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大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)模拟60大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)模拟60大学三级(B)模拟60Part Listening ComprehensionThis part is to test your listening abilityIt consists of 3 sectionsSection AThis section is to test your ability,to give proper responsesThere are 5 recorded questions in itAfter each question,there is a pauseThe questions will be spoken two timesWhen you hear a question,you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) ,B) ,C) and D) given in your test paper (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. A) Of course not B) You are wrong C) I dont want to tell youD) Youre welcome 答案:A听力原文 Do you mind if I smoke here? 解析 征求意见,其中只有A表达了自己的看法,故选A。 2. A) Yes,certainly B) I dont want to do that C) Yes,you may notD) No,you may 答案:A听力原文 Tom,may I borrow your bike? 解析 征求许可,而且是一般疑问句,故选A。 3. A) I will go to sch001 B) I will help you C) I have got a headacheD) Yes,Im well 答案:C听力原文 Whats wrong with you? 解析 询问身体状况,应该根据具体的情况回答,故选C。 4. A) At five oclock B) I learn English there C) Its very farD) Twice a week 答案:D听力原文 How often do you go to attend your training course? 解析 询问频率,其中只有D表示频率,故选D。 5. A) I usually go fishing B) I am a teacher C) I come from AmericaD) Yes,I do 答案:A听力原文 Mary,what do you usually do at weekends? 解析 应该具体回答所做的事情,故选A。 Section BThis section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) given in your test paper. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.The woman feels sorry.B.The woman is smoking.C.This is the smoking area.D.The man is smoking.答案:D听力原文W: Excuse me, Sir. This is non-smoking area.M: Im sorry.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?关键词:non-smoking area; Im sorry.2.A.Clean her house.B.Buy her some flowers.C.Water her flowers.D.Go away with her.答案:C听力原文W: Will you water flowers for me while Im away?M: Sure I will.Q: What will the man do for the woman?Sure I will.=Sure I will water the flowers.3.A.He will have a meeting.B.Its not his office hour.C.He doesnt have time.D.He is too tired.答案:C听力原文W: May I ask you a few questions, Professor Hill?M: Of course. But I have a class at ten.Q: Why cant professor Hill answer her question now?关键词:But I have a class at ten.4.A.To go out.B.To watch TV.C.To prepare for dinner.D.To keep the promise.答案:A听力原文M: I dont feel like going out.W: But you promised to take me out for dinner today.Q: What does the woman want to do?关键词:to take me out for dinner.5.A.The woman is hard-working.B.The woman should take fewer jobs.C.The woman should take care of the man.D.The woman is in bad health.答案:B听力原文W: Im taking 3 jobs next months.M: Take care of yourself.Q: What does the man mean?Take care of yourself. 意思是:别干太多;别太辛苦了。Section CIn this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times.The third reading is,for you to check your writing.Now the passage will begin.Good morning,Mr.Blake.Take a seat,please. Welcome to the 1 .Before we start,let me give you some idea of what Id like to talk about with you today 2 ,youll be given a few minutes to introduce yourself.You can tellus about your education,job 3 ,interests,hobbies,or anything else youd like to tell us.After that,Ill give you some information about our company and the job you are 4 .If you have any questions about the job, 5 to ask me.Ill be happy to answer them.Now,lets start. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:First ofall2.答案:experience3.答案:alpplying for4.答案:feel free5.答案:interview听力原文 11-15 Good morning,Mr.Blake.Take a seat,please Welcome to the interview.Before we start,let me give you some idea of what Id like to talk about with you today.First of all,youll be given a few minutes to introduce yourself.You can tell us about your education,job experience,interests,hobbies,or anything else youd like to tellus.After that,Ill give you some information about our company and the job you are applying for.If you have any questions about the job,feel free to ask me.Ill be happy to answer them.Nowletstart. Part Vocabulary and StructureThis part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section AThere are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A)
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