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考试吧(www.exam8.com)12008 年职称英语卫生类教材新增部分内容第二部分 阅读判断(两篇)Some sleep drugs do more than make you sleepThe United States Food and Drug Administration1 has ordered companies to place strong new warnings on thirteen drugs that treat sleep disorders. It also ordered the makers of the sleeping pills to provide information for patients explaining how to safely use the drugs.Last Wednesday, the FDA announced that some of these drugs can have unexpected and dangerous effects. These include the risk of life-threatening allergic reactions. They also include rare incidents of strange behavior. These include people cooking food, eating and even driving while asleep. The patients later had no memory of doing these activities while asleep. Last year, a member of the United States Congress2 said he had a sleep-driving incident. Patrick Kennedy, a representative from Rhode Island,3 crashed his car into a security barrier near the building where lawmakers meet. The accident happened in the middle of the night and no one was hurt. Mr. Kennedy said he had earlier taken a sleep medicine. He said he was also being treated with a stomach sickness drug that can cause sleepiness. The Food and Drug Administration did not say in its announcement how many cases of sleep-driving it has documented. However, the New York Times4 reported last year about people who said they had strange sleep events after taking the drug Ambien. Some reported sleep-driving and sleep-walking. Others said they found evidence after waking in the morning that they had cooked food or eaten in their sleep. But they had no memory of carrying out the activities. A Food and Drug Administration official says that these serious side effects of sleep disorder drugs appear to be rare. But, he also said there are probably more cases than are reported.5 He said the agency believes the risk of such behaviors could be reduced if people take the drugs as directed and do not drink alcohol while taking the drugs. The Food and Drug Administration has advised drug companies to carry out studies to investigate the problem.词汇:disorder n. 障碍;紊乱;疾病allergic adj. 变应性的,过敏性的incident n. 偶发事件,小事件representative n. 代表crash v. (使)碰撞lawmaker n. 立法者,制定法律者(尤指立法委员或议员)sickness n. 疾病;恶心,呕吐stomach n. 胃sleepiness n. 昏昏欲睡document vt. 根据事实材料制作注释:考试吧(www.exam8.com)21. United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA):美国食品及药品管理局2. United States Congress:美国国会3. Rhode Island:罗得岛(美国州名)4. New York Times:纽约时报5. But, he also said there are probably more cases than are reported. 不过,他也说道,可能实际病例要比报导的多。 请注意本句中 than 的用法。than 后面连接了一个句子,可是却没有主语,学术界对此有两种说法:一种认为 than 是关系代词,它本身在从句中作一个句子成分;另一种则认为 than 仍为连接词,后面省略了句子的适当成分。请看类似的句子:You spent more money than was intended to be spent. 你花去的钱比预计的多。(请比较:You spent the money that was intended.) As the child grows, the jawbones grow also; therefore, there is space for more teeth than are in the first set. 随着孩子的长大,颌骨也随着长大,因此就有空间供比第一套还要多的牙齿占用。练习:1. There are altogether 13 drugs treating sleep disorders in the United States.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned2. FDA considers it the producers duty to warn the users of sleeping pills about the serious side effects and to tell them how to use safely.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned3. An allergic reaction to sleeping pills may sometimes cause a user to die.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned4. A stomach sickness drug alone caused Patrick Kennedy to crash his car into a security barrier.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned5. FDA based its order upon a wide investigation of sleep-driving. A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned6. Sleep-walking is also one of the serious side effects induced by taking sleeping pills. A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned7. The appearance of one or another side effect after taking some sleeping pill is unavoidable.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned答案与题解:1. C 第一段第一句只说 FDA 命令制药公司在 13 种安眠药上贴上语气坚定的新警告语,但是没有提到这 13 种是不是包括了美国的所有的安眠药。2. A 第一段中 FDA 命令制药商贴新警告语并指导病人如何安全用药,自然就认为这是制药商不可推卸的责任。3. A 第二段第一、二句说到,其中有些药物具有意外的危险作用,包括威胁生命的过敏反应。既然威胁到生命,那有时就可能引起死亡。4. B 请注意第三段最后一句的 was also being treated,尤其是 also,说明他服用安眠药的同时也服用治呕吐的药,故不是单纯后一种药引起他的车祸。5. C 第四段第一句说,FDA 没有说它调查了多少昏昏迷迷开车的事例,因此它是否考试吧(www.exam8.com)3作过大量调查我们并不知道。6. A 第四段尤其是其中的第三句说到,服用安眠药以后有人昏昏迷迷开车,有人梦游,因此梦游属于的副作用之一。,7. B 最后一段说到,只要服安眠药时按说明书服用而且不喝酒,危险行为就会减少,因此副作用并不是不可避免。Red meat links to higher risk of breast cancer1Exercise and keeping a healthy weight are two things that doctors say might help women lower their risk of breast cancer. Mothers may reduce their risk if they breastfeed for at least four months. For older women, hormone replacement therapy2 can lower the risk of some other diseases. But it has been found to increase the risk of breast cancer. So women should consider their choices carefully. The same may be said for diet. New findings show tha
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