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大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语阅读理解分类模拟179大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语阅读理解分类模拟179专升本英语阅读理解分类模拟179Reading ComprehensionPassage 1 The world is undergoing a great transition marked by uncertainty and complexity which we do not yet understand. This poses (提出) a challenge to young people all over the world, for in about 15 years time youth will play a fundamental role as never before in the history of the world. Young people will make up over half the population in developing countriesthe so-called countries of the South. In the North they wm have the heavy responsibility of providing for societies in which elderly people will generally be in the majority. It is probably not by chance that young people in different parts of the world today represent a movement of challenge and pressure which is shaking government and attempting to impose new values in a universe which they perceive as inhospitable (冷淡的) or even hostile. We have come a long way from the early 20th century concept of perpetual 3% annual growth, which fitted so well with the Newtonian vision of the world-a vision resting on the idea of a perfect giant clockwork mechanism. The dramatic nature of todays crisis is based on our difficulty in understandingon a lack of intelligibility (可理解性). For in evolutions constant march towards complexity we have just crossed a threshold. Beyond this threshold, everything is different; everything invites us to look anew (重新). But we are prisoners of images which still inhabit our minds because they brought us so much intellectual comfort in understanding our world as it used to be. Prigonine takes us over the threshold and forces us to enter into the new dialogue which is necessary. It is useful to try to transfer this new vision into the spheres of management, business, national sovereignty, and international organization. In this way we may perhaps make progress in governing that which, on first analysis we may judge to be ungovernable. 1. The characteristic of the present age of the world is _.A.transitionB.challengeC.uncertaintyD.uncertainty and complexity答案:D解析 事实细节题 根据文章第一段“The world is undergoing a great transition marked by uncertainty and complexity which we do not vet understand,”可知D为正确答案。 参考译文 当今世界正在经历一场我们还不了解的具有不确定性和复杂性的大变革。 这就给全世界的青年人带来了很大的挑战,因为在未来的大约15年里,青年将在社会中发挥基础性的作用,这在历史上是没有过的。在发展中国家所谓的南半球国家,年轻人将会占据一半以上的人口。而在北半球他们将要承担沉重的社会责任,因为整个国家中老年人居多。当今世界上不同地方的年轻人重新掀起了一场挑战与压力并存的运动,这种运动正在动摇政府且试图在他们认为很冷漠甚至充满敌意的一个天地中塑造新的价值观,这种情况可能并非偶然。 从20世纪初每年经济增长3%的观念由来已久了,它和牛顿的世界观非常吻合认为世界就是一个完美的巨大的发条装置。今天的危机显著的实质是基于我们理解上的困难缺少可理解性。因为在持续不断的历史化的进程中,我们只是刚刚越过一个门槛。过门槛之后,一切都不同了,一切都需要我们重新认识,但一些表象仍禁锢着我们的思想,它们像原来一样在我们理解世界时带来如此多的智力安慰。既然越过了这个门槛,就进入了新的时代。这就要求我们转变思想,用新的视觉来看待管理、商务、国家主权及国际组织。通过这种方法,我们也许才会在初次分析我们认为无法控制的方面取得进步。 2. Which of the following are not the facts that pose a challenge to young people? _A.Youth will play a fundamental role as never before in the history of the world in about 15 years time.B.The world is considered as inhospitable or even hostile.C.In the North, youth will have the responsibility of providing for societies in which elderly people will generally be in the majority.D.Young people will make up over half of the population in developing countries.答案:B解析 事实细节题 A、C、D项在第二段前三句话中都能找到对应的句子,只有B不符合文意,故选B。 3. The young people who represent a movement of challenge and pressure may have an influence on _.A.governments decisions and ideas or concept about the worldB.population growthC.people of all the agesD.international organizations答案:A解析 判断推理题 根据文章第二段中“It is probably not by chance that young people in different parts of the world today represent a movement of challenge and pressure which is shaking government and attempting to impose new values in a universe,”选项A与其符合。 4. Sometimes we feel difficult to deal with todays crisis because _.A.we are accustomed to dealing with the new things with the ways we used toB.we are intelligibleC.we are prisoners of imagesD.we have just crossed a threshold答案:A解析 事实细节题 根据文章最后一段中“But we are prisoners of images which still inhabit our minds because they brought us so much intellectual comfort in understanding our world as it used to be”,可知选项A正确。 5. It is _ that we may make progress in governing that which, on first analysis we may judge to be ungovernable.A.over the threshold and entering the new dialogueB.by transferring this new vision into the spheres of management, business etc.C.by making a challenge to the worldD.undergoing a great transition答案:B解析 事实细节题 根据文章最后一句话“In this way we may perhaps make progress in governing that which, on first analysis we may judge to be ungovernable”,其中“In this way”是指其前面那句话,故可知B为正确答案。 Passage 2 Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and each course which he attends gives him a credit (学分) which he may count towards a de
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