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Unit 2Great People,冀教版,Lesson 12Guess My Hero!,一、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。 1There isnt _in the room. Everyone is outside. 2_ is my favourite subject. 3_ are you waiting for? 4Can you guess the answer to this crossword_? 5This movie OPERATION RED SEA is _on a true story.,anybody,Chemistry,Whom/Who,puzzle,based,二、单项选择。 ( )6.(2017甘肃天水)I dont want to be _ else. I just want to be _ Aanybody; myself Bsomebody; myself Ceverybody; me Danybody; me ( )7.My coat is in the same colour_Lucys. Awith Bas Cto Dlike,A,B,( )8.(2017广东)For more than once, our head teacher asks us _ the habit of keeping a diary. Adevelop Bdevelops Cdeveloping Dto develop ( )9.(2017山东临沂)My arm is still painful, _ Im going to see a doctor. Aso Bfor Cbut Dor ( )10.What did your PE. teacher say about your high jump at the sports meeting? He said that I _ better. Acould do Bhave done Cwill do Dcan do,D,A,B,三、连词成句。 11about, success, are, talking, they _? 12makes, often, he, puzzles, crossword _,Are they talking about success,He often makes crossword puzzles,13showed, to, we, our, cards, them _ 14hero, she, chose, a, good _ 15famous, someday, she, I, be, hope, will _,We showed our cards to them,She chose a good hero,I hopes she will be famous someday,四、阅读理解。(2017山东青岛) Ray Charles, a black singer and pianist of the USA.He had won 12 Grammy Awards(格莱美奖) and performed at 10,000 concerts around the world. Many musicians called him simply “the Genius”(天才) Ray Charles was born into a poor family, without a father. When he was 5 years old, his younger brother died, and around the same time, Charles started to lose his sight. By the age of 7 he was completely blind. He had already been learning the piano for a year, and when he went blind, his mother knew this would be the only way he would make any money in the future. All his life, Charles remembered her saying: “Do it right, or dont do it at all.”,Later he went to a school for blind and deaf children. There the teachers also encouraged him to study music. Sadly, while he was still at school, his mother died. He left school and in the early 1950s Charles organized a group of players. He sang, played the piano and wrote music. He made many classical CDs with famous artists such as Elton John and the Beatles.,In 2003 a film of his life Ray was made. The part of Charles was played by a younger actor and musician called Jamie Foxx. The film director brought Foxx to meet Charles. After they had been playing together for two hours, Charles, then aged 73, jumped up and said: “Hes the one. he can do it.” A year later Charles died aged 74.The film of his life has been as popular as his songs and means that the memory of Charles music will live on.,( )16.What can we learn from Rays childhood story? AHis father died when he was 5 years old. BHe started to go blind at the age of 7. CHe was born in a rich musician family. DHe started to learn the piano at the age of 6.,D,( )17.Ray Charles mother encouraged him to play music because _ Ahis father was a musician as well Bbecause it would help him get used to being blind Cit was a good way for a blind person to get money Dhis teacher thought he was a genius,C,( )18.Ray Charles went to a school for _ Anormal children Bdeaf and blind children Ctalented children only Dchildren without parents,B,( )19.Ray Charles thought that Jamie Foxx _ Awas the right person to play him in the film Bwas a good film maker Cwas the wrong person to play him in the film Dwas a good director,A,( )20.What is the main idea of the last paragraph? ABecoming a musician. BChildhood story. CThe film of Rays life. DMaster of many styles.,C,
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