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大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟587大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟587大学三级(A)模拟587Part Listening ComprehensionSection A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Spending less time on sightseeing.B.Visiting the city with a group.C.Touring the city on a fine day.D.Taking the man with her on the tour.答案:A听力原文W: I think Ill take the whole day tour of the village.M: Why not the half day?Q: What does the man suggest?答案精解 该题为简单推理题,根据男士的否定回答“Why not the half day?”可知男士的意思是一整天太长了。2.A.Because they can back home early.B.Because theyll get caught in the traffic.C.Because they will have a good view.D.Because the woman doesnt want to go.答案:B听力原文M: It seems that well have another fine day tomorrow. Lets go to the seaside.W: OK. But well have to leave very early, or else well get caught in the traffic.Q: Why does the woman suggest going early?答案精解 该题为因果题,根据男士的回答“or else well get caught in the traffic”可知早去可避免堵车。3.A.Not go anywhere.B.Get ten pictures.C.Go to Johnson s.D.Spend a lot of money.答案:C听力原文W: I need a picture for my ID card. Can you recommend a photographer?M: Yes, Johnsons on Main street is excellent, fast and inexpensive.Q: What does the man recommend the woman do?答案精解 该题为建议题,根据男士的回答“Yes, Johnsons on Main street is excellent. fast and inexpensive.”可知男士建议女士去Johnson那儿去。4.A.There is no more left.B.It doesnt appeal to her.C.Its incredibly delicious.D.She has already tasted it.答案:B听力原文M: Would you like to try the banana pie. Its incredible.W: Well. To tell you the truth, I dont care much for dessert.Q: What does the woman say about the banana pie?答案精解 该题是询问态度题根据女士的回答“I dont care much for dessert.”可知女士并不喜欢甜点,显然banana pie并不能引起她的兴趣。5.A.Four.B.Five.C.Six.D.Seven.答案:B听力原文W: I heard that you joined the football team in our school?M: Yes. But until now, there are only six members including me.Q: How many people does the school football team also need?答案精解 该题为数字计算题,根据男士的回答“there are only six members including me.”可知足球队只有六名队员,简单计算一下,就可知尚差五名。Section B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.She has caught a cold.B.She has a headache.C.She feels tired and sleepy all the time.D.She is ill.答案:C听力原文 W: Im losing my sleep. I feel tired and sleepy all the time. Ive got to do something about it. M: Im so sorry for you. But what are you going to do? W: I want to move out of the dorm and rent a small flat. M: Thats a good idea. It will be much more convenient for you. W: But I need your help. M: How? To find one person for you? W: Yes. M: Ill sleep on it tonight and tell you my decision tomorrow. Ok? Whats wrong with the woman? 考点 细节理解解析 根据文中开头“Im losing my sleep. I feel tired and sleepy all the time.”可知,女士因失眠而感疲惫困顿,故选C。2.A.She wants to stop learning the text.B.She wants to go abroad.C.She wants to see a doctor.D.She wants to rent a small flat.答案:D听力原文Whats the woman going to do with the problem? 考点 细节理解解析 根据女士的回答“1 want to move out of the dorm and rent a small flat”可知,她想搬出宿舍去租个公寓住,故选D。3.A.Because she is afraid of living by herself and she is short of money.B.Because she is afraid of seeing a doctor.C.Because she needs to rent a fiat.D.Because she doesnt know the reason.答案:A听力原文Why does the woman need the mans help? 考点 简单推断解析 根据文中“To find one person for you?”这一关键句及女士的肯定回答可推知,女士想找个伴和她一起分担房租,故选A。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4.A.Wife and husband.B.Salesman and customer.C.Teacher and student.D.Employer and employee.答案:A听力原文M:When in Rome,do as the Romans do,they sayWWhat do the Romans do?M:They live in Rome,of course,and go to work by car or busBut sometimes it takes too long thatway because of the traffic jams,so they walkW:In other words,the Romans do what everyone else doesM:Yes,but they do it differentlyEverything is differentW:What do you mean?M:Well,the climate is different for a startIt doesnt rain so much as it does in EnglandThe sun shines more oftenW:I envy them for the sunM:I Know .You hate the rain, dont you?W:I certainly doM:And a Roman really loves lifeThey always eat spaghetti and drink wineW:Not always,but they like a good mealLots of tourists go to Rome just for foodM:Sure Whats the relationship between the two persons? 考点 判断人物关系 解析 整篇对话的氛围体现出两人的关系很亲密,浏览四个选项,只有A合适,故选A。 5.A.Sun.B.Rain.C.Spaghetti.D.Wine.答案:B听力原文What does the woman hate?考点 细节理解 解析 由男士所说的“I know,you hate the rain”可知,女士讨厌下雨,故选B。 6.A.Different.B.Shining sun.C.Good life.D.Food.答案:D听力原文What do lots of tourists go to Rome for?考点 细节理解 解析 由女士所说的“Lots ofjust for food”可知“许多游客都是为食物而来的。”可得出答案,故选D。 Section C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What does the speaker often complain about? The problem of _. 答案:city life听力原文 I of
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