just _ it _ in the dictionary.,look,up,考点四 as a result的用法 【课文原句】 As a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive.因此,书籍数量不多,价格又贵。 (M9,P74) as a result意为“作为结果;因此”,通常单独使用。as a result of与as a result仅一词之差,意为“作为的结果; 由于”,后接名词或名词性短语,表示原因。,_(As a result/As a result of), all flights were cancelled.,As a result,考点五 according to的用法 【课文原句】 According to the local people, its a special and magical place.据当地人所说,这是一个特殊而神奇的地 方。 (M10,P80) according to意为“根据;按照;据所说”。 You will be paid according to the amount of work you do. 你将会按照工作量的多少获得报酬。,根据天气预报,下周天气寒冷。 _ _ the weather report, we will have cold weather next week.,According,to,考点六 辨析at a time, at the time与at times 【课文原句】 It wasnt funny at the time! 那时它没趣! (M10,P80) 【巧辨异同】 at a time, at the time与at times (1)at a time意为“一次;每次”。 (2)at the time则指“在那个时候”,相当于at that time。,(3)at times指“有时”,相当于sometimes。 In those days, books were only produced one at a time by hand.在那个年代,书是靠手工制作的,一次只能制作一 本。 At the time his family lived in a very small and old house. 那时候他全家都住在一个又小又旧的房子里。 At times the tide is very high.有时潮水涨得很高。,Please come in one _(at a time/at the time/at times), not all together.,at a time,
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