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菊花历来被视为孤标亮节、高雅傲霜的象征,代表着名士的斯文与友情。菊花因其在深秋不畏秋寒开放,深受中国古代文人的喜欢。 菊花是我国传统名花,有悠久的栽培历史。菊花有其独特的观赏价值,人们欣赏它那千姿百态的花朵,姹紫嫣红的色彩和清隽高雅的香气,尤其在百花纷纷枯萎的秋冬季节,菊花傲霜怒放,它不畏寒霜欺凌的气节,也正是中华民族不屈不挠精神的体现。今日菊花仍然为我国十大名花之一。 Especially in flowers have withered autumn winter season, chrysanthemum resists the frost in full bloom, it not bullying frost, it was also the moral integrity of the Chinese nation reflected an indomitable spirit.当我们面对选择时,抛硬币总是能奏效,并不是因为它总能给出对的答案,而是当你把它抛向空中那一刹那,你知道你希望它是什么。When we face when the choice, coin can always work, not because it can always are given to answer, but when you put it into the air that moment, you know that you hope air-fuel what it is.所以把菊花设计到了中华人民共和国一元硬币上面 1Daisy is always regarded as a solitary standard light festival, elegant resists the frost, the symbol of represents the elites of sven and friendship. And good luck, longevity of meaning. 菊花:历来被视为孤标亮节、高雅傲霜的象征,代表着名士的斯文与友情。还有吉祥、长寿的含义。硬币是厚度为约 1。3mm,直径为 2.5mm 的圆形体正面的意义就是面值,让你知道它是多少钱。正面是巨大的阿拉伯数字 1 便于辨认 上方是发行银行中国人民银行也就是中国的中央银行 下方是年号 从 1999 年起开始铸造第五套人民币一元硬币 每年都有 左边是汉语拼音 yiYuan 右边是汉字元 代表硬币面值我手里是中国最新发行的一元硬币,如果你是个外国人而且从来没有来过中国,那么你肯定也不知道中国的一元硬币是什么样子,那么就让我来个简单的描述吧。The Latest Issued One Yuan Coin in ChinaThere is a China latest issued one Yuan coin in my hand. If you are a foreigner and has never been to China, of cause, you must also dont know what it looks like. Dont be worried. let me give a simple description to you. When you have read this article, you will thoroughly understand all about it.People often say that something is as big as a one Yuan coin. Then how big a one Yuan coin is on earth? The coin is made of the steel basically and plating a layer of nickel on the surface, shining with metal ray of light. It is a circle. I measured, its diameter is 25mm, the thickness is about 1. 3 mm. The coin has two sides. On the one side, there is a big “1” about 10mm in the middle of the coin, and a smaller “元” on the bottom right of the big “1” and a smaller “YIYUAN” on the bottom left of it. This means the face value of the coin. Up of this side, we can see “中国人民银行 ” around the edge of the coin which means that the coin is issued by which bank. Down the big “1” is “2011” which means the coin is issued by which year. You can also see “2000” “2003”and you know what it means. The more earlier made, the more collection value. This side we usually called front.On the other side, we can see a chrysanthemum (daisy) bloomed. Along the edge of the top is “ZHONGGUORENMINGYINHANG”. Why it is chrysanthemum, rather than the other flowers? We all know that chrysanthemum is Chinas traditional famous flower. It has a long history and deeply relationship with our cultivation. It resists the frost in full bloom. In the fall, all the flowers are withering but chrysanthemum, just like the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation. So the chrysanthemum is treated as symbol of the spirit and designed in one Yuan coins. Along the flank of the coin, there are three “RMB” surrounding. They are the first letters of the three words “人民币”.The coins are very useful not only buying an ice-cream or a sugar-loaf, taking buses, but also making a clearly decision to you. When you are facing choice and it is difficult for you to choose, coin can always works, not because it can choose the best choice for you, but when you put it into the air, you will know that what choice you are hope for.This is the current one Yuan coin of china.
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