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1Unit 4 汉语几类句子的英译Translating several typical types of Chinese sentences(1) 紫鹃答应着,忙出来换了一个痰盆儿,将手里的这个盆儿放在桌子上,开了套间门出来,仍旧带上门,放下撒花软帘,出来叫醒雪雁。 (曹雪芹红楼梦 )译文 1:Zijuan was answering and hurried out to change a spittoon and put the spittoon in her hand on the table and opened the door of inner-room to go out, still closed it, let down the flowered portiere and go to wake Xueyan.译文 2:(2) 我原来计划今年二月访问美国,后来不得不推迟,这使我感到很扫兴。译文 1:I had intended to pay a visit to America in February but then I had to postpone it, this was a deep disappointment to me.译文 2:(3) 哼, 让大家说吧,周家大少爷看上他家里面的女下人,怕什么,我喜欢他。 (曹禺雷雨 )译文 1:Huh, let everybody say, eldest son of Zhous family is in love with one of female servants in his family, what I fear, I like her.译文 2:分析下列汉语几类句子的特征:(4)不一会,北风小了,路上浮尘早已刮净,剩下一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快。 (鲁迅一件小事 )(5)那时,周瑜是个“青年团员” ,当东吴的统帅,程普等老将不服,后来说服了,还是由他当,结果打了胜仗。 (毛泽东选集第五卷)(6)老关忙即跳了车去,摸摸腰间的勃郎宁,又向四下里瞥了一眼,就过去开了车门,站在门旁边。 (矛盾子夜 )(7)小国人民敢于起来斗争,敢于拿起武器,掌握自己国家的命运,就一定能够战胜大国的侵略。(8)嘴甜心苦,两面三刀,上头笑着,脚底下就使绊子,明是一盆火,暗是一把刀,她全都占了。 (曹雪芹红楼梦 )分析下列几类英语句子的特征:(1)It comes as a great shock to discover that the country which is your birthplace and to which you owe your life and identity has not, in its whole system of reality, evolved any place for you. (James Baldwin, “The American Dream and the American Negro”)(2)Now they could see the square, empty toothe amphitheatric lightless stores, the slender white pencil of the confederate monument against the mass of the courthouse looming in columned up-soar to the dim quadruple face of the clock lighted each by a single faint bulb with a quality as intransigent against their four fixed mechanical shouts of adjuration and warning as the glow of a firefly.(William Faulkner, “Intruder in the Dust”)(3)The accents of the Hebrew tongue, however harsh they might have sounded when uttered by another, had, coming from the beautiful Rebecca, the romantic and pleasing effect, which fancy ascribes to the charms pronounced by some beneficent fairy, unintelligible indeed to the ear, but from the sweetness of utterance and benignity of aspect which accompanied them, touching and affecting to the heart.(Scott)2(4)No one will deny that what we have been able to do in the past five years is especially striking in view of the crisis which we inherited from the previous government.这几个英语句子和前面几个汉语句子相比有以下四点不同:1)英语每个句子都以 S-V 为结构主干,以谓语动词为核心组成空间搭架;而汉语强调按时间顺序和事理顺序,句子结构不像英语那样以谓语动词为核心,只有句(6)一类有 S-V 结构框架,但谓语动词铺排很多,与英语明显不同。2)英语有发达的关系手段,不仅有形态变化,有连词和介词,还有关系代词、关系副词、不定式、分词和动名词,可以构成无数的短语,表达各种语法关系;而汉语是非形态语言,无形态变化,也无非谓语动词形式,更没有关系代词和关系副词,尽管有连词和介词,但数量比英语的少,使用频率远比英语的低。3)英语由于有形态变化,又强调主谓一致,因此句界分明;汉语无形态变化,由于强调按时间和事理顺序横向排列,所以断句不严,思维单位不是句子而是句组甚至段落。4)上述四个英语句子除句(1)外,其它三个句子的语义重心均在句首,正好顺应 S-V 格局。 “过去的作家们多喜欢使用掉尾句布置悬念以增强语言效果,而当今的作家们似乎更趋向于开门见山,以增强对主要概念的理解机会。 ”这说明英语句子的语义重心在句首是主要趋势。汉语句(4)至句(7) ,除句(6)语义重心在谓语动词之外,其余三句的语义重心均在句末。汉语的流水句是一个小句一个小句地铺排,常常是最重要的信息在后边。汉语的主题句前一部分提出话题,后一部分进行评论,充分表达作者的意图,达到交际的目的。评论语前边有时有描述或说明;评论语本身有的说明话题的性质,有的表达作者的观点或态度,若二者同时存在,总是说明性质的评论语在前,表明作者观点或态度的评论语在后。汉语中有关联词语和无关联词语的复句大都是语义重心落在后一个分句上,尤其是偏正复句基本上都是偏句在前,正句在后。大体说来与英语主从复合句的语义重心相反。汉语句子结构上的这些差异是如何形成的?有什么哲学和文化学上的根据?中西哲学和文化发展史告诉我们,汉民族历史上讲究“天人合一” ,重视整体抽象,注重心理时空,特别强调时间顺序原则,注意空间移动;而英民族强调“人物分立” ,重视形式论证,把整体分解,注重天然时空,尤其重视空间天然真实性。这是汉英两个民族思维方式上的不同,这种不同反映在文化上就出现了中国画采用散点透视,西洋画采用焦点透视,中国音乐注重旋律,西洋音乐注重和声,中国小说重视情节发展,西方小说重视人物刻画和心理描写。这种不同类型的文化反映在语言上就是汉语没有形态变化,断句不严,句子结构上没有焦点,强调按时间顺序和事理排列,内容上自足,可称为时间型的动态结构;而英语有形态变化,句界分明,句子以限定动词为核心控制各种关系,组成空间搭架,形态上自足,可称为空间型静态结构。上述的对比分析为进一步探讨汉语的流水句、主题句、连动句和意合句的英译提供了基础。汉语句子参考译文:(4)Presently the wind dropped a little. By now the loose dust had all been blown away, leaving the roadway clean, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace.(5)Zhou Yu, who was then a “Youth League member” in age, was appointed commanding general of the Wu army. Cheng Pu and other battle-seasoned generals protested but were later persuaded into accepting his command, and in the end the battle was won.(6)Old Guan quickly scrambled out of the car, placing his hand on the Browning at his side and glancing all round. Then he went round and opened the other door and stood holding it.(7)The people of a small country can certainly defeat aggression by a big country, if only they dare to rise in struggle, dare to take up arms and grasp in their own hands the destiny of their own country.(8)Shell give you sweet talk when theres hatred in her heart, shes no double-faced and tricky. All the time shes smiling she tries to trip you up, making a show of great warmth while she stabs you in the back. Thats the way she is.3课下作业:1 白杨不是平凡的树。它在西北极普遍,不被人重视,就跟北方农民相似;它有极强的生命力,磨折不了,压迫不倒,也跟北方的农民相似。 (矛盾:白杨礼赞 )2 这位州长,一直十分注意自己的形象,令我们吃惊的是,这位被誉为正直可靠的父母官竟然是个贪赃枉法之徒。
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