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大学英语考试复习资料大学英语四级分类模拟题525大学英语考试复习资料大学英语四级分类模拟题525大学英语四级分类模拟题525Part Writing问题:1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Living with Parents or Not?. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Outlines are given below in Chinese: 1有些人工作后喜欢和父母住在一起; 2有些人不希望跟父母住在一起; 3我的看法。 答案:Living with Parents or Not? Some people enjoy living under the same roof with their parents even after they have grown up. They hold the opinion that when living with parents, they can take better care of their parents and pay their filial piety to their parents. Meanwhile, they can return to their parents for help if they have some difficulties. Living in a big family seems to be more enjoyable for them. Others, however, prefer to live by themselves. They cherish the idea to be independent, seek more freedom and have a place of their own, in which they can do whatever they like. Besides, they dont want to be overprotected by their parents, and they long for a chance to face the society by themselves. As for me, I like an independent life style in spite of the fact that I love my parents. Living separately, every generation can enjoy different life styles. In addition, by living an independent life, I can develop an ability to deal with things happening in my life and build up confidence that I can manage my own life well. Part Reading ComprehensionPassage One Water shortages on planet Earth? It seems impossible. Images of our planet from outer space show vast oceans, lakes as big as small countries, and wide rivers flowing with incredible volume. How can there not be enough water? But the fact is that the world is facing the prospect of water shortages caused by population growth, uneven supplies of water, pollution, and other factors. The United Nations predicts that water shortages could hinder the economic growth of some countries and lead to food shortages and, even possibly, to international conflicts. Is there enough water for everyone in the world? According to the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development, humans currently use about half of the 12,500 cu km (立方千米) of water that is readily available from groundwater, rivers, and lakes. So by a simple measure of liters and gallons, there is enough water to quench (结束) the thirst of every creature and plant, every field, and every industry now existing. But water remains a fixed resource. Given an expected population increase of about 50 percent in the next 50 years, coupled with expected increases in demand as a result of economic growth and lifestyle changes, this does not leave much room for increased consumption, the U.N. commission said. A certain amount of water must be set aside to support the environment. Humans cannot drain the worlds lakes, rivers, and aquifers (蓄水层) without causing catastrophic (灾难性的) environmental damage. The worlds population has been growing enormously. The U.N. estimates that it will be over 9 billion by 2050. The amount of water available to each person decreases as the population grows, raising the possibility of water shortages. Water shortages will not come all at once in every part of the world. Just as the worlds population is unevenly distributed by region, so is the annual supply of renewable water. Rainfall and snowfall are determined by uneven weather patterns and landscape, and as a result, some areas of the world get more precipitation (降水量) than others. This leads to the uneven distribution of water all over the world. 1. Whats the purpose to mention the images of our planet from outer space in the first paragraph?A.To demonstrate the great impact of water shortages on Earth.B.To show the serious problem of water shortages on Earth.C.To explain why water shortages on Earth seem impossible.D.To present the beauty of the Earth and our love for it.答案:C解析 第1段以设问句开头,之后给出了这一问一答的具体阐释,展示了从太空拍摄的地球的照片,然后问怎么可能没有足够的水呢。可推知展示我们行星的照片是为了解释为什么地球上发生水荒似乎是不可能的事情,故C正确。该段第3句提到从在太空中拍摄的地球的照片上看,地球上水资源很多,因此可排除A和B;D在文中没有提及。2. What result will water shortages bring according to the passage?A.It will lead to population growth and uneven supplies of water.B.It will make the present vast oceans become deserts.C.It will have serious consequences for the well-being of humans.D.It will impose an intolerable economic burden on all the residents on Earth.答案:C解析 第1段最后一句提到,水资源短缺会阻碍一些国家的经济增长,导致食品短缺,甚至可能会导致国际争端。由此可知,C“水荒将会给人类的生活带来严重的后果”符合题意,故为答案。第1段第5句指出,水荒是由于人口增长和水资源供给的不平衡引起的,A颠倒了文中的因果关系,故可排除;B在原文中未提到,也可排除;D与文中提到的水荒使一些国家经济发展停滞意思不符,故排除。3. What will happen if humans drain the worlds lakes, rivers and aquifers?A.The thirst of existing creature will be quenched.B.The environment will be damaged severely.C.The species diversity will not be totally mined.D.Humans lifestyles will be changed.答案:B解析 由第3段最后一句可知,如果人类将世界的湖、河以及蓄水层中的水抽干就会引起灾难性的环境破坏,故B正确。这里
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