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五年级上册数学补习 20xx学年下学期五年级英语期中试卷模版仅供参考,切勿通篇使用20xx学年下学期五年级英语期中试卷,更多20xx学年下学期五年级英语期中试卷相关信息请访问小学五年级网。一、语音判断,划线部分读音相同的打“S”,不同的打“D”。(6分)1. summer June ( ) 2. which why ( )3. season please ( ) 4. October old ( )5. Sunday play ( ) 6. foot food ( )二、按顺序默写字母表。(8分)三、单词判断,选出每组单词中不同类的那一个。(11分)( ) 1. A season B spring C autumn( ) 2. A Monday B May C Sunday( ) 3. A why B when C because( ) 4. A young B kind C read( ) 5. A sing B play C dinner( ) 6. A breakfast B dinner C salad( ) 7. A often B after C sometimes( ) 8. A village B river C lake( ) 9. A food B fresh C healthy( )10. A tea B milk C thirsty( )11. A sweet B delicious C shy四、选择题。(15分)( ) 1. I often do my homework _ 7:00 in the evening.A in B on C at( ) 2. _ season do you like best ?A What B Which C When( ) 3. _ is the ninth month of a year .A September B August C October( ) 4. _ do you like summer? Because I can swim .A Which B How C Why( ) 5. Is your birthday in June? _A Yes,it is . B Yes,it does . C No,it is .( ) 6. When _ your birthday?A are B is C does( ) 7. My birthday is _ May.A at B in C on( ) 8. _ is Childrens Day?A When B What C Which( ) 9. I like winter _ I can make a snowman .A and B because C why( ) 10. I usually go _ with my mother .A shop B shoping C shopping( ) 11. I can play with snow in _ .A spring B summer C winter( ) 12. We _ a new library.A are B have C do( ) 13. What do you have _ lunch today?A at B of C for( ) 14. Autumn is _ favourite season .A me B my C I( ) 15. I _ at six oclock every day.A get B get to C get up五、问答句配对,写序号。(10分)( ) 1. Which season do you like best ? A At 9:30.( ) 2. Who has a birthday in June ? B I often go shopping( ) 3. Do you like spring
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