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高二(上)复习第一讲 重点单词及句式一、重点词汇细解1. aid n.&vt. 帮助;援助;资助【教材原句】First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found. 急救就是在找到医生之前对突然生病或受伤的人给予临时性的帮助。【归纳拓展】first aid 急救give/do/offer sb. first aidwith the aid/help of 在的帮助下aid sb. with sth. 以某事/物帮助某人aid sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事即学即练(1)完成句子。The organization offers economic _ the Third World. 这个组织给第三世界提供经济援助。They _ the poor country _ money. 他们用钱帮助那个穷国。His workmates _ him _ the difficulty. 他的工友们帮助他克服了困难。(2)用介词填空。_ the aid of our teachers, we have made great progress in English.They aided the poor country _ money.2. injury n. 损伤;伤害【教材原句】Often the illness or injury is not serious, but there are other times when giving first aid quickly can save lives. 经常生病或受伤并不严重,但也有其他时候,迅速给予急救可以挽救生命。【归纳拓展】injure v. 伤害;损害injured adj. 受伤的即学即练(1)用injury的适当形式填空。The two other passengers escaped serious _.A number of bombs have exploded, seriously _ at least five people.My uncle was the only person _ in the car accident.【明辨异同】辨析injury/harminjury指平时的大、小创伤或伤害,也可用于无生命物。harm指精神和肉体上的极大损害,不但可用于生物也可用于抽象事物。(2)选择上述5个词填空。Too much drinking will do you great _/do great _ to you. 过量饮酒有害。All passengers riding in cars are required to fasten their seatbelts in order to reduce the risk of _ in case of an accident. 车上所有的乘客都被要求系上安全带,为了车祸发生时能降低受伤的风险。4. treat vt.&vi. 治疗;对待;款待 n. 款待;招待【教材原句】John used these to treat the most severe injuries to Ms Slades hands. 约翰用这些东西处理斯莱德女士手上最严重的伤口。【归纳拓展】treat sb. like/as 把某人当看待treat sth. seriously 认真对待某事treat sb. with respect/kindness 尊敬某人/善待某人treat sb. to 招待;给买Its my treat./My treat. 我请客。treatment n. 治疗;处理;对待即学即练(1)完成句子In fact, video game addiction is regarded as harmful, just like addiction to drugs, alcohol, orgambling, and _ with care. 事实上,对电玩游戏上瘾被认为跟对毒品、酒精或者赌博上瘾一样,都对人类有害,而且应该要小心地治疗。But whatever the situation, the best advice is to obey the Golden Rule: _ others as you would like to be _但无论什么情况下,最好的建议是遵循这条黄金规则:己所不欲,勿施于人。I am now in my twenties, but my parents still _ me _ a child. 我现在20多岁了,但父母仍然把我当成小孩子一样对待。(2)用介词填空Police say theyre treating it _ a case of attempted murder.She was always treating him _ ice cream.Weve got to treat people _ respect and dignity.【答案】astowith5. convey vt. 运送;传达;表达;转让(财产等)【教材原句】Others try to convey certain emotions. 而有些诗则是为了传达某种感情。【归纳拓展】convey sth. to sb. 向某人传达/传递某物convey ones appreciation to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人表示感谢convey ones feeling/meaning/sorrow/message 表达某人的感情/想法/悲伤/信息即学即练(1)His determined look _ that all the injured should be conveyed from the spot to the hospital at once.他坚定的表情表达了他的想法:所有的伤员应该立即从现场转移到医院。(2)As a teacher rich in experience, he knows exactly _ the students.作为一个经验丰富的老师,他知道如何准确地向学生表达他的想法。6. faith n. 信任;信心;信念【教材原句】Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. 艺术受风俗习惯和一个人的信仰的影响。【归纳拓展】have faith in 对有信心;信仰lose faith in 对失去信心be faithful to 忠实于某人即学即练(1)She has _ a great deal of _ him. 她对他极其信任。(2)Europeans _ their governments and institutions because of the economic crisis. 由于经济危机,欧洲人对他们的政府和公共机构失去了信心。(3)The employee _ the company, and refused to accept the better offer from another company. 这个雇员对公司很忠诚,拒绝接受另一家公司的更好的开价。7. aim n. 目标;目的 vi. & vt. 瞄准;对准;(向某方向)努力【教材原句】During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes. 在中世纪,画家的主要目的是表现宗教主题。【归纳拓展】miss ones aim 未击中目标with the aim of doing sth. 意在做某事aim at/for sth. 致力于,意欲,旨在aim to do sth. 旨在干;以为目标be aimed at 对象是;针对即学即练(1)She went to London _ finding a job. 她去伦敦是为了找工作。(2) _ is to become a good person and a successful software engineer in IT field. 我的人生目标是成为一个好人和一个成功的IT领域的软件工程师。(3)These measures are _ preventing violent crime. 这些措施旨在防止暴力犯罪。(4)Teamwork is required in order to _. 要达到这些目标需要齐心协力。8. adopt vt. 采用;采纳;收养【教材原句】People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. 人们开始较少关注宗教问题,采取一种更人性化的生活态度。【归纳拓展】adopt an approach/a suggestion 采用方法/采纳建议adoption n. 收养;采取adopted adj. 领养的即学即练完成句子。(1)The couple couldnt have children of their own so they _. 这对夫妇没有自己的孩子,所以他们收养了两个孩子。(2)Circumstances will force us finally to _. 形势将最终迫使我们采取这项方针。【明辨异同】辨析adopt/adapt这两个单词仅有一个字母之差,要注意它们含义的区别。adopt采用,采纳;收养;正式通过adapt改编;使适应即学即练选词填空(adapt/adopt)(1)Our company has _ the most advanced techniques to increase the production.(2)The _ girl quickly _ herself to fresh con
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